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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Oh yeah you're totally perfect."


"Only until he's ready. It's my job anyway. In fact it's somewhat easier than normal probation cases, they can take just as long with less progress and I have to deal with hardened criminals rather than a boy who'll bend over backwards to help."

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"Er, okay," said Miles uncertainly.


"Why, are you too sacred for it to be just you and me?" asked Skye.


'See, even you know it,' joked Melody ignoring the sarcasm for a laugh.


"Yeah... he does seem to be trying real hard for this..."

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"I guess that gives me an honoured position."


"Yeah, so at least it could be worse."

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Dylan began to concentrate and the rock began slowly rising from the ground


"No. It just wouldn't be fair" Sarah said crossing her arms

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'The highest possible, being my BFF!' thought Melody.


"Funny that he's the easiest part of the whole situation.!"


"Wow!" breathed Miles


"Okay then, we won't go," said Skye.

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Dylan raised it to his own height before slowly setting it down again

"Told you" he said breathing heavily


"Fine" Sarah said

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"Aww, thanks," said Hope, outting her arm around Melody.


"Yeah. But I'm grateful for it."

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Skye turn to Mark. "Are you okay?"


"That's really impressive Dominic," said Miles impressed.


Melody gave Hope a quick hug back.

'No problem Hope!'


"I don't doubt that!"

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Hope turned back to the film.


"Now if only everything went my way," said Zamy

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Mark shook his head

"I want to go" he said quietly


"It's my elemental power" Dylan said grinning

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"You do. Okay then. Let's head back. I'm... I'm sorry Mark," said Skye.


Melody also looked back to the film.


"Elemental power? You have elemental powers now?"


"Maybe it will start. I mean your luck has to change sometime."

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Mark mumbled something under his breath, still looking in shock


Dylan giggled

"Only earth based" he said. "The others have a different element"

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Skye left, pulling Mark by the arm.


"You mean Skye.... Stacey and Zoe have powers as well?" asked Miles.


'I like the music here,' thought Melody. 'I guess they found the bomb though.'


"Well... that depends on Miles' plan"

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"Yeah, going along the pipe. Are they really gonna try and disarm it?"


"I just have a bad feeling about this."

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'What else could they do?' wondered Melody. 'They can't really stop it.'


"You... think it's gonna go wrong?" asked Melody

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"That's a good point."


"I do. With something like this it's almost a given."

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'Wait, they're gonna let it blow up?'


Anna gave Zamy a hug. "I'm sure it won't turn out that bad."

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'He's gotta have a reason...'


"No problem. Let's hope Miles plan works," said Anna

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'That's gonna be a mess to clean up!'


"If nothing else, you should get Ziona back. And she can help," said Anna.

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Mark let himself be pulled

"What's wrong with him?" Sarah asked


"Were you around when Skye was on fire?" Dylan asked

(ooc: When Spark was giving energy to Skye)

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"I... I don't know.... I think.... maybe... shock...." said Skye, worried.


(I remember that... I think he was.)

"Oh yeah, so he can use fire now? Heh, He'd like that," said Miles

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