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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Don't worry dylan, you can stay with Red and Crowley , since you are way too big for the ventilation shaft..."

"Yes, I don't see any trouble. It's always good to have another muscle hog from time to times."

"And the next time you call me short end of the stick shadow, i'll let you at the mercy of the first band of werehog that we'll find."

(ooc: it's fine shadow.But I mostly keep track of these kinds of things, wheras other can keep track of the action)

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“That growl sounded sad. Skye, do you have any idea how to help Dylan?”

“If I was there, yeah. But not when I’m stuck back here.” Skye rubbed his temples hard trying to think of a solution. Suddenly an idea popped it his head.

“Agent Jekyll, does your teleporter have a keypad? If it does we might be able to rig up a text to speech system. Give a long growl if you want to try that idea, or a short growl not to, or if you don’t have a keypad. Or… several short growls if you don’t want us to come up with ideas.”

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Dylan gave Locke a look, the gave a long growl over the radio at Skye's idea.

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“We’ll get right on it. Well, Skye will. I’ll just encourage him!” said Melody happily as she gave Skye a poke with the hilt of her knife.

“Calm down Melody, I’m already getting to work. You take over the radio and map watching.”

“Sure thing.”

“Okay, if I access the security logs for Haven where Dylan is present, I might be able to program an audio system based on his own voice.”

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"hey, it's not my fault if you are a giant ,huggable killing machine, beside, you'll be more useful to them than us right now"

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Dylan gave Locke another look. This time suggesting that it would be a good idea to drop the subject

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"aww, don't listen to that mean bearded echidna; you are adorable , no matter the way you are." said Red

"hum, I could spend an entire night hugging and cuddling with a strong one like you, but unfortunaly, i decided to give my life to only two men... what a shame." you could almost feel the regret in her voice. almost.

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“Agent Jekyll, I’m sending you the software to your teleporter. It’s can either sound like your own voice or robotic, and the former has ‘normal’, ‘happy’, ‘angry’ and ‘sad’ variations. Erm, I haven’t had much time to test it, so there may be some bugs.”

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Dylan rolled his eyes and started pressing a few buttons in an attempt to get it working

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"Well, enough talk, it seem that we are here. Crowley, You'll open the doors only once Me and Shadow are on position, ok?"

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*Ok. Good luck gentlemen.* Shadow opened the hatch and climbed up onto the lift's roof, before offering his hand to Locke.

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Dylan watched them climb out just as he'd finished setting up the new software on his laptop. It was ready. Now for testing

(ooc: Gotta go for a while. I'll be back later)

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Locke jumped, catching Shadow's hand. "Thanks" He then proceeded to open the Shaft. "Ok, we can move now. And quietly. They can hear us moving up there."

They moved for a little while until they found an opening showing the elevator's door. "Well, No one is expecting us so far. It seem that someone just lost a bet. After all, The only thing here are two guard doing their patrol on a right alley, And two others taking their break in the Room next to the two first."

"Thank Locke. Well Crowley, you heard the man, we can leave the elevator. At once, gentlemen."

(ooc: come back anytime.)

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“Will you please stop pacing? It’s very distracting, especially at that speed.”

“I can’t help it, I hate waiting, and I hate being away from the action more.”

“If you’re bored you can find something else to do until they get back. Dad did give you some suggestions.”

“Dad… A new Dad… A nice Dad... I’m still finding it strange. You don’t seem to. But you’ve only known him for a few days. How come you’re so close already?”

“He saved me,” Skye stated simply.

“What? Saved your life. Is that it?” Melody sounded disappointed, expecting more.

“No. It wasn’t my life he saved. More… I can’t say it, it sounds too ridiculous and melodramatci.”

“What Skye?”


“What?” Melody spoke dangerously leaned in close, knife unsheathed.

“My… my soul.”

“Your right, it does sound silly,” said Melody, breaking into a mocking grin.

“Melody, I… I had planed away to rescue you. You were right, that’s why I tried to destroy a Zone. At least, that’s why I started. But by the time I was ready my mind… it had completely gone. I’d forgotten about saving you, I just wanted to destroy. If it wasn’t everyone here I might have succeed. And Locke he… he managed to break through to me. To save me from insanity.”

