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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Hmmm... you might be on to something there. I'll try something simple first. Just to test it."

Hope began to concentrate and a shadowy form slowly appeared on her right, rising out of the sand. Once completed it resembled Frankenstein.

"IT'S ALIVE! IT'S ALUVE!" yelled Hope as she gave off her best maniacal laugh.

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"I know you don't Tikal. But you should have your own friends as well. And they'll be able to show you things about this Zone that I can't"


"You know Hope," said Melody as she examined the monster Hope had created, "you've got the crazy scientist routine pretty much perfected there."


"What is it Red," asked Mina, putting a comforting hand on Red's shoulder. "Whatever it is, please let me help."

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"Hehe thank you. It certainly helps to be related to two mad scientists. Good thing it doesn't run in the family" The tone of Hope's voice changed to a serious, flat tone. "Or does it? Maybe I built this machine to trap you all inside. With my minions there will be no stopping me."

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"Maybe we'll discover the world together then ?" Said Tikal.


"Mina .... I can't ..." Red was in obvious pain now.


Glen got closer to have a better look at Zionna's work.

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Dylan just stood out of the way to allow Skye and Tikal to have their moment, He didn't want to get involved this time

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"Shadow is now ignoring me ." Said Locke."At least you are there Dylan..."

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(ooc: So... has everyone followed? Because I assumed Locke and the others hadn't followed, only Skye and Tikal)

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(Ooc: Well, we kinda followed, and since Shadow is now mad at Locke, he moved toward Skye's last position. )

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(ooc: As far as I can tell, everyone is on the island and either on the beach or near the entrance , just said entrance is being blocked by Skye and Tikal having another of their lovey-dovey moments.)

Skye took Tikal's hand and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "That would be wonderful. A whole world just waiting for the two of us to explore together."


For a moment Melody actually looked terrified at Hope's 'I am evil' routine, the knowledge of who she was on Moebius shooting to the forefront of her brain. But that moment quickly past, and Melody started grinning again.

"You're only as unstoppable as your minions. Why don't you put them to the test," Melody challenged, adopting a combat pose and facing off against the monster next to Hope.


"I... I don't understand." Mina seemed similarly distressed a her friends distress.


Ziona was a bit to absorbed in her work to notice Glen approach.

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Locke was once again talking to himself . saddened at the idea that he moght habe estranged himself from shadow , he wandered aimlessly on the island, trying to find a way to get himself forgiven... until he saw Red , with Mina on her side . Something was wrong , Red wasn't feeling well. He quickly ran toward her.

"Red! are you alright ?" He asked to a Sorrowful Red

"No I'm not !" Answered back Red ."How could I right now ?"

(Looks like Red is having another crisis .)


"That's a very nice sandcastle you are making here ." Said Glen to Zionna."What does it represent ?"


"That would be a most wonderful idea !" Said Tikal happily.

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"When we get back," began Skye, "we'll get a map and look at all the places we want to go."


"What can I do to help? Please let me help you," begged Mina, not realizing she was actually making things worse.


Ziona looked up and smiled. "It was a castle I saw in a picture once, one that daddy brought back from work one day. It was such a beuitiful building. I always hoped I'd get a chance to see it for real."

(ooc: If anyone is wondering why the dream hasn't unleashed more monsters on us or somesuch, I think it's because the dream realises it doesn't have to! Actually, I'll put down the fact that everyone seems to keep getting distracted to the effects of the dream world getting inside peoples heads)

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(Ooc: Does mina not realise Red is having one of her crisis ? Or maybe would you want to have them later in her Life?)

"You cannot do much to help me right now." Said Red. she was breathing heavily , and was starting to curl into a ball. If someone wanted to find a way to help her, it would be now....


How could she feel bad? How could Red feel bad? She was with two people who genuinly care about her (granted Mina would not last the way it was intended, but still....) .... Over so many conflicted feeling, she fell on the sand .


"For a moment, I though you were saying that one day, your dad came back from work , and brought back the WHOLE CASTLE with him." Said Glen.

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Mina knelt down next to Red and embraced her tightly. "Shh, it's alright. You're with all your friend, and you've a wide open sky above you. There's nothing hampering you, the the freedom of the sky."


Ziona giggled. "I don't think even Daddy could manage that."

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"Very well. ATTACK!" yelled Hope as her monster lurched forward towards Melody.

"This might be your second life, but you only live twice, Miss Prower," she taunted with a smug smile.

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" Red" Said Locke, As he kneeled toward her."Everything is alright . Nothing is happening . Just .... Listen to your friend."


Red was still crying , a terrible feeling of betrayal coming from inside herself... She felt so wrong with Mina at her side, even though she knew it was the right thing to do.


"Hey, who knows ?" Said Glen." Maybe you'll get to see it one day."

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"Your evil schemes end here Professor Kintobor!" retorted Melody as she jumped over the monster, drawing her blade and aiming a slash at it's back as she landed.


Mina shook slightly, unsure what to do. This was worse than any attack she'd seen Red have before. "Please, it's gonna be alright. There's nothing to worry about. We're all here for you."


"Oh, I wish I could. There's so much I'd love to see."

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"Anything is possible if you know how to do it." Said Glen.


"A new adventure, and we haven't even finished this one...." Said Tikal.


"Mina...Locke...." Red was slowly coming back to her sense...

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"That the secret, always planning ahead. Having something good to strive for," explained Skye


Mina shot a glace over to Locke, surprised that he and Red seemed to be quite close, but let it slid. "We're here Red, we're here."


"Yeah, if I knew how to jump Zones with the cops finding out,.."

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The creature stood there, oblivious to Melody's slash, and turned to face her.

"You'll have to try harder than that!" said Hope

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"Interesting point of view." Said Tikal.


"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... " Said Red.


"with or without them finding out ?" Asked Glen."You are still one of them."

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"Its the point of view that kept me going when..." Skye began, then stopped.


"Oh don't worry, I'm just getting warmed up," replied Melody, rushing forwards and aiming a blow at the monster's neck, hoping to sever its head.


"You've nothing to be sorry for Red," comforted Mina


"Yeah, but No-Zoner's aren't allowed to jump Zones, unless they are Cops on an assignment."

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The creature's head came clean off, but it still let out grunts and groams, and it's body attempted grab Melody, but failed miserably. Hope raised an eyebrow.

"Well that was unexpected. Left, go left you fool. Wait no, not this way!"

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"Oh, tsk tsk, Prof. Don't you know that when you remove a control element, a monster always goes after it's creator?"

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"This is the price of failure Miss Prower." Hope snapped her fingers and the monster exploded in a shower of sparks.

"Well that was fun," she said in her usual cheerful voice.

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"I think you enjoyed that too much," joked Melody, "but we have found another use for this dream machine if you manage to build one yourself. And from what I've heard, having an off switch on your monster probably makes you the smartest mad scientist in your family!"

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