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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dylan found Rexy and hugged him

"I'm so sorry for leaving you out here" he said. "Can you forgive me?"

"Rargh!" Rexy answered

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"I take it that's a yes," said Miles smiling.

Skye caught up with the pair. "Thwere he is!"

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"Yeah. He said yes" Dylan said not looking up and continuing to hug Rexy

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Miles smiled. "You do seem very attached to him."

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Mile knelt down.

"May I pet him?" he asked.

"Hey Mwiles, cwould you mwake Rexy stway around fworeva?" asked Skye.

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Dylan released Rexy and turned to Miles

"Of course you can! He likes you" he said, then he heard Skye and his eyes widened

"Yeah! Can you? Pretty please?" He begged

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Miles pondered while he get Rexy a pet, SKye joining as well.

"Hmm, I might be able to Dylan. But that would be when you next summoned him. I can't make him stay right now," said Miles.

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"But... Why not now? He might be different the next time we summon him an' I wan' him to be the SAME!" Dylan said sounding a little disappointed. He was also making sure Rexy enjoyed being petted

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"I'm sorry Dylan. But, first, I'm not sure exactly how just yet. Second, extending a short term spell, like this one, can be dangerous. It is safer to cast a permanent spell," said Miles

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Dylan continued looking disappointed

"If he has to be summoned a second time, will he still be the same as he is now?" He asked

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"I know, I know. Here you go, enjoy." Hope handed the top box to Shadow and Rouge and put the second on the table. "I ordered a large so we could split it," she said to Melody.


"Let's hope there's a good one on."

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"If you remember him well enough, then yes he will be," said Miles.


"Great," said Melody wheeling herself over. "What toppings did you get?"


"I'm sure there will be," said Harmony happily.

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Dylan grinned and hugged Miles

"Thanks, Uncle Miles" he said happily

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"Not a problem Dylan, not a problem," said Miles.

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"I can' wait for tomorrow now so that Rexy can be with me forever" Dylan said excitedly

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"Could you wait till the morning after Dylan? I think the spell would be more effective cast in the morning, said Miles.

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"I wan' it done as soon as possible!" Dylan whined

(ooc: In truth, I thought Rexy would be gone tomorrow morning)

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"Just margharita. I didn't want to risk throwing a bunch of stuff you may not like on it."


"So what genre are you in the mood for?"

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(ooc: I think he'd actually disappear tomorrow evening. Plus, we can't have him around due to....)

"I could try sooner. It would be harder though," said Miles.


"Ah, that's alright. Better safe than sorry," said Melody.


"I don't mind. I don't watch many films so I don't really have a preference," said Harmony.

"There's an actor I like. Can we see a film with him in it?" asked Anna, then she mumbled the name of the actor who looked a bit like Crowley.

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(ooc: Ah! Yes, of course. Okay)

Dylan sighed

"If you wanna wait until the morning after, then I guess I can wait" he said reluctantly

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"I'll make it up to you Dylan. promise," said Miles.

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"I don't know yet, but I'll think of something," said Miles.

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"Please do" Dylan said before going over and picking Rexy up

"Can we go back to Haven now?" He asked

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