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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"She won't be wrecking her career. If she decides to take care of him, as far as we're concerned it was self defense after he tried to attack again," said Zhadow.

"He messed with my memories so much I'm struggling to tell what's real and what's not," said Zamy.

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(ooc: Heh, thank you for the name Dylan. That will make it much easier to differentiate between her and Miles. Though, until Miley realises I'll prob still use Miles and male pronouns.)

The young Miles glance back at the giggling Anna. He noticed her eyes were shifting between him and the older version.

"Hey, wait! Don't even THINK that!" he cried slightly panicked, causing her to laugh more. Then he noticed what Zamy was doing. He reached out a hand and put it on her arm.

"I'm... I'm sorry for what he did," said the cub, honesty upset. "But if he messed with your memories, what you're feeling could be what he wants you to feel."

"Let me tell you something that IS real Zamy," said Ziona in a serious voice. "You're planning on killing this person. And no matter how evil they are, it will leave a memory that isn't fake. It will leave a mark that will haunt you for the rest of your life Zamy. I know. Honesty I don't care a Darn about him... or her... But I care about you. Don't do this. Don't let him win by doing something that will make you suffer the rest of your life."

On the ground, the now female Miles gave a groan as she began to regain consciousness.

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"How about this ?"Said glen."If it looks violent and twisted , it isn't yours ! And done ."


Tikal retaliated by playing with skye's fur.

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"Haunt me? What will haunt me will be knowing that he'll be kept comfortable in Zone Jail with the possibility of breaking out and attacking even more people."

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Skye tried and failed not to laugh. "That tickles!"


"Zone jail is hardly conformable," said young Miles. "And he's been drained of most of his power. He won't be able to escape like I did. Especially if you keep him locked up in solitary confinement."

"I would point out there have only been two breakouts in the entire history of the jail, but given who one of them was..." said Ziona, glancing at the young Miles, who shied away slightly. "We have several beings in there who are practically gods, and they are still secure."

The adult Miles was coming round, but hearing voices above him, he keep his eyes shut so they wouldn't realise. On the plus side, he could feel his legs again. The pertification had been dispelled. On the other, his whole body felt... strange.

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"It seems that the lady is coming back to her sense."Said glen."Don't play the sleeping beauty. You wouldn't want me to kiss you , right ? "


Tikal kept on playing.

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Skye continued laughing. "Hahaa! Please, st... heehee... Tikal, no, hahaha.."


Inwardly, Miles groaned as he heard Glen speak. Not only did they know he was away, but he was still continuing with the girl jokes.

"Are you still going... on... about...... that.....?" Miles asked, his words trailing off at the foreign sound of his voice. He opened his eyes, squinting slightly as his vision seemed slightly different from before. Then he noticed the colour of his arms, and the rest of his body.

"What did you do to me?" he asked, horrified.

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Dylan got up and looked at Miles, smiling smugly

"Oh, your awake now, Miley? Good to see. I was afraid you wouldn't see what your spell did to you. You don't mind pictures right? I'll show them to everyone"

He then started taking pictures

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Miley was sitting there in shock, staring at her different colour form. Until the camera started clicking.

“This wasn't my spell. I’ll make you pay for humiliating me!” she cried.

Miley's arm shot out and grabbed Dylan by the leg. She intended to try and possess him, but found herself unable to trigger her power.

“Wha… nothing?” she whispered in shock surprised. Letting go she trend channeling magic from the ground, but although she could sense it, she wasn't able to draw upon it. “No. No….. This can’t be happening. This has to be a nightmare,” she moaned.

(ooc: Sorry for the autohit Dylan, but it was to show that, at least for the moment, Miley's powers are gone.)

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Dylan had been a little worried when Miley tried to possess him but he continued to smile when she failed

"No nightmare Miley. I'm showing this to your children and telling them EXACTLY how you changed yourself. I'll do the same if I see any family or friends. Perhaps Scourge would enjoy seeing this. Now if your not planning on possessing me or anything, let go of my leg and smile for the camera"

Dylan continued to take pictures. He didn't need to, he got all he wanted but he was enjoying the panic it was causing Miley

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"Well , since none of us are magic wielder , i think we can all say that you brought this upon yourself by abusing your power. What a shame .... For you."


"Alright then, i'll stop . But now I know your weakness ." Said tikal with a smile.

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Zamy pondered for a moment. "I do see your point Ziona. Though there is one little thing I need to do first."

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Glen I use magic and so does Miles not the pink one the yellow one. (Spark turned to face Miley put couldn't insult him instead he fell to the ground laughing) ahahah you turned into a girl that's historical.

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Skye gulped down air when Tikal stopped, but was still giggling with the after effect. "If I'd... heehee... know, I'd wouldn't have made it so easy for you to find out!" he gasped. "Now I need to find yours!"


