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The Jest

Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Well... I can look after myself!" Sarah said


Dylan sighed

"That wouldn't be fair" he said

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"Okay, I won't worry about you then," said Skye, turning back to Mark.


'Yeah.... Wait... how is he getting in...?'


"If there was a better way, I'd take it... I'm sorry Dominic."

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'Uh... I don't think they're gonna open the door for him!'

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'Yeah... now for the showdown!'

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'That's what happens when you mess around on a sub!'

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"Yeah. Kinda hard to get in a fist fight with a man who doesn't feel pain."

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'Yeah..... If... we do get these films back.. remind me to never let Harmony see this one.'

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'Yeah.... she's been in the same position....'

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'Not an ouch for him, given the whole 'no pain' deal!'

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"Yeah, but he still knew about it," laughed Hope.

"His plans really got shafted." she joked.

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Melody snorted. 'You've been working on your puns'

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"Good!" Sarah said turning away

Mark sat down still recovering


"It's okay. I understand Uncle Miles" Dylan said smiling

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"Anyone want something to eat or drink?" asked Skye.


"So, are you ready?" asked Miles smiling back.

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"A drink would be nice" Mark said

"I could do with one too" Sarah said


Dylan nodded

"Ready!" He said

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