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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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But spectre was already waiting for him inside."You didn't think it would be that easy would you?"

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"I am Berry, it's very nice to meet you, Mr Rancor."

Kayl looked at both of them, trying to remind them she asked a serious question.

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"This problem shall be takenn care of in due time." Said Locke.

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"I see. Forgive my Kayl, what were you saying earlier?" Rancor replies.


"Truly a killjoy." Trigun says as he sees Spectre. "If you have no intention of moving, then I will remove of you now, whether you wish to fight or not."


Knuckles waits above as Kali bursts out of the water, placing Astraea onto the ground. Knuckles gets up and runs over as he begins to perform CPR.

"How is she doing?" Knuckles asks Kali.

"She isn't breathing, her body is showing signs of extreme hypothermia and frostbite. She needs to wake up and ignite herself or she won't make it!" Kali says, panicking to revive her.

Knuckles looks over to see Chaos running across the ice, now with his second emerald. He approaches Knuckles and looks at Astraea, concerned for her well-being.

Go back to the temple and find Spectre. If Triguns still running around, he may be trying to get in." Knuckles says to Chaos, unknown of their actual destination from when they left.

Chaos gives a nod and sinks into the water as he goes away. Knuckles then turns back to Kali.

"How's she looking now?"

Kali continues to perform CPR as he starts to notice her body slowly burning. He looks up in relief, however notices the burns starting to make holes. Before he could realize, her entire body flares up in an instant, leaving her gem behind.

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"You didn't want to drink a tea with me."Stated spectre."And beside, you cannot have that book. these two needs it."

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"I am not a man who gets comfortable with his enemies." Trigun begins as he forms two katanas. "And I'm not entitled to a book from my own ancestors? what right do they have to enter my peoples temple and take our things. Those two need nothing from me." he thinks for a moment then lets out a small laugh. "Well it should only be one now. The only one left to deal with is you."

As he walks toward Spectre, Chaos comes out of the ground from behind, swining both his arms. In an instant, Trigun spins around, ducking out the way and slicing Chaos in half. His torso falls towards Spectre as he reforms while his old lower half freezes and shatters.

"And of course this false god as you all see him."


Knuckles and Kali look in shock to the loss of Astraea. Knuckles slowly picks up her gem and looks to Kali.

"If we toss her in fire or a volcano, she'll come back right?" he asks. Kali could only nod in response. Knuckles grabs his hand and puts Astraeas gem inside.

"We have to get this final book and get back to Angel Island. We can get her then. but first we have to go make sure we get to Spectre and Chaos."

Kali pauses for a moment, recapturing his will and stands up. The two then start to run toward the temple.

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"False god maybe, But not half the man he can be, unlike you." Snarked back Spectre."AS for why they should be entitled such a book, It's easy : they deserve it, while you DON'T . Knowledge shall only be used for peace, and so far, i never saw you once trying to think about your before attacking...also, please, Two katanas? That's so cliché it hurts my helmet."

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"Peace? You think there is peace for us?" Trigun says attacking Spectre. "If those two get their way, there will be no peace for our world. The only peace that can be found is if there is one true winner. One of the elements has to win and the others must fall. No matter what happens, those two fools can never live in peace, less they want our entire world to go quiet in life!"

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"That's where you are wrong."Said Spectre, Easily avoid his first attack"You are only seeing what you truly want to see. You are the one hoping for war. If only you could open your eyes about what was actually happening ..."

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"Somehow I think that could go badly. Especially if the Mina here is determined to hold onto the spotlight, which seems likely," replied Shadow.

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"Well, Rancor, before you came, we had another fight with guards. Here." And then sighed with relief at Locke's reply.

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"Well maybe I could from a group with her and Melody then," joked Anna.


"Thank's Glen. This really is a lifesaver," replied Ziona.

(ooc: Less than two pages? Really???? I'm disappointed people! :P )

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"Well I've heard crazier ideas. If you can sing better than Hope it's not totally ludicrous," replied Shadow.

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"I've... uh... no idea. I've never really tired," confessed Anna. "At least, not with anyone listening."

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"Well Melody and Hope bought a karaoke machine for reasons known only to them. They subjected everyone to it, so I'm sure you'll get that 'joy' at some point."

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Anna didn't say anything, but had an expression half way between excitement and utter terror.

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"That expression sums up my attitude to it, but I'd have more dread. If they suggest it again I might just go work on my bike."

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"You have a bike?" asked Anna, surprised.

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(Ooc: I blame tumblr. ask shadow, He knows what I'm talking about)

"my pleasure to help." said glen."Especially if the reward is there."


"a music group?" said Young red."I wonder if you could even share the spotlight for five minute" . she laughed.

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"I really didn't take you as the kinda guy to have a bike," replied Anna, then she turned to Red. "I... I think now I'd be happy to let someone else take it, you know."


"If you do a good job..." Ziona teased.

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"Don't get him started. He'll use the excuse of him being made to have some sort of transportation because of regulations, but the truth is he loves that thing. Even if he can skate much faster," said Rouge.

"Jealous because they didn't let you pick the transport?" retorted Shadow with a smirk.

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"i like that even more..." said glen.


"Well, well. you are growing up I see ."Said red.

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"So you have some hobbies after all?" said Anna to Shadow. "Do you enter it into races? And..." she poked Red in the ribs, "stop insulting me!" she joked.


"Really? Hmm... I'll make a note of that," said Ziona.

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"No I don't race with it, it's strictly for military use. With the modifications that have been done, it would run afoul of racing rules most likely."

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