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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Any samples you can get will be brilliant, but be careful if you take them from the guards. Removing the devices could trigger the transformation. But if you could do it with one Legionnaire with cybernetics and watch the results that could be invaluable. I'm running the teleporter data through now. Now I'm certain there's a pattern here. Oh, and don't mind the thunking noises you can hear. Melody's just got herself a dartboard."

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"Oh boy, just tell me she didn't took this dartboard in a deserted room with two mask , a bed, and a desk... Just tell me she didn't." Locke started to shudder....

"And huh, i don't feel like doing such a thing.. we'll go with taking one that isn't on someone's arm for starter..."

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"Uh, Melody. Where did you say you got that dartboard?"

"Huh. Oh I dunno. I was just rushing around and spotted it."

"Okkkkkay then. Uh, Dad, Melody doesn't know where she got the dartboard. Is it important?"

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"outside haven, locke" Just. Bring it back. I'll get you one when i'm back, ok? And I think that was Spectre. He has quite the temper these days . be careful Melody.

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The two children turned slowly to look at each other when they heard the echoing cry.

“I think you better do what Dad suggests and take it back.”

“But I don’t remember where I got it from,” replied Melody in a slightly shaken voice.

“Then, erm, run over Haven until you find the room again? Either that or wait for creepy voiced man to find us here?” Melody blinked then sprinted with the dartboard down the corridor. Skye returned to examining the data.

A few minutes later, Skye looked up and check the internal monitors for Haven.

“Looks like Melody’s enjoying herself,” Skye muttered as on the monitors his sister ducked and weaved through multiple blasts of energy, before slipping and landing with a splash in the indoor swimming pool.

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"All Over haven" To whoever took my dartboard, thank you. But I tell you: next time you want to use my Dartboard: ASK FIRST.

"Outside, Locke"Good Aurora, we just avoided quite a problem , I tell you. Well, As long as Melody has Fun, it's good. Good things Grandfather Hawkings though of this Smimming pool, even though I wondered why in the first time....

"Locke! Who the Hell was screaming all over our Radio like that?"

"A member of the brotherhood of Guardians: Spectre. He has quite the temper, shall I say"

"I think that's a misunderstatement, Am I right?"

"Way too much."


"I know,I know.... But he can be a very friendly echidna when He does smile."

"I hope for our sake..."

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There was the sound of soggy footsteps behind Skye and he turn to see his sister re-entered the control room dripping wet and looking slightly shocked.

“Are you okay?” Skye asked.

“This cloaked and helmeted guy chased me all around Haven until I threw the dartboard at him. Then I tried to hide in the library. Skye, why is there a swimming pool in the library?”

Skye had no idea how to react. So instead he took a neutral route.

“I’ll go and find you a towel.”

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"If you can, try to ask that to Sabre, I'm pretty sure he'll be able to explain you... As for me, I gave up any idea of understanding why soujourner wanted a swmimming pool in the library, something about litteraly "swimming in knowledge" .. Crazy old soujourner...."

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"Can we get back on the subject guys? Thank you. Do you want us to remove from the guards, whatever they have?"

(ooc: I wont be on much today. So I'll just be staying silent and following Red and Crowley about during that time)

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(ooc: ok then. And I'll only be there from my phone from time to time. It's an importanr day today.)

No need for such a thing. if we can't find one of these device somewhere in the facility, we'll take one from the guard . But only then.

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"Sorry D... Agent Jekyll. I didn't mean to cause that much trouble." Melody apologised over the radio.

"Melody," complained Skye as he retuned with a towel. "Your getting water on the console. I really hope it's splash proof."

(ooc: and I'm at work so I guess it will be quite a quiet day)

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it's ok Melody , there won't be much of a problem. You couldn't know.. at least , yes , it's splash proof.

(ooc: yup , probably ; at least we'll get to think about our parts of the story.)

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Skye gave the controls a light dab with the towel, trying not to press any buttons, then through the towel towards Melody.

"Maybe I should hold off the exploration for now. For all I know they might have a chamber of poorly stored doomsday weapons stashed somewhere," moaned Melody as she dried herself.

"If you're bored, here, you take over the control console for a bit.

"Aren't you doing some data work?"

"The computer's doing number crunching right now, nothing for me to do till it's done. So you sit down, and I'll make us some snacks."

(ooc: thinking about our parts in the story? That is a very, very dangerous thing for me to do! :P )

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(ooc: aww come on, what could happen? you writing the new Harry Potter ? :3)

Anyways... we are still moving Melody . What does your map says about the eastern part of the floor ? that's where we are heading.

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“Looking at it now. There’s three large rooms up ahead, though the plans don’t give any interior details. The walls are really thick on these rooms, and there’s a lot off ducts going into that room. Whatever is in there either needs to be kept cool, or produces so much heat it needs to be syphoned off.”

(ooc: Actually, to be honest, not that much. While I love coming up with plots, ideas, stories etc, hardly any of them ever see the light of day. I’ve never really done any writing. And I don’t think you need to worry about another Harry Potter. It’s not like I’m writing about a kid with magic powers and parental issue….. Oh Poop.)

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"Heat? Cool? Probably their Computer Room. We have to find it!!!!" (OOC: I REGRET NOTHING!!!!)

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(ooc: I can see I didn't miss much from being outside for 9 hours helping out, so... great!)

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"Either their computer room, or thy're keeping someone or something in cold storage," responded Melody as Skye came into the control room with a tray of fresh cookies and two hot chocolates.

"That was fast," Melody commented to her brother with a wry look.

"Well, I might have cheated a bit. I still had a little magical strength left," Skye explained with a smile as he offered Melody a cookie.

(ooc: everybody busy on the weekend. sigh)

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"if anything, that mean: place of interest.So we go there ."

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"How are things going down your end? Not much is happening here"

Dylan looked up at Red hoping she could suggest something

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"What do you think is in that room?" asked Melody as she wolfed down a cookie.

"It could be the computers. Or maybe a cryo-pod room where their storing all the missing people from Dylan's Zone. Or..." Skye nonchalantly sipped his hot chocolate.

"Or maybe both. Could be the DEL are using the kidnapped people's brains AS a super-computer."

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"Well, from there, it appear than locke will take care of everything there. Dylan, i think we'll continue our way to the north, since we came from the west."

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"A computer powered by brains? That's a little far fetched. Maybe the use cryo tubes to keep people stored for experimentation."

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"The only way to know is to see for ourselve" And they moved in direction of the mysterious room.

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