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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Heh, I think she might be able to pull it off!" grinned Melody

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"Thanks" Sarah said taking hers

Mark took a sip of his own


"I'll drink it now" Dylan said

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"No problem," replied Skye, sitting cross-legged on the ground and drinking some of his own.


"Don't forget the token," said Miles, tapping the clay circle. "That, if anything, is more important."


"Right, do they have an action film area?"

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"Cool. Any sign of a big boxset?" asked Melody

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"Wow, that's a lot of films. Got a few nights watching in there!" said Melody.

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Sarah drunk some too

"This tastes a little strange" she said


Dylan giggled

"I'll eat that first then" he said

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"I know, sorry. We can get the usual stuff soon," said Skye.


"Okay Dominic. I just hope you'll be okay," said Miles

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"Now we just need a LOT of popcorn!" Melody grinned

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"Grab a camera and do more sightseeing?" asked Melody

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"Great. You've still got the map. Where next?"

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Glen rubbed his eyes."Oh man, the whole thing is slowly more getting crazier and crazier... And how did the old man appeared out of nowhere ?" Poor glen.

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(Poor Glen indeed)

"It's not that bad" Mark said quietly

"But it could be much better!" Sarah said loudly


Dylan smiled and placed the token in his mouth

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"They just have different tastes Sarah," said Skye. "And lots of different types of tea,"


Miles looked on with a bit of concern as he held out the beaker.


"Huh? Old man?" asked Ziona. "But don't worry, Miles thinks he can fix it!"

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"They need better tastes then" Sarah said


Dylan took it and drank it

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Skye sighed. "Can't you except that some people are different?"


"Ar you feeling okay Dominic?" asked Miles, clearly worried.

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"Why should I?" Sarah asked


"A little sick" Dylan said trying to smile. He sat down and was clearly in some pain

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