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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Seeing the Children running out, He knew something wrong; and for once, it wasn't Dylan.

"Skye, what's going on? Was it about.. what happenned with the scanner? It wasn't your fault, and you weren't aware of what was really going on... you don't have to be afraid."

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“I know. Sorry Dad, didn’t mean to worry you. Just… memories of a bad dream. They got to me briefly” Skye told Locke as they headed to the control room. Sliding into the command chair, Skye accessed the secure file.

“Ok, we’re ready to go here. See anything useful Dylan?”

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Nothing much. Changes to brain patterns, was obvious. The werehog mutations. Also obvious. There appears to be a connection to something. I can't really tell what it is...

(ooc: For once it wasn't Dylan. What have I done?)

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"I'm sure there is a pattern in this data. I'm just not sure what's part of the pattern, what's just affected by the pattern, and what's useless gibberish. Looks like we're back to the DEL base plan."

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Well, this mean, more question toward the DEL coumpound. Dylan, do you think you can get this map now? So I can think of a really good plan?

(ooc: comedic relief, don't worry)

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As I said, it's somewhere on file in my zone. I don't know where, but I can look


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Let's hope he'll find it quickly ... "turn to skye" Anyways.. what do you think could be the responsible of these ... Mutation?

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"Hey, I've just thought of something," burst out Skye. "If the DEL on Dylan's world have cybernetics, what happens when they transform? Remind me to ask him when he gets back.

As for these mutations. I don't know, but I'd make a guess at magic before science. Or maybe magic controlled by science."

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"that would mean.. Robotic werehog? Then, these mutation are definitivily not natural..."

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"It depends on how the curse affect the cybernetics whether it would become a robot or not. But maybe the solution lies there... If a curse can transform cybernetics into flesh... Hmmm...."

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Which lead us back to the DEL... That's crazy, everything is somehow tied up to them...

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Melody tutted behind the two of them.

"Assuming they aren't just a front. Someone to draw fire away from the real culprits," she pointed out.

"That could be the case," mused Skye, "When Dylan gets back we need him to tell us all the info he has on the DEL."

(occ: Shame he's not back till tomorrow most likely! :P )

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"Well, melody, the Coumpound is already a front for the lab we are planning to infiltrate.in fact , we are doing it in hope of finding another clue that would lead us to the real problem... as it is hard to think that they somehow came up with a magic curse like that...."

(ooc: looks like it's only the two of us, as usual XD)

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"According to Dylan this curse occurred because something called... was it black gala?... anyway, something was unleashed from the Master Emerald by the DEL. So the question is, was it unleashed deliberately, and if so, actuality by the DEL?"

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"even if it's not them, seizing information in the DEL coumpound is still a good idea . Information recovering is part of my job after all, don't you think?" locke then proceeded to sit down on a nearby chair.

"even in a lie, there is a part of truth. don't you forget it children"

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"Agreed. Even if they aren't directly involved, they may have more pieces of the puzzle."

(ooc: and off for the night now. bye)

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*Appears with two rolled up sheets of paper*

I'm back!

(ooc: I take it you haven't read the rules on this?

Cheerleader, can we some deletion here?)

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(Ooc: what the heck happenned this morning ? did he got Mad or something?)

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(ooc: well , that's what i saw this morning when i got here ... that was crazy man...)

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Shadow walked into the room followed by Crowley. "I got some backup. Granted I was expecting Omega or at least a Delta squad, but I guess it's better than nothing. I see you have the maps Dylan. Excellent."

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Well , that's wonderfull. I expect everyone is here now ? good . I think we can start thinking about a good plan . any suggestion before I start?

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I have one map. This other sheet is the picture Locke ordered ages ago of himself and Knuckles hugging

*Passes one sheet to Locke*

Here you go

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Locke and I came up with a basic plan earlier, but there's one detail still missing. The plan is to blow their perimeter, lure a bunch of werehogs there and to slip inside during the confusion. Do you know of anything that can draw them to a location besides running up to em and running back. Like a pheremone or a particular scent?

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