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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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" I need some sleep too, please take care Kayl eats something when she wakes up." Berry said as she went to sleep.

Max smiled, "Good night, you might have had a tough day." Then he turned to Ziona, "Salutations to you."

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"Well at least that's taken care of. Anything happen while I was gone?" asked Shadow.

"Nope, luckily for you," replied Rouge.

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"Uh, hello there," Ziona replied to Max. "I'm Ziona. And you are?"

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Crowley returned to his seat as he realised the photo had been taken. He picked up his glass and took a sip of his drink.

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Dylan took a picture of Crowley as he was drinking

"Not being in the group photo doesn't excuse you from having your picture taken"

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spectre Look at Chao"They are young, they'll have the time to understand."


"It's alright Zionna." Said Glen."Now you can hug me to your heart's contempt." He hugged her back.

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Max was going to introduce himself when Glen hugged Ziona. He just smiled, "Have your time." He said as he went out of the room, with Berry carrying Kayl

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Melody went to her room and laid on the bed without even bothering to changed. She gave the occasional sob as she fell asleep.


"Sorry, Red, didn't mean to lower the mood there," said Anna


"I think we may have offended the newcomers," giggled Ziona/

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"Maybe it is, but it's still a picture. It could've looked better"

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"Nah, It's alright, but because it's you !" Said red.


"I hope they won't be mad at us..." Said Glen."But I have you, and that''s all I need for now."

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(ooc: Hey! Where did my post go? Stupid forum must have ate it.)

"Thanks Red," said Anna, chinking her glass on Red's


"I think they don't mind," laughed Ziona

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Rancor quickly moved around the room and started to make some cups of tea for everyone.


"It looks like we can go from glacier to glacier down there." Knuckles points out over the lake, he then turns back to Spectre. "Unless you're feeling less adventurous and want to teleport us again."

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"I suppose so. I must get used to this common availability of cameras," replied Crowley.

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"I say... I'm goint to teleport Myself and chao, while you and your friends have a little training of some sort." Said Spectre, smiling.


"Hum, I think I better go check on Melody. red , can you stay here and make sure Anna And her friend behave?" Asked Locke. Old Red nodded. On these words, Locke Left back for the Hotel."By the way, That was very good Anna."


"Good for us then." Said Glen, Kissing Zionna.

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"Heh, thank you," said Anna, blushing slightly.


"Would be awkward otherwise," Ziona replied.

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Knuckles stares at Spectre and Chaos walks over to Spectre and looks at him with his usual blank look.

"I know you'd be laughing right now if you had facial expressions." Knuckles said to Chaos, who simply continued to look at him.

Kali let go of Astraea after transferring some of his energy.

"Do you feel better now?" he asks Astraea.

"Yea...yea I'm fine." she replies. He looks over to her and puts his head closer to hers.

"Are you sure? Your face is all red still from the cold."

Realizing what he was talking about, Astraea quickly set herself on fire and backed away a bit. "No no, I'm fine. See I can keep myself like this to warm up."

Kali backs up to avoid being set on fire and simply shrugs.

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"Come Chao." said Spectre."we wouldn't want you to freeze in place."


'Ido guess you are right." Answered back glen."Noow, what do we do? I heard our new butler over here was looking for knuckles."


"My pleasure"Answered back locke before leaving.

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Anna turned back to Red. "Do you wanna head off somewhere?" she asked.


"Looking for Knuckles? I've got no idea where he is I'm afraid." replied Ziona

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Rancor walks over with his cups of tea. "I'm sure we'll find him soon. In the meantime, would anyone care for a drink?"


Chaos walks over to Spectre as the two teleport away. Knuckles turns back to Kali and Astraea.

"Where did those two go?" she asks.

"To the temple." he responds.

"Without us?"


The group then turns back to the lake and begin making their way down the hill to cross it.

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"So Am I" said Glen." but Maybe will the Guardian tell us more about it." On these words, locke came in, Quickly going to Melody's Room. But rather than hearing a peaceful snoring, it was rather the sound of someone sobbing that came back to his ears.

He slowly opened the door, making sure to make as little noise as possible, and made his way toward Melody's Bed. There, he gently took her in his arm and started to sing a little lullaby , hoping to calm her down.


"Going somewhere?" Asked Young red."Well, depend of where big girl."

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Melody was actually asleep and, being Melody, didn't even stir when Locke entered. Whatever her dreams were, it was clear they were unhappy. But as Locke sung, somehow the song began to penetrate her nightmares, and the sobbing and shaking began to subside.


"If this was Moebius I could name 100 places, but I'm still a little lost here. Sorry," apologised Anna. Something she'd never have done before.


"I think the Guardian might be a little preoccupied," said Ziona, watching Locke go into Melody's room..

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Spectre looked Around, watching the children from afar."I do hope they'll be able to walk through this, or else, I'll have to call our watery friend to save them."


"I see that." Said Glen.


Locke gently patted Melody's hair while singing the lullaby again.


"Don't be sad. We'll find something. Or we can stay there. Especially since you appear to have something interesting next to you." Said Young Red.

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Melody now was sleeping peacefully, a smile appearing on her face.


"You... you mean the cake...?" asked Anna, deliberately misinterpreting Red's comment.


"Oh, blast it. I nearly forgot. I need to get those reports on those kids done before Zet's replacement arrives tomorrow," exclaimed Ziona

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