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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: Crowley heads back leaving Red with Locke? Best of both worlds? On the subject of not sure what to do next, I'm temped to have the Cops be ordered to teleport the kids away and Darn the consequences. Unless there is anything Dylan want's skye to reveal?)

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(ooc: if the children are taken away, That's mean I'll be able to deal with a rampaging Spectre? That would be awesome :3 I'll even give him a chainsaw powered by emerald. That shoots Lazer beam. POWERED BY LOVE)

The discussion between Spectre and his counterpart was getting nowhere. Both knew it , yet both kept on. "Why do you do this? These children are worth nothing to you. Just let them go back to where they actually belong."

"A prison and a fater worse than death itself? I don't think So"

"We'll have to take the children , you know this."

"If you do that...I'll personnaly go in your headquarter, And I'LL KEEP RAMPAGING UNTIL I FIND THESE CHILDREN AND GET THEM BACK TO THEIR NEW FATHER.So tell me, what are valuing most: Your soldier, or breaking a man mostly trying to help a broken child and his long lost sister?"


"Exactly. Both choice will lead to an undeniable Critically dramatic Situation, with someone driven to suicide, or ending up as a shadow of their former self.Is This what you want? To end up not being able to look at yourself in a mirror, because you destroyed the life of someone you cared about? Is this what you want?

For the first time in his life, zpectre didn't know what to say. As much as he hated to admit, he was torn up between his duty, and what was probably the right thing to do, at the risk of letting what could have been a dangerous criminal mind free.

"As for me, I do believe in redemption, and hope. We both know that. So tell me. Why couldn't this child have the right of having hope again? We both know that nothing await them back in their world, and that The zone cops' prison.. Is not a nice place for a child to be.. For many reason I don't want to speak about..."

Spectre calmed down a little . "You could let him stay here, but keeping someone or two to monitor them, couldn't you? And if it doesn't work, do what you intended to do. With me not doing anything this time."

"I could, but i don't think The command would like this."

"We are talking about the right thing to do, not what the command want."

(ooc: because why the heck wouldn't there be monster that like to hurt children or maybe worse , back there? It would make him into something even badder that he already is.)

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(ooc: Very true, of course jail isn't gonna be good for a kid like Skye. Though there are already some kids in Zone Jail. Which is kinda worrying. I gonna hold off the Zone Cop kidnap until the base plot is nearer finished, don't want to force my plot over another.)

"Right, I'm analysing data now. Wait, I've got something.... But that would mean..."

(ooc: As from what he's found... erm, your plan's Dylan???)

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"What have you found? Something which can help this zone?"

(ooc: I've given a couple of ideas, you don't need to follow them. If you have something better, then I don't mind you using it)

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"I don't believe this..." muttered Skye, not realising that the Zone cops were also listening in at this stage. He opened the mic to everyone.

"Dylan. This isn't a curse. It's... it's possession. That black gala creature you talked about, part of it is inhabiting every single person in your Zone. That's what's causing the transformations, it gains more power in the darkness. And that data from the DEL database...." Skye ran his eyes along the data to ensure he was seeing it correctly.

"They've found a way to drive Gala, erm, sorry Gaia out, but that would result in Gaia reforming and destroying your world. That's why they've been building portals to other Zones, like the one Shadow found in the mines."

"What was that?" blurted out Zet. Skye didn't seem to hear and kept going.

"The DEL is planning to exorcise Dark Gaia and then send his essence to different Zones. It will stop him from reforming and cure your Zone, but would spread the curse across several other Zones."

"We need to call Command," muttered Ziona as she reached for her radio.

"Skye, one of those portals leads here. That means the curse could come to this Zone, our new home."

(ooc: Dylan's suggestions and my insanity and love for continuity... Hopefully this is an interesting take on the curse.)

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Dylan paused for a few moments before turning to Tails. "Did you know about this?"

Tails shrugged. "All I'm supposed to do here is build these." He held up his arm to show the teleporter thing, "And guard the area around this store room. I knew nothing about this"

Dylan turned around again. "Are you sure about this, Skye?"

