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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"It'll be worth it, and you don't have to move at all."


"I'm not sure. Let's look at the map again," said Hope, pulling it out.

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"I... I guess I kinda have to," said Ziona, then she ran over and hugged Dominic. "Promise?"


"You choose this time," said Melody

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Dominic went slightly red

"I promise Zoe" he said. He would have hugged back if he wasn't carrying the beaker

Dylan rolled his eyes

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"Thank you," said Ziona, holding out her arms for the token and beaker.

"Not so keen on bats now?" whispered Harmony jokingly to Dylan.


"See anything?"

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Dominic gave Ziona the beaker

"That's not funny" Dylan said

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"There's a huge party going on later tonight in a famous square near here, fancy that?"

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Miles handed over the token. Ziona took them both a swallowed.

"Why are you so touchy?" asked Harmony.


"Yeah, that sound like great fun!" said Melody

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Zamy kept close for when Ziona started feeling the pain.


"It's in a few hours."

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"I... I think I feel okay... uh... maybe not..." said Ziona, starting to shake.


"Shall we get dinner first then?"

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"It's gonna be ok Ziona," said Zamy, putting her arm round her.


"Good idea. What are you in the mood for?"

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"It's okay Zoe. We're still here"

"I'm not. I just don't need stupid jokes right now" Dylan said

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"I... I feel... IT HURTS!" whined Ziona, crying and clinging to Zamy.


"Hmmm, anything they've got here we don't have in our time?" Melody asked.

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"Shhh, hang in there. It'll all be over soon. I'll give you an hour off to recover. No slacking," said Zamy, trying to distract her with the joke.


"Indian food sounds nice."

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Ziona managed to smiled. "Can't you make it two?"


"Okay! Let's try that!" said Melody

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"Yeah! Why can't she have two?" Dominic asked giggling

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"2? In all my years I've never heard such insolence," laughed Zamy.


Hope headed back to the streets and looked for a restaurant.

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Ziona managed to smile as Dylan giggled. "But I'm becoming TWO people. So that should be TWO hours!"


Melody followed. "Hey, I thought of something else, we should try and bringing some music back to!"

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"Well that's too bad."


"Great idea. Let's find a music shop after dinner."

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"Awwwww, please," said Ziona. "Or I'll push you into the pool." Her grin faded. "Uh, sorry... no I won't Zamy, don't worry."


"We're really bad for souvenirs, ain't we!"

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"It's fine. Even as an adult you couldn't push me in."


"Well it'd be silly not to get as many as possible."

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"That sounds like a challenge! If we're ever at a safe pool, I bet I can push you in!" smiled Ziona.


"True. And it's not like we're bringing tacky stuff back. But even that would be worth a fortune!"

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"I'll hold you to.." Ziona couldn't finish as she doubled over and screamed.

"That's time," said Miles. "Get her into the pool."


"Yeah... maybe we should by a rucksack and a whole heap of stuff?"

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