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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Uh.... but you can look so scary sometimes Shadow..." said Skye.


"Charming place!"

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"Good, that means I'm doing my job right."


Hope giggled. "Shall we head inside?"

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"Uh... okay Shadow...." said Skye.

"C'mon Skye, you know he's not as scary as he seems," grinned Harmony.


"Yes, let's go!"

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"Harmony's quite right. You only ever need to be fearful if I'm angry."


Hope headed inside.

"Those pikes they used to use look pretty unwieldly."

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"i've only done that once.." said Skye.


"I guess the just held them still?"

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"Exactly. You learnt quickly," smirked Shadow.


"Yeah, they were for use against cavalry. And I guess charging infantry too."

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"It was rather memorable... even if I did forget a few hours later," said Skye.


"Row upon row would be deadly," said Melody

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"I can imagine. Where's Miles?"

"He's gone to prepare the next batch," said Zamy.


"Exactly. But against archers and catapults it's not so good."

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"Will he be back soon?" asked Skye.


"Or guns..."

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"I should think so. I still need to work out where the new arrivals will go."



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"I think we have room here at Haven," said Skye.


"Weapons march on!"

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"Locke has enough to deal with as it is, he can't bring them up as well. It might work short term just to keep them here, but lobg term is much trickier."


"They certainly do. Hey, those jewels look nice."

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"I wasn't meaning Dad would bring them up," said Skye.


"Wow, they do. Pity we couldn't bring those back!"

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"Sorry, I just have to think of long term projections so that's on my mind."


"I'm sure Rouge would've loved them."

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"Yeah, I guess so," said Skye. "Still... maybe... I could take care of Stacy... and Miles get's on with Dominic, so..."

(*shakes head* Bad idea kid.)


"Maybe we could... no, too risky..."

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"No. You aren't legally allowed to thankfully. And I don't want my taking care of Miles jeopardised by him trying to act like a father. The whole point so far has been getting him to be a kid."


"Yeah let's be safe."

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"Oh... yeah... he does seem kiddy today..." said Skye.


"Unless... is there anyway you can track them, so we could search for them in our time?" asked Melody.

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"Exactly. And so were you, even before you fell in the pool."


"We'd need to get behind the glass."

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"Yeah... I guess so," said Skye.


"Oh... I see," sighed Melody

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"Don't sound so thrilled."


"I might be able to rig something up to bring us back to this spot though."

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Skye laughed. "Sorry Zamy. Guess I'm just nervous!"


"That could be a start. We might just find them!" grinned Melody

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"I hope you never have to go through this Zamy," said Skye.


"Agreed!" grinned Melody

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"So do I. Getting my head scrambled was enough drama."


"Ok, it's done. Let's see what else is around here."

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"Oh... yeah, I guess it was," said Skye. "I'm sorry Zamy."


"Yes, let's. It is really interesting!" said Melody setting off.

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