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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I'm... Forgetting?" Dylan asked sounding afraid

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"Yes you are," said Miles. He cast a spell, creating a small illusion of Dylan's normal appearance. "That's who you used to be Dylan," said Miles. Skye crept slowly forward, looking at the illusion a little confused.

"I 'membwer hwim, bwut he's nwot Dwylan," said Skye.

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Dylan too looked at the illusion

"He... Looks familiar. B-b-but I don't know how" he said. An' he doesn't look like me. I can remember me being a chameleon all my life"

He then turned to Skye

"Who does he look like to you?"" He asked

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"I dwunno hwis nwame, bwut he's one of Dad's fwriends," said Skye. "I thwink he's a werehwog hwunter or swomethwing!"

Miles look hard at Skye.

"Skye, do you remember being a lynx all your life?"

"Why woulwdn't I?" asked Skye.

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Dylan shuddered and turned white at the mention of werehog

"Scary monsters..." He said shaking in fearand hugging Miles' tail tighter

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"There's no were-hog's here Dylan," said Miles, placing a hand on Dylan's shoulder. "You remember the were-hogs, but you don't remember this being you?"

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Dylan nodded

"That porcupine had something to do with them but I don' remember him being me" Dylan said still shaking at the thought of werehogs

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"That's what I mean about the pool affecting your memories. Because that was you Dylan," said Miles.

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Dylan would've turned white if he wasn't already white

"That's... Me?" He asked, his voice shaky

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Miles nodded slowly. "Yes," he said. He was hopeful that Dyan might remember, but hoped it wouldn't hurt him.

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Dylan stared at the illusion for a few minutes. He then began crying again

"I'm trying to think of him as me but I can't. It feels like I've always been a chameleon. In all my memories, I'm a chameleon and never a porcupine" he said really upset

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Miles dismissed the illusion and hugged Dylan. He had no idea what to say.

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Dylan hugged back but continued crying

"It's like someone won't let me think I was ever a porcupine" he said between his sobs

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"I.. I think that's what the magic is doing Dylan," said Miles. "It's blocking off and changing your memories."

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"Why?" Dylan asked. "I wan' it to stop! I don' wanna be a different person"

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"I don't know why Dylan. Maybe it's trying to change your memories so you're NOT unhappy with being a kid."

"I... I swaid I wanted to be a kwid while the mwagic lwasted..." said Skye suddenly remembering.

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"But I don' wanna be a kid! I wanna be me! An adult chameleon.... I mean porcupine again" Dylan said. But as he said he wanted to be a porcupine, he felt what he was saying was wrong. Because he thought of himself as a chameleon now, changing into a porcupine felt like a transformation that he hated. "Please help me, Uncle Miles"

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"I wish I could Dylan, I really wish I could. I know I can change you back, but it will take time. I'm not sure what I can do in the meantime."

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Dylan looked at Skye

"You fell in too! Did you look different before that?" He asked Skye. He remembered Skye as always being a lynx child

(ooc: Goodnight)

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"I-I-I... I d-dwon't thwink so..." said Skye. He looked at Miles. "An'... an' ywet...."

Miles created another small illusion. "This used to be you Skye."

"Me? Rweally? I hwad... two twails?" said Skye disbelievingly.

(ooc: Aww, not staying up till past two? Fair enough,. nigt Dylan.)

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"You could've!" Dylan said. "Auntie Harmony has two tails an' Uncle Miles used to!"

(ooc: I couldn't, no. Sorry)

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Hope took a slice and began eating it as Shadow and Rouge started on their's.


"Neither do I, I'm just keeping a look out for his name on a poster."

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"Bwut thwey're fwoxes. I'm nwot!" said Skye, staring at the image of his old self.


"Mmmmm, this is good," said Melody. "What did Hope get you two?" she asked Shadow and Rouge.


"There he is," called Anna pointing at the poster for another spy film. Then looked embarrassed at her outburst.

Harmony looked at the poster. "He seems familiar, " she commented with a sidelong glance at Anna, who blushed.

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"But Uncle Miles said I was a porcupine! You might've been a fox before you fell in the pool" Dylan pointed out

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"The same. Good thing I've been running around all day," said Rouge.


"I think I see something of a resemblence," laughed Zamy.

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