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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Okay, anything in particular? Tea?" asked Skye.


Miles handed over the beaker and token. Then he paused. "Are.... are you really sure you want to do this... I don't want to see you hurt Dominic."


'These films will really help you with that!'

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"Tea would be great" Mark said lying on the bed now


"I can't speak to Dylan. But I think he wants his body back and it's not fair that he doesn't get it!" Dylan said

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"Definitely. Now the spy gets to relax."


"How do you think it'll go Anna?" asked Zamy.

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"Okay, I'll go make some," said Skye, running out."


'He's making the most of it!'


Miles looked at Dominic for a second then hugged him. "You're really brave Dominic. I... Good... good luck."

"Uh.... I'm sure Miles has got it right.... but..." began Anna.

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'Ooooooh boy...' Melody giggled.


"But... they're so many variables involved... it's.. gonna come down to luck. But if it doesn't work it won't be Miles' fault."

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Mark looked at Sarah

"Do you really like him?" He asked

"Shut up" Sarah said

Mark said nothing


Dylan looked surprised and hugged back

"Thanks... dad. I'm sure I'll be fine" he said

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Skye returned shortly with a tray. "It's not exactly the same tea as we're used to, but it's close. And we can get the proper stuff if we want."


"You make me proud Son," smiled Miles.

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"Ahem.... what did you think of it?"


"I see what you mean. I just hope it works how he planned."

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Melody was still giggling a bit. 'I thought it was great. Did you enjoy it?'


"So do I. But even if it does work it's gonna be difficult to deal with."

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"I thought it was great."


"Yeah. More paperwork and having to punch a tracking chip into the new bodies, and that's just the start. At least Ziona should be back."

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'Yeah! Now let's find the other films!'


"Agreed... This place is gonna be like a day care centre," said Anna.

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"I'll try it" Mark said


Dylan giggled

"I try to" he said

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"Good," said Skye, handing a cup over. "Sarah?"


Melody followed, looking around interested.


"I know you will!" said Miles. "You ready?"

"Sorry Zamy," said Anna.

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"Sure. I'll have mine" Sarah said as Mark took his cup


"Dylan nodded and took the beaker and token

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Hope found one across the road and headed inside.


"It's not your fault Anna."

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"Here you go," said Skye with a smile as he handed it over to Sarah then took his own.


Melody followed. 'Oooh, I wanna buy the whole shop!'


"Good luck," said Miles again.

"Yeah, but I'll help you with them," promised Anna.

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"I don't think we can afford that," laughed Hope.


"Thank you Anna. I better follow Dylan so I can put the chip in straight away."

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"So should we look to do some supervillainy of our own?" laughed Melody.


That sounds like a good plan," said Anna.

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"I don't think that'd end well, unless we were really good at it."


"Agreed, I'll see you soon."

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"We do have the skills," grinned Melody. "The dream went well!"


"Okay Zamy," said Anna.

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"True, though it might get us on the wrong side of people."


Zamy headed to the enchanted pool.

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We'll need to hire a PR team then!" laughed Melody.


Anna waited in the lab for now.

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