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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yeah. And bwetter for Mwiles to fwind us that Dwad to drwag us to schwool!" said Skye.


Melody scowled slightly. "I'd be more worried about a poisoned pizza," she muttered.

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"Yeah! Wait... I don' go to school so I don' need to worry" Dylan said

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"Bwut.... ywou... I... we..." Skye shook his head slightly with confusion.


Miles finished counting and looked around. "They could be anywhere in Haven," he muttered. "Let's narrow it down a bit." He started casting a spell.

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"If he grabbed Hope she could just teleport back with that device, which he probably knows. Or else he's in for an annoying surprise."

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"Sowwy, my hwead's bweing fwunny agwain," said Skye. "I thwought you'd dwone a dwino prwoject in schwool!"


"Yeah, guess you're right," sighed Melody. "Is it often like this? Just waiting?"

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"Most of the time yes. Though normally it is Eggman we're waiting on, though someitmes we get a good plan to try and weaken his position. It's a slow and methodicla process, it's not as simple as taking him out, his subordinates would still be a problem."

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"Yeah, I've heard he has control of a sizable part of the world," said Melody. "Take him down and you just get a destructive power struggle. Or he blows up all his followers, one of the two."

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"Not very nice for those who didn't follow him willingly," said Melody.

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"They've been given ample opportunity to surrender or change sides, unfortuantely this is a war, and somebody has to lose."

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"Uh, I think the 'If you dare to swap sides or surrender i'll blow up the bombs in your cybernetics' might put some of them off Shadow," pointed out Melody.

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Dylan giggled

"I'd need to go to school to do a dino project. But I'm not a kid so I don't" he said sounding surprisingly calm

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"Perhaps. But I don't like the thought of our guys getting hurt for their sake."

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"Yeah. Thwat's rwight," said Skye stretching his head and looking a little confused.


"This whole thing is a mess!" said melody

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"Do you go to school?" Dylan asked. He thought Skye did but wasn't sure if that was the pool messing with his head

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"Welcome to Mobius. A planet with such a messed up history they ended up renaming it."

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Skye nodded. "Yeah, cwourse I dwo swilly!" he said with a grin as he started climbing the wall.


"Hope was telling me. Seriously, HOW did it get this way! It almost sounds impossible," said Melody shaking her head.

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Dylan grinned and climbed after him

"I'm not silly! I thought you went but I wasn't sure" he said

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Shadow just shrugged. "I don't quite understand how either, but it's irrelevant now."

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"Are twoo swilly" said Skye sticking his tounge out at Dylan. "I gwo thwere almwost evwery dway! Cwept hwols lwike now!"


"I guess you've got a point," said Melody

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"And at least we don't have to live under the jackboot of a despot like Moebius, so I'm not planning on moving anytime soon."

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"Uh... y-yeah, it is better than there," said Melody a little uncomfortably, given she was one of those 'despots' and had enjoyed the lifestyle.

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"Indeed. Though my Moebian self will occupy that cushy position in a few years I imagine."

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"Yeah, I guess he will. He didn't seem all that thrilled by it when we bumped into him," said Melody.

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