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"I've dealt with magical curses, monsters and stuff before. If I'm wrong, it's because the info the DEL has is wrong."

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At this point, Locke was also listening through Red's Radio, His not working anymore. He sitted down against a wall of rock, and Let Crowley goes back to Dylan.

Red, had her head on Locke's chest. He could feel that she was getting better, that her breathing was calm, almost as if she was sleeping.

He didn't talked in the Radio, he didn't say anything. He simply listened. waiting for the right moment to get into the conversation....

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Dylan sat down with his head in his arms. "What are we going to do? One zone is not more important than countless other zones, even if that one zone is my zone"

"I could help" Tails said

"Help is appreciated, but what good is it if we can't do anything without putting other zones at risk."

He sighed

"We need to stop the DEL from carrying out their plan"

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(ooc: I've had an idea for a perfect solution to this problem, but I'm hesitant to suggest it because 1) It makes Skye far too important to this story and I've done that far too much already in RPM2 and 2) It's currently not something Skye would suggest, cause it ties into his darker past which he's trying to forget. However, if everyone else likes the idea, some one else could suggest it to Skye

The idea is, have Skye build another one of his Syphon Stations, but limited to Dark Gaia's energy, so when the DEL do their exorcism ritual, Gaia will be drain into the station and can be imprisoned there, or taken away by the Zone cops.)

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(ooc: so, I guess that's one vote for and one vote against? Shadow, Dylan; your views?)

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(ooc: well, that would still be interesting. But i'd love to keep these two zone cop around, even if that mean controlling them myself)

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(ooc: but they would have to stay to make sure that skye is not a danger anymore.)

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(ooc: Redeeming Skye is fine with me)

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(ooc: Ok, so... Someone suggest the idea to Skye, we get the thing built, save several zones, and as a reward all those involved will not be deported back to their home zones, while Skye is realised into the custody of the brotherhood with Ziona and Zet acting as his parole officers. You know, with the mix of people who are gonna be living in haven we've got a good sitcom cast here!)

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(Yeah!!! and we'll be able to go back to quite normals things.. For a while.)

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(ooc: I wouldn't call it normal with all the people who will be there)

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(as normal as this ragtag bunch of misfit can be . we gonna have to give them personnalities....)

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(ooc: I guess so. Anyway, back to the story)

Tails walked up to Dylan slowly. "Perhaps I could build something, which can drain Dark Gaia's energy out and imprison him inside. I think I have..."

"That's it!" Dylan exclaimed. "Skye, remember when you built that Syphon that drained life force and all that sort of thing. Do you think you could build something like that which drains Dark Gaia's energy?"

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Locke was still in the same position. He waited.... Red was now sleeping a bit. Something must have got on her nerve to the point of tiring her. He didn't know what. But it had to Do with something far bigger than the DEL. He knew he just had to wait untill the answer came.....

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Skye's eye's widened in fear when Dylan mentioned the Syphon.

"Dylan I... I can't. Those things are... they're just evil. Nothing good can come of them."

"Skye, a syphon just might save several Zones. I know you want to put your past behind you, but its worth facing it for this."

"Melody, you... you don't understand... I don't want to build another one.... I don't want to risk slipping back to... that..." Skye cupped his head in his hands.

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"Look, Skye. At that time, you had no one to look after you. Now you have a sister, a father, a mother and friends to look after you. We need to try. And I don't think you would need to build another one again. Please do it, for the good of all the zones in danger from this," Dylan said

"If he needs help, I could..." Tails began

"I appreciate the offer, but I don't want you two together. For now," Dylan interrupted

(ooc: I was so tempted to say that also, there were zone cops who would arrest you immediately if Skye went back)

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It was time . " Skye? Can your hear me? It's Locke. Don't be afraid. I told you I would be there. Do you remember what I did back there? I saved you. Nothing like the Syphon will happen again, because you are in control this time. No one will take that from you. not anymore. Not your father, not your insanity. It us, and no one else. Don't you forget that Skye.You are free."

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