Melody’s mocking smile vanished, and she put a comforting hand on her brother’s shoulder.

“I think I understand. You said you’d gone a bit crazy, but I didn’t realise how far. I’d never thought that you’d have forgotten me.”

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Atcha! "Dang it shadow, looks like someone is talking about me, In a good way. Fortunaly , no one heard that. Let's keep moving. Now that we are out of this shaft, we have to be more careful.'

(OOC: ALL OF MY FEELS :'D If Locke heard that, he would be crying tears of joy right now.)

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Dylan started to press some buttons. The voice came out as his in a normal tone

"What is the main plan here?"

Dylan looked pleased that it was working

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Both kid’s looked up as Dylan’s voice came over the radio.

“It’s working. You did it Skye. Now, stop looking so concerned and get back to work.”

“What are you gonna do?” asked Skye. In response Melody flicked a knife between her fingers.

“Find a dartboard. I’ll need to set up a new high score table for our new home." .Skye gave his sister a thumbs up and a smile, and returned to the radio

"Agent Jekyll? I think the plan is to reach the lower levels and access the lab's database and upload it to command."

(ooc: my previous post, that was originally meant to be a fun little character interaction. I think I’m putting too much emotion into these posts. I’m just glad the kid’s didn’t leave the radio mic on. Though given Haven’s security systems there’s a good chance it was recorded should Locke check the footage.)

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"Okay. Are you two ready?"

Dylan looked up at Red and Crowley

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*Yes I am quite ready. Shall we?* said Crowley as he opened the door. *After you my dear.* "I'll gladly pay you when I get back Locke. Man, this is pretty poor security."

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Skye turned round as his sister shot back into the control room with a dartboard under her arm.

“Where did you find that, I thought most stuff in Haven was stolen?” Skye asked.

“Oh, well, I had a bit of a wider look around and found… Wait, what’s wrong?” Melody broke off when she saw Skye’s eyes widen, then he wacked himself on the face.

“I don’t believe it. I’m an idiot. It was starting me right in the face.” Skye turned back to the radio.

“Agent Jekyll, I need all the info on your teleporter. It's already a cure, in part. All other Agents, the guards you’ve been knocking out: Were-hogs or normal Mobians? And if the latter, any unusual devices or artefacts on them?”

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"My teleporter? Okay... I got the designs of my teleporter from the house of one missing person. It was meant to stop you transforming but doesn't cure it... More likely holds it inside you until you take it off, then letting it all out. I made modifications to it from plans of a teleporter in the same house. The power source of my old one was 3 emeralds. One real, two fake. This one, I've only got powered to the real one so far. Is there anything more you need?

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(ooc: Keep it up, that's what make the difference between poors and great Rp, how much of yourself you put in it. also. for the sake of the scenario, what should I say? yes, or no? Shadow? Dylan?)

"thank you , mister Crow, you are quite the gentleman with me tonight." AS red moved out of the place , she took a look around.. "So far, no sign of hostility. It seem that these werehog attack are something they are used to , living in a zone full of them"

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“Even if the teleporter's not a cure, it’s a start. Something I can correlate with the rest of the data we have. What about the guards? Do they have anything similar, or are they were-hogs. Oh, and my question about were-hogs and cybernetics still stands”

(ooc: I just worry i'm making the whole thing too melodramatic and/or dark)

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"I knocked out a regular guy, nothing unusual on him... hey Locke, you see that thing that guard has on his waist? The one patrolling that corridor. Might be what you're looking for Skye." *It's my pleasure Red. As forvthem, well if you live somewhere long enough you eventually grow accustomed to its... quirks. I'm still amazed we have encountered so few guards. You'd think they'd always keep their secrets secure. But then again, their lack of enemies here may have made them drop their guard.* OOC Without any emotion this would become dull very quickly Skye. You're doing a great job).

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"Well, there was this things on his arms... well, you know what? Red, if you can, try to loot some loocker or armory for unusual arms equipement, Thank."

"there Skye, that way, we won't miss anything.I'm sure that just like Our Rouge, she know what she is Doing"

(OOC: don't worry, I'll make sure to make it less darker )

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