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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"There's some kind of palace not too far away, could get some nice photos. I'll find us a camera first," said Hope.

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"Because everyone is different," said Skye.


Miles knelt neck to Dylan, worried. "We should get to the pool. Do you... want me to carry you?" He asked.


"That sounds good," said Melody

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"Hmph!" Sarah said


"I can make it" Dylan said trying to stand up, wincing as he did so

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"No need to be like that," said Skye.


Melody took one of the camera's. "Can you get the photo's once we get home?" he asked.


"If you say so Dominic," said Miles, ready to catch him

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"Great," said Melody, taking a few pics to get used to the camera.

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"Got it," said Melody, doing as Hope showed her.

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Melody nodded and followed

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"No zionna. no one can fix this. there is too much things happening at once !!! I... i don't even know where to start...." Admitted the echidna

"And all this because of this Darn pool..."

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"Is that it I expected more towers," said Melody


"I think your over-reacting a bit Glenny," said Ziona

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"Those hats the guards have look uncomfortable."


The two Crowleys sprinted further into the lair.

"I grow weary of this charade. Whatever happened to common courtesy? He could at least present himself to make it quick."

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"I don't care" Sarah said


Dylan took a few steps towards the door before doubling over

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"Sarah.... get out," said Skye in a tired voice.


"I don't think those are human's. They're too still. They gotta be robots," said Melody.


"DOMINIC!" cried Miles, rushing forward to catch him. "I... I'll carry you."


Zark followed the Crowley's, keeping wary.

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"What?" Sarah asked surprised


"No! i can do it!" Dylan said, barely able to stand

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"If you're not going to even try and be nice, just get out. I'm tired of this," said Skye.


"Please let me help... son," said Miles distressed.

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Sarah looked shocked for a moment

"FINE!" she shouted before storming out


Dylan managed to look up at Miles

"Okay... dad. If you... want" he said

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Skye sighed. "Sorry Mark," he apologized.


"I think I better," said Miles, picking Dylan up.

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"It's okay. I understand" Mark said. "I'm just worried about you and her"


Dylan held onto Miles tight. He was starting to whine

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"Worried about us?" asked Skye surprised.


"are you sure?" asked Melody


"Shhh, it'll be over soon," promised Miles as he walked too the pool.

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