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Gosh, if the forums get any more slow I'm gonna flip -.-



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Well, otherwise she's too fast for me

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Not that there's anything wrong with it...

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Internet's fast. But typing on a tablet doesn't help me keep up here. XD

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Exactly... but I'm too lazy to open my laptop. Had to get up soon and prepare for work. XD

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Been some hnew posts here and there. The party kinda fizzled out alas!

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Hi there! Welcome back. :)

Ummm... same as always I guess.

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Thanks, Inuki.

Well, what should we do now. Hmm, ice skating?

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Let's do it then. *Puts on ice skates* Wait. We first need to find a frozen lake. *starts walking awkwardly* Maybe I should just fly...

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*giggles* yeah, you really should Dad. Before you fall!

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*starts flying*

*loudly so they can hear*

I think I found one, over there. *points*

Follow me. *flies towards lake*

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*lands on the outskirts of the lake*

*waits for Skye*

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*arrives panting at the side of the lake* Wow, it's a big one. *puts on skates*

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Wait, I'll check if the thickness is strong enough. If the ice break I'll start flying, so everything is good.

*skates towards the center of the lake*

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*gets a little impatient. Starts skating near the edge. Slips and falls over*

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It's good.

*notices Skye's fall*

*flies towards him*

*helps him stand*

Maybe, you should start a bit slowly.

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*jumps into the water and saves Skye* *swimming to the edge, until...* Gah! You're heavy! *pants and drops*

EDIT: Darn internet lag thing, and tablet typing! I BLAME THEE.

Edited by Inuki

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