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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Miles hugged Dylan tightly. "Don't worry about it Dylan. Please don't worry. I'll try and get you back to normal as soon as possible."

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"But how could I forget how long I've been like this? I need a reminder. Please tell us the truth, Uncle Miles" Dylan asked looking really sad

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"Okay Dylan. I promise this is the truth. It's been less than a day," said Miles, still holding tight.

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"You're still lying!" Dylan said beginning to cry

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"No Dylan. I'm not. I would NEVER lie about this," said Miles. He was starting to tear up as well.

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"But you are!" Dylan insisted, still crying and hugging Miles tightly

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"I'm... really not," said Miles.

"YES YWOU AWRE!" shouted Skye.

"You have to believe me!" begged Miles.

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"We both have memories of going to school! That didn't happen today so we've been this way longer than a day" Dylan said trying to get Miles to tell them the real answer

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"Those memories aren't real," said Miles. "Its an effect of the pool. It's putting fake memories in your head," said Miles.

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Dylan looked at Miles a minute before completely breaking down into tears

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Skye was also crying on top of the pipes.

Miles held Dylan tightly. He motioned to Skye to come down as well, but Skye shook his head.

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<p>(Spark was watching Skye and Dylan freaking out, and yelling at Skye. Spark walked over towards Skye to hug him tears were striking down his face.)

Edited by Spark Falls

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Dylan hugged Miles back tightly, feeling conflicted. On one hand Miles seemed to be telling the truth but on the other hand, his memories felt real to him

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Skye grasped tightly onto Spark.

"It cwan't be true... It cwan't!" he sobbed.

"Dylan?" asked Miles as he continued holding on.

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I know what's happening your new alternate minds are warping your past so it will match up, does that make sense?

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Miles looked at Spark. "He has it correct. The magic is trying to make your body and memories match. But I don't know why."

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"It's not fair!" Dylan said still sobbing. More memories were being introduced to him but in a way which he couldn't recognise they were new

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"I'm sorry Dylan, I'm so so sorry," said Miles.

SKye was still holding onto Spark, but slowly he stopped crying.

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See that's better, you crying brought me too crying. (he said smiling and now tearless.)

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"It's not your fault" Dylan said through his tears

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"I know. And I'm going to try harder to fix it," promised Miles.

"I... I... I'm nwot swure why I was cwrying," said Skye.

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Well then, no more tears please.(he said smiling)

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Dylan looked up at Miles giving a smile and then continuing to hug him

"Thank you" he said

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"That woman wouldn't understand class if it hit her in the face," said Rouge.


Zamy went to the counter and paid for her clothes.

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