"What's that?" asked Ziona, slightly concerned.

Miley shielded her face from Dylan's camera. "No! You can't do that. You can't let Scourge see!" she whined. Tears were beginning to run down her face. Then she heard what Glen and Dyaln were say, and turned to face Miles.

"YOU! You were the one who did this!" she accused. Miles just grinned.

"Oh, come on. You know I didn't have the magical power to do that at this age. Besides, most of my magic is drained. Except..." Miles was pondering something about Miley, having seen and sensed her failure to use magic. He had an idea to test his theory, but it would be a very petty act of revenge. And it felt kinda odd as he was punishing 'himself' in a way. But then, after what Miley had done to Zamy, and the black eye that was swelling on Miles face.

Miles re-channeled the fire that Spark had surround him with again, this time breaking it down into even rawer magic. Using as little of the magic as he could get away with, he cast a small enchantment on Miley. The uniform she was wearing morphed into a girly dress, and a flowery headband appeared on her head.

"You LITTLE...!" Miley shrieked. "I'll make you pay!"

"How?" countered Miles with a smirk. "You can't possess anyone. You can't channel any magic. And given how weak that enchantment was, your magic resistance is nil." Miles' smirk turned into a grin. He knew how much his next insult would hurt, because of what had happened to him in the Haven cell. "You didn't just turn yourself into a girl Miley. You turned yourself into a normal girl!"

Miley shrank back and covered her face with her hands.

"I'm not a girl. I'm not normal. I'm superior... superior... superio...su..."

Miles looked at Zamy. "You know, I think letting her live would be a greater punishment than death."

"You know, I'm not exactly thrilled about you all acting as if being a girl is a punishment," said Anna, giving the laughing group a death glare. Miles gulped and tired to explain.

"There's nothing wrong about being transformed into a girl.... Uh, no, wait... I mean..." Miles hurried on incase anyone listening got the wrong idea. "Being transformed itself is the punishment. The form is just one she... he... er... Miley hates. I mean, you wouldn't like being turned into a boy, would you?"

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Dylan laughed even harder at seeing Miley in a dress and took one final picture before stopping after Anna gave the death glare.

"You better hope I never meet Scourge. Otherwise I'll give him a copy of EVERY picture I have taken of you"

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"Just a little mind game," said Zamy before she approached 'Miley'. She lifted her right boot up and adjusted the rocket to a suitable flame. "Funny how the tables have turned isn't it? Well you see, this flame will burn your nerves shut. You won't feel anything to begin with, though you certainly will smell it. And that's when the pain will start. I'm going to assume you won't to do that, and it's real easy to do so. You just have to beg."

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Anna shrugged in response to Miles. "You're probably right."

Miley brought her hands down to stare at Dylan. "You can't!" she said. Then she was pushed back by Zamy.

"Zamy...?" said Ziona slowly, not sure if the hedgehog was bluffing or not.

Miley tried to back away from Zamy. "No.. You... you wouldn't..." she asked terrified. Normally, Miley would have been sure that Zamy wouldn't do such a thing. But with all the memories Miley had added to Zamy, she was now terrified that Zamy could follow though on her threat.

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Dylan did nothing to stop Zamy. This was between her and Miley

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"That doesn't sound like begging," said Zamy, inching the the flame slightly closer, still smiling.

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Miley was unable to move back further. The shut her eyes, turning her head away.

'I can't beg,' she thought to herself. 'I can't lower myself. I'm superior to them. She won't really hurt me. But I changed her memories. Maybe she would now. Did I break her that much? Will she really go through with it?'

Miley felt the flame coming closer.

"Don't," she screamed. "Please don't. No. No. Don't. I'll do anything you want. Please don't."

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Zamy instantly took the flame away with a smug expression, then turned and walked back to her colleagues.

"Were you really going to go through with it?" asked Zhadow.

"Not a chance," she replied quietly.

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Glen grabbed Zamy's shoulder ."No need to do more that what is already there . It's over , at least for now . Beside , you'd give a pretty bad image of the zone cops shall you act tha way."


"I guess I know how to make you talk then."Joked Tikal.

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Dylan went over to Glen

"Your a fine one to talk threatening with a gun. And it would've been worse had you been possessed by Miley. So calm down" Dylan half turned to Miley. "That weakling deserves everything she gets"

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"I'm not a zone cop, so that's a big difference , dylan ." Said glen."Beside , had he tried to possess me, he would have had a nasty surprise."

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Kayl entered Berry's hospital room, "sup?"

"I should ask you that.”

"They're discussing punishment, I mean, the..."

"Good guys?" Berry laughed.

"Yeah, Congo." Kayl said to Melody.

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