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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: oh, I missed the obvious answer. Everyone else wakes up, Skye doesn't. Okay, in the meantime, does someone else want to start off the haunted castle routine? You know the one, other faces in mirrors, doors opening and locking by themselves, staircase moving, everyone somehow gets split up, assassins hiding in cupboards and suits of armour, that sorta thing.)

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(ooc: meh, to evident... Maybe just the assassin himself would be interesting in itself... As it seems able to transform itself intos shadows...good for some jump scare)

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"I suppose we should have a look around. There might be some hint of where we are. Or somewhere safe we can barricade and keep everyone else out." Skye began walking towards one of the further off doors.

(ooc: good point, though I'd go for more than one shadow assassin, rather than the singular, just to make it more flexible...)

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"I'll have a look at what's down this staircase. If there's a library or someone's study here I'm guessing it would be lower down where there's more space" said Shadow as he pulled a burning torch from the wall. "I almost forgot, here you go Skye". Shadow tossed Skye's pen knife to him. "You might need it. And be sure to take a torch with you"

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Skye caught the knife and looked at it with some confusion.

"I don't think I should have this yet," he muttered to himself, then slid it into a small pouch on the straps of his backpack, "Thanks Shadow," he said out loud, taking a torch of his own near the door and starting to mount a flight of stairs.

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"yes, good idea, let not loose any time, these assassin might be hot on our trails" locke started to move " anyways.... where should we go first ?"

(ooc: sure)

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"Go with Skye. Like I said I'm going to check down here for any record of where we are." With that Shadow descended further down the tight spiral staircase, as the number of torches on the walls began to dwindle until the only source of light was in his hand. Upon reaching the bottom floor a large room presented itself, with countless books on shelves, a large desk with a candle and a single book on it, and a door at the far end of the room.

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*Is in his own zone looking at a screen*

Hold on. Rewind. What are those flashes of light coming from Skye? Something weird is going on there. I better check it out.

*Teleports away*

(ooc: Cool story you have going on there)

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"I don't know where we should go. But if Shadow is looking around the ground floor I'm going to have a look higher up" Skye said as he walked up the stairs to the second floor, into a corridor with hanging tapestry, and only a few weak candles for light.

(ooc: Hmm, I've had an idea, as I haven't covered the fate of one of the Moebius Prower family: Melody. And on that note I also think I have an idea what to do with monster Rouge.)

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Shadow calmly walked over to the desk and opened the book. "Strange, there's no title page." As he flicked throughthe book and saw there were no words he grew frustrated, "why am I wasting my time?" As he said this he heard a crack of lightning outside, and before his eyes the pages flooded with text and images. Though it was illegible to him, the illustrations were not. Images of grotesque creatures that were somehow vaguely familiar. He saw the winged beast and shuddered. "If that's in this book, I guess these are its friends."

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Skye continued down the corridor, the shadows surround him retreating from the light. Approaching a door in the corridor he opened it, only for a blast of wind to scream out and kill the flame of his torch. Almost immediately something grabbed Skye in the darkness. As he screamed another shadowy figure approached Locke.

(ooc: 'nother mad idea that just poped into my head with Shadow's post, the library is a representation of Skye's memories, hence why some of the books are blank, and then get filled as the memories return??? Or is that going too far?)

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(ooc: sure, that could be an interesting twist)

As the creature was about strike , locke quickly got out of the way and grabed skye before the other monster took him.

"Run skye!!! i'm taking care of this!!" As skye ran to cover, locke decided that it was time to fight back.

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Shadow slammed the book shut as he heard the screams, but froze as he prepared to run back when be heard a heavy wheezing come from the door at the end of the room. As he cautiously approached it, the door swung open unleashing a wind that put out every candle in the room, leaving Shadow with only his dying torch to keep the darkness at bay. In the doorway he saw 2 red dots which locked onto his gaze. As he slowly backed away, the eyes moved closer, just outside of the light. (OOC that's a pretty sound idea Skye).

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Hearing Locke’s cry Skye did just that; sprinting as fast as he could towards and up the next staircase. The darkness closed in around him and more shadowy figures tried to grab him, but Skye kept on running. Ahead, he could see an ajar door with a crack of visible light. He lept through the door, slamming it shut behind him as a shadowy arm brushed against his tails. After locking the door He slid down against it as he took in the room he’d just found himself in.

