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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"What else would it be!" said Skye rolling his eyes.


"Oh... yeah... Okay, you're right Hope," said Melody.


"Dylan? Is that you? Are you?" Miles asked stepping forward. He looked in the pool, hoping to spot a separated Dominic,


"You really think so?" asked anna a bit breathlessly, then she composed herself. "I really hope so," she said in a more measured vioice

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Mark gulped

"Nothing... d-don't worry about it" he said quietly


Dylan climbed out of the pool and began coughing

There was no sign of a separated Dominic

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"What is it? You've got something on you're mind," said Skye.


Miles looked around frantically, and seemed to be on the verge of diving into the pool to look.

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"Of course I'm right, I'm the genius," teased Hope.


Zamy went over to help Dylan.

"Are you OK?" she asked, lightly hitting his back to get any water out.


"I do. Just be understanding if he mentions that. Though if he's anything like him he'll save all his complaints for one go."

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"Please don't ask" Mark said looking nervous


"I didn't see him" Dylan said as his coughs died down. "He's gone"

He then looked to Zamy

"Fine" he said. "Thanks"

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"Why not?" asked Skye, looking confused.


"Yes you are Hope. The genius who got us lost!" teased Melody.


"No, he can't be gone," whispered Miles as he sunk to his knees. "I... I've killed him."


"I'm sure I will be, abnd thanks for the warning Shadow," said Anna.

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"I know exactly where we are."


Zamy went over to Miles

"Don't say that, maybe he turned invisible?"


"Don't mention it. I'd hate to see myself unhappy."

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"Please don't worry about it" Mark said turning away now


"You didn't kill him" Dylan said. "He wasn't meant to exist in the first place"

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"too late," said Skye. "What is it?"


"Maybe," said Miles to Zamy hopefully, then he spun round to glare at Dylan. "BUT HE DID EXIST! AND THAT'S WHAT COUNTS!"


"A little bit narcissistic there Shadow," joked anna.

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"Nothing!" Mark insisted


Dylan looked in surprise at Miles and was about to answer when a voice was heard

"Uncle Miles?" the voice said as the blue chameleon known as Dominic appeared by the side of the pool

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"Stunned into silence are we, dear sister?" laughed Hope.


"He really is alive," thought a surprised Zamy.

"Miles, calm down! He's right there."


"Just a little."

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(That's odd, I remember writing the reply for Melody!)

"C'mon, what is it?" asked Skye, bordering on amused.


"I was just thinking how you knew exactly where we were, only AFTER we arrived Sis!" grinned Melody.


"Dominic?" Miles' breath caught in his throat, then he ran forward and hugged the chameleon, crying. "Dominic. You made it. You're alive."

Harmony walked in, no longing wearing her regal dress, but still looking flash, and wearing her tiara.

"What's going on here. Did someone else fall in?" she asked Zamy. "Dylan... is that you?"


Anna giggled. "Shall we see if the cure worked she asked.


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"Er, a minor hiccup at best."


Zamy turned to Harmony.

"No, Miles made a cure, Dylan is his normal self again, and the personality that poasessed him gained a body."


"We may as well," said Shadow as he headed off.

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Mark said nothing


"Of course I'm alive. I said I'd be fine" Dominic said hugging back

Dylan looked up

"Yes. It's me. I'm normal again" he said

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"Mark, tell me what's on your mind," said Skye, a little forceful.


"At best.... and at worst?" asked Melody.


"I know. But I was worried for a moment," said Miles. "Uh... what do you remember?" he asked.

"Well, welcome back Dylan, and... yeah I can see... is that gonna happen with the other's too?" Harmony asked.


Anna followed

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Mark gulped

"You two like each other" he said barely audible


"About what?" Dominic asked

"Thanks but it looks like someone else ended up staying despite me returning" Dylan said eyeing Miles and Dominic

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"Yeah, yeah, you've made your point Melody."


"I hope so, I need Ziona back," said Zamy as Shadow arrived.

"I see it was a success. Shall I retrieve the others for seperation?"

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"Like each other?" repeated Skye, looking incredulous.


"Sorry Sister," said Melody giving Hope a slight hug.


"Everything. Who you are and where you're from," said Miles

"Yeah... an extra kid around.... so should I congratulate you on being a father?" joked Harmony. She turned to Zamy and Shadow. "Yes, the sooner the better. Better get them."

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"Yes" Mark said again barely audible


"Uh huh. I still have those memories" Dominic said

"I'm not his father" Dylan said

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"It's ok. I won't hold a grudge," laughed Hope.


"I'll get them," said Shadow, glancing at the tracker before setting off.

Zamy went over to Dominic to put in a tracker.

"I think the old one's still in Dylan."

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Skye shook his head. "Uh uh, no way! No way in heck does Sarah like me!"


"Phew! Thank's Hope!" smiled Melody


"Oh.... I see," said Miles.

"Sorry, maybe that wasn't a funny joke," said Harmony.

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"What about you?" Mark asked


"Yeah. I still have all 3 memories" Dominic said

"It wasn't" Dylan said grumpily

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"I mean have you see the way she acts, she definitely has no interest in... what did you say Mark?" asked Skye.


"Sorry Dominic," apologized Miles. "But you better let Zamy put the tracker in."

"Hey, no need for that. Be happy you're normal again," said Harmony

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"You're talking about her. But what about you?" Mark asked


"I know. It's okay" Dominic said holding his arm out for Zamy to put it in

"I am I guess. Just not happy he's here to remind me of everything" Dylan said

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"M-me?" repeated Skye.


"I just wish I'd pulled it off for you," said Miles.

"That's not his fault," said Harmony.

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