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I hope so

Yeah. When I found out, I was like what?


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Keeping my fingers crossed on this one.

Whoa. That's something. xD

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I will too

It's brilliant! Now I can use it when I want

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And that's the awesome part! XD

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Hi there, Eliza! Where have you been? :3

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I'm drinking some now

(I really am)

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I finished my bottle yesterday!

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We had a bottle. But someone didn't close the lid properly and it spilled all over the fridge. Ended up having to pick up two more cartons yesterday as a result

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But you did indicated ;)

I didn't had apple juice since ages... Am a h2o person



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Blaze once did that. I commented on it. How did he know about your laptop

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Lol, sad I missed it!

I guess he was 'inspired' to check the English side of the the forums and noticed my status (:

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It was along the lines of lol you don't understand what im saying. Bread and something

Maybe. You seen my message?

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That's what she said. Something like that

Listen to the dragonlord

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