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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Zoe smiled and kissed Dominic on the cheek. "Thank you for helping me before I jamp in. Now, let's go outside. I wanna fly free in the air!"

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"Heh, I'll give you that, I'm not that far gone. That'd be Skye left to go in. I still don't know what the heck we're gonna do with them all."


"Do you even like spicy food?"

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Dominic grinned

"Come on then" he said heading to the door

Dylan made himself look away more

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Ziona sighed. "I have no idea. We're not meant to be an adoption agency." She turned to Dylan. "You willing to tell me now?"

Zoe grinned and flew after. "Wheeeeeeeeeeee!"

Ziona glanced at the leaving Zoe, then at her own back, and gave a quiet sigh.


"Uh.... yeah," said Melody uncertainly.

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"Exactly. This is gonna be a real pain in the neck," she said before noticing the sigh. "You miss flying then?"


"You don't even sound like you convinced yourself," laughed Hope.

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"I'd prefer not to" Dylan said


"Wanna race?" Dominic called to Zoe

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Ziona nodded at Zamy. "Barely back a minute and already I'm missing it! That's probibly not a good sign!" She looked at Dylan. "If you're sure Dylan.

Miles was calling for Skye as he looked around the library.


"Yeah! Let's!" grinned Zoe. "3,2,1 GO!"


"I've not had much spicy stuff, so I really don't know," Melody admitted.

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"I am" Dylan said


Dominic shouted go at the same time and began running

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"Okay," shrugged Ziona. "But it would help to talk about it."


Zoe giggled as she flew after him/

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"I'll talk later. Maybe" Dylan said


"I'm gonna win!" Dominic called

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"Go for something mild then."


"You'll get used to not flying soon enough," smiled Zamy.

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Ziona smiled at Zamy. "I guess I will, but I'll still miss it I suspect." She looked at Dylan. "I'm willing to listen whenever you're ready to talk. We went through the same thing after all."

"Skye? Where are you?" called Miles.

"Up here!" called Skye from the top of one of the shelves.


"Yeah, that's sensible. Korma it is then!"

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"I'll keep that in mind" Dylan said

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"Good. Now, where is Skye?" wondered Ziona.

"Okay, come down here and let's fix you<" said Miles.

Skye shook his head. "I don't want to. I heard the screams!"


"No you won't, no you won't!" called Zoe

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"I don't know. He was here earlier" Dylan said looking around


"Yes I will! I'm doing it now!" Dominic said giggling

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"Skye, you've got to do this. You can't stay this way. And it will only hurt for a short time," said Miles.

"No! I don't wanna!" said Skye stubbornly.

"We better go and find him," said Ziona. "According to the tracker he's still in the library."


"No you're not!" called Zoe, swooping down and trying to grab Dominic.

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"Yes. We better look" Dylan said. "SKYE?"


"Hey!" Dominic shouted ducking. "No cheating!"

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"Skye..." began MIles, then he heard the others/

"He's over here," he called.


"I'm not cheating!" called Zoe, sticking out her tongue.

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"I'm sure if you begged Zouge she'd fly around with you," laughed Zamy before hearing Miles. As she was about to come over Shadow used Chaos Control to reach Skye.

"You can either come down quietly or I'll take you down. 10 minutes of pain is a small price to pay for getting your own body again," he said.


"Ok, so it's a tikka masala for me, and a korma for the wimp," teased Hope.

"Want any sides?"

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Dylan came over looking up to where Skye was

"You have to come down Skye!" He called up


"Picking me up is!" Dominic said

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"I think Zouge might complain about me using her to entertain myself!" laughed Ziona, as she hurried to where Miles had called from.

"But I..." Skye began before giving a yelp as Shadow appeared. He gulped. "I... okay Shadow.... I'll come down..."


Melody looked up at Hope. "Okay, what's the next spiciest one after a tikka masala?" she asked.


"We don't have any rules for racing!" called Zoe.

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"You're probably right," replied Zamy. "He's certainly persuasive," she said, looking up at Skye and Shadow.

"Good. I was starting to think I'd have to hurl you down," grinned Shadow.


"I'm not sure, but you're not having it. I don't want to see my best friend running around saying her mouth is on fire."

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"It'll be over before you know it" Dylan called up


"Oh really?" Dominic asked before going invisible

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Skye squeaked and started climbing down.

"Maybe we should try and get him on staff," said Ziona to Zamy.


"Oh, you gonna try THAT trick?" grinned Zoe," taking a deep breath then shrieking in a pitch too high for most to hear.


"You're the one who lay down the challenge!" smiled Melody.

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Zamy laughed. "That might be tricky, and technically we already have a Shadow."

Shadow jumped back down.


"But still. Just get what you want, I was only joking."

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