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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc:Glad to see you are enjoying our work so far ^^ I hope we'll be able to keep it up until you come back :) )

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(ooc: cool. Good to know you haven't been completely exiled by your holidays)

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(ooc: Heh heh. Thanks. I will try to come on each day, but you never know what may happen)

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(ooc: I miss a whole day, and nearly all the forums have new posts. I dread to think how much there would be if I waited a week)

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(ooc: Possibly enough to bludgeon someone into unconsciousness with! :P )

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(Or scare you to submission XD anyways , Our residnet Skunk put another Challenge for the month: No picture on Last post to win; but you already know that. The question is: what will you post? And Ske, let's move on with the story.)

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(ooc: not much I can do in the story right now. Skye has just involved himself, or rather his turret, in the locke fight, and Melody is helping in the infirmary. Neither situation will change without outside influence.)

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(ooc: I do know because I replied to it. I will just be posting witty comebacks I guess. Anyway, please don't let my arrival pause the story. Carry on. I will enjoy it

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(ooc: red Is moving around. You can have either Skye or Melody walk around with her while crowley take his/her place )

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(ooc: Skye not so much, but could do something with Melody.)

"Okay, okay, okay. I've done all I can here. Time to see if Skye is finished with that turret yet." And with that Melody hurtled into the corridor, almost slamming into Red.

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(ooc: Ok then.)

Red was lost in her though, when suddenly, she accidentaly Melody.

"Melody! Are you alright? I didn't saw you around."

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"Hi Mom! Yeah, I'm fine, just finished helping out in the infirmary. Get used to not seeing me, you'll rarely will till I'm right next to you!" Melody grinned broadly.

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"I'm going to look for this zone's me, Mr Crowley, you have the deck." Shadow then walked off towards the elevator.

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(ooc: Man, I can't wait for some Hot Shadow to shadow moment...)

Red Gave back another smile , Happy to see Melody in such a good mood. "Well, glad to see I'm not the only one having my way around then. But it's true that since we are here, we never got the occasion to spend some time between each other. Don't you think it would be the right time for some bonding? After all, we won't be needed for a while, And Locke won't try to end up in a fight ."

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Melody's smile widened, if that were possible. "Yeah, I'd love that. It's been a hectic few day's, hasn't it?"

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Shadow reached the elevator and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his side. Looking down he saw a wound in his side and a trail of blood leading to him. The adrenaline must have dulled the pain. "I ain't got time to bleed.", he said as he put pressure on the wound and stepped into the elevator. "Let's see what's really going on here." He pushed the button and the doors closed.

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"Yes it was, And i'm pretty sure our days around Locke will be even more hectic!" Said Red, who was still Smiling. "I'm glad to see you are still fine. All I hope now , is that I'll be able to be a good mother for you and Skye."

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"Don't worry Mom, I'm sure you'll do great. I just kinda wish all of this had happened sooner."

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"Why so my dear?Please, explain me." Red was a bit anxious , but she knew that the sooner Melody would deal with her own fears , the sooner she'd be safe.

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Shadow reached the bottom level and stepped out into what looked like a bomb site. Most of the equipment down there had been destroyed and Shadow couldn't escape the feeling he was being watched. "What the hell happened here?" he asked as he wandered over to the only running computer, which contained a simple text log.

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"Well, I..." Melody's smiled flickered slightly but she fought to keep it steady, "I just kinda feel like I missed out on my childhood a bit. I spent most of my time training and M-mother.... well, she wasn't really a Mom."

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If one could understand, It was Red. Life on Moebius was is an everyday struggle for adults, so children didn't really stand a chance. She knew it, for she lived there all her life.

"I...I do Understand. Not having someone to rely on is often hard, but not having a family is even more painful." Red put her hands on Both Melody's shoulder , and Kept on." I'm going to tell you something... Long ago, just like you, I was a little girl. I wasn't very rich, but at least, I had a luck few had: An actual house to sleep in , and a Mother. She tried to keep our life afloat, And I tried to follow her step. But for the both of us , it was hard...And everytime I couldn't handle things, She would stand by me, get on the couch, and let me cry on her lap, until my tears would dry up by themselve."

"But like every good things in our forsaken world, she had to leave way too soon... leaving me alone, at the mercy of many Monsters....The next few years weren't easy on me, And bad luck was on side More often than not... But again, i had luck in my sad life: I met Crowley. In more way than one, You could see him as a brother for me.. Well, a brother with benefit, but I won't go there until you'll be way more older...." Red laughed a little.

"Thing is, if I see you as one of my children, it's because..because..."it was hard to say it. And the smile on Red's face was starting to fade..."I...I might never be able to have children of my own my dear."

"I know you probably are way too young to understand that, but I think that at least you deserved a bit of the truth, right?" Tears were slowly falling on her eyes, as she tried to chocked them. But it was no use.

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Melody saw the tears start to come and gave Red the warmest hug she could.

"Thank you for sharing Mom. At least we aren't there anymore. And even if we aren't your children from blood, we will be in every other way. I promise."

Tears began appearing in Melody eyes as well.

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(ooc: something occured to me, it's almost like we are reenactening an old scene between Locke and Skye, Remember?)

Red kept Melody close"Thank you."

Sometimes,a few words can mean more than a thousand of them, And Red Knew Melody would understand.

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