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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Sowwy," said Skye, slowing his pace. "I thwought you cwould mawybe kweep up if I pwulled."


"Just don't let everyone else here know. Or you'll be planing delivery girl from now till retirement!" joked Melody.

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"Nuh uh! You're REALLY REALLY fast! Too fast for me!" Dylan said smiling

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Hope laughed. "Don't worry, I won't let anyone in on it. Though maybe I should see if Shadow and Rouge want any."

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"Mwaybe we cwan gwet you swome rwoller skwates thwen I CWAN pwull you!" suggested Skye.


"Don't forget the Commander. You might need to keep him sweet if he gets annoyed with me being here!"

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Dylan giggled

"That would be SO COOL!" He said

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"Yweah. When Mwiles fwinds us, we'll awsk hwim for swome rwollerskwates!" said Skye excitedly.


Melody sat back in her chair, rubbing her back slightly. It felt a little stiff as she'd been sitting all day.

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Dylan grinned

"You wanna make iteasy for Uncle Miles so we can get the rollerskates quicker?" He asked

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Skye grinned back. "Nwot too ewasy! Wouldn't be fwun owtherwise."

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Dylan giggled

"Yeah! True. It needs to be fun. Are we gonna hide in the tunnels then?" He asked

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Skye nodded. "Yep, jwust nwot as dweep as I plwaned!"

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Hope came back with Rouge and Shadow following her.

"We still don't have any leads, so it's a case of waiting him out," said Shadow to Hope, who nodded before teleporting awya.

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"Will Uncle Miles know about it? He hasn't lived at Haven as long as we have so he might not know" Dylan said worried about hiding there all day

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"He's Mwiles. He'll fwiger it owut," said Skye confidently.


"So we... just sit?" asked Melody

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Dylan grinned and nodded

"Good point. Let's go!" He said happily

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"Pretty much, this guy said he had a plan, so we need him to start doing something if we ever hope to find him."

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"Thwere's a plwace where I hwide before!" said Skye, pointing up at a network of pipes on the roof.


"I wonder what he IS planning," pondered Melody.

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"You hid in there? When?" Dylan asked giggling at the idea

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"It was a while ago... I was... I dwunno," said Skye. "I... dwidn't wanna gwo swomewhere... schwool maybe?"

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"I think it probibly involves you Shadow," said Melody.

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"Did you go in the end?" Dylan asked forgetting Skye didnt go to school

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"Yweah, Dwad fwound me," said Skye. "Swo Mwiles shwould dwo too!"

(ooc: Uh oh)

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Shadow rolled his eyes. "Your powers of deduction are astounding. That still gives us nothing, he could be making a world destroying bomb or plan to give me poisoned wine for all I know."

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Dylan smiled

"That makes sense" he said

(ooc: Indeed)

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