And he recognised it, his old bedroom, before he’d been forced to flee with his father.

(ooc: Well, this is my last post for now. Dunno when I’ll be back it’ll prob be too late to do anything else today, hence why I’ve separated Skye off from everyone. Up to you if you want to wake up or remain in the dream, and what you do if you do stay in the land of nod. The only thing I’ll say is, please no one kill monster-rouge. Fight, attack, knock out no probs, just don’t kill. I’ve an idea. ;) Thanks everyone.)

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The first thing locke did once skye was out of harm was to kick the first of the two monster right in the teeth. "knuckles is not the only one in the family that actually pack a punch, remember that!!" The fight between him and the two monsters were quite exhausting though. Locke decided that playiing time was over. And so, he fainted letting one of the two devils hitting him, and avoided at the last moment, successfully making these two things hitting each other, taking them out.

"good, now, to find skye". Locke moved on.

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Shadow held his ground. He knew the creature wouldn't come into the light. He had the advantage, and it was time to press it. Shadow drew his bootknife and got a firm grip before running at the creature. Just as he was about to make contact, the creature vanished, and Shadow was sent tumbling down a set of stairs, into the crypt.

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In the inside, the caslte was quite beautiful, even if the outside didn't gave it away. It was obvious that a rich family used to live here, as the many paint and ornament could show. But, as he walked , something catch his eyes. At first, he could not believe it, but then it became evident: It was a painting representing the Prower's family, with the father, the mother, and their two children. Melody, and Skye prower. Just as locke was reading what was written on the legend, he heard a noise, coming from one of the room. without hesitation, he moved on to said place.

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After getting to his feet, Shadow instinctively grabbed his torch and spun around, ensuring the creature wasn't there with him. What he didn't realise, however, was that the door had been closed behind him. As he walked further into the crypt, the light of his torch flickered over the skeletons of the castle's former residents, housed in shallow inlets in the walls "At least I don't have to worry about them attacking me" he joked, before realising that given this was a nightmare, skeletons reanimating wouldn't be out of place. With this worrying thought, he continued further into this crypt, aware that attack could come from anywere.

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As locke moved in the castle, he noticed that someone was following him. He quickly looked behind him, but no one was on sight. Aware that these people were more than able to hide themselve, and knowing that skye was still in danger, he decided to walk a bit faster... he had no time to loose with lesser demon, or whatever these creature were...

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*Appears at Haven*

Everyone's still asleep. And there's no evidence of something weird happening. They look quite peaceful actually. I think I'll just watch over them from here to make sure nothing else happens.

*Sits down*

I never realised how tired I was actually, perhaps I'll just rest for a while.

*Falls asleep*

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outside of the castle, clouds were becoming more and more menacing, as if they felt the presence of these "unwanted guest". but locke didn't care. The painted proved him that the castle was a prowers' possession, and as such, they were on mobius... It was a nightmare; probably a nightmare made of the few memories that skye still had of his past... that meant that as long as he stayed hidden, he would be safe...He wasn't a target: it was his home. He had to find shadow, as he wouldn't be so lucky...

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Shadow's heart raced as he ran through the crypt, with shadows dancing around him. He knew the only way to get out of that crypt was to make it to the other side and hope there was a door there. A shadowy creature attempted to block his path, but was instead greeted by a kickto the jaw. As he continued running, he wondered whether red eyes would go down as easily. He prayed he'd never have to find out. (OOC Sorry I took so long. I had dinner).

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Dylan opened his eyes to find complete darkness. "Where am I?" he asked to himself. "I thought I had just gone to haven, how did I get here?" He tried to use his teleporter with no success. "How is my teleporter not working? It has to be working! I don't under..." He turned around. "Hello?" he shouted out. "Is anyone out there?" He started walking. "No point in staying here," he thought. "I'm not going to get answers. Plus this darkness seems to be moving and it's getting me worried.

(ooc: Finally in the adventure!)

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Quick. locke had to move quickly, if he wwanted to find shadow before... others did. Last time he saw him, he was going down, probably to the crypt. Locke had no time to loose if he wanted to save his friend.

After 10 minutes , he was finnally down to the crypt . He shouted "SHADOW! Can you hear Me? I'm OPENING THE DOOR!! STAY CLEAR!!" as he simply broke the door.

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