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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Thank you. I always plan for the worse. Something I sincerely hope my uncle never does. And this dream machine would be a great way to have some fun and relax. Maybe I should charge people to use it."

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"Yeah. Just make sure you charge by the hour.... Actually, hang-on, make that by the minute!"

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"Good idea. I hope Shadow and everyone else doesn't outright destroy Eggman's machine. It'll be easier to repurpose this one than build my own from scratch."

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"You might want to ask them quickly!"

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"Unfortunate" Said Glen."But I guess it's better that way...."


"I'm... sorry." Was all Red could repeat. Guilt was something terrible, and Lying to her friend on such important matter like her

own future had a terrible shock on her.


"it's alright Skye...." Said Tikal, understanding.

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"Thank's Tikal. But it was worth it all to find you at the end."


"Red, I don't know what you're sorry for, but whatever it is, I forgive you, okay. And you know that's something I would never do for anyone else."


"But they don't even let us have... I dunno... supervised breaks in other Zones, or some kind of organised exploring corps. Nothing but enforcement. Plain, boring, soul-crushing enforcement."

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"She cares about your well-being , Mina." Said Locke."That's why she isn't talking. Or at least, that is what I think..."


"Come on. An enforcing job is still an enforcing job. You do habe some rest from time to time ...."Said Glen.


"Yes , skye. The same feeling is shared ." Said Tikal.

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"Thanks Tikal," replied Skye, giving her a quick peck on the tip of the nose.


"I know she care's for me. But why would that stop her talking," asked Mina confused.


"But normally we're only allowed breaks to be in No-Zone."

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"Probably because because she thinks it's for the best if you don't know about it ."Said Locke."But maybe... This kind of thinking is what hurt her , As she feels like she is betraying you..."


Tikal Lightly blushed from the Peck.


"I bet that would be quite strange to meet a stranger that looks like you and act like youto an extent ." Said Glen.

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Skye just smiled.


"Betraying me...?"


"You know better than me!" joked Ziona

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"There are things , that are better off unknown. Things that could do harm not only to the concerned , but to everyone related aswell. To a serious extent ." Sadly said Locke."She is unsure about either or not taking this risk or sacrifying her peace of mind for good.... I, don't know the answer..."


Tikal smiled back ."Maybe we should keep that for later , or else everyonen will get angry at your lovelyness." She joked.


"Yup , But that wasn't awkward . Exept for his girlfriend that is." Sad Glen.

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Crowley was watching from afar. He had no idea why Red decided to tell Mina in the first place. Surely she knew that dropping cryptic hints would only lead to disaster.

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"Heh heh, yeah. We don't want my sister to blow up again!"


Melody glanced over at the rest, and saw Crowley's scowl. "What do'ya think he's frowning about," Melody asked Hope.


"But how... How could she know something like that, and how could it be so terrible...." Mina was beinging to look fairly distressed herself.


"Hmm, maybe I should ask his girlfriend how she manages to act so childlike when she's older," pondered Ziona.

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"I'm not sure. Maybe one of the others did something. Or perhaps he just saw Locke. He isn't exactly his biggest fan."

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"That would be a bad thing." Said Tikal .


"I'm affraid , the consequences of her action are way too terrible at the moment..." Said Locke


"Yeah, you do that. Maybe he likes it this way ?". Said Glen.



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"Yeah, but she seems fine enough right now."


"I don't think Dad would make he scowl quite that badly."


Mina looked at Red. "Whatever they are, it doesn't matter okay. It's gonna be fine." She looked back at Locke and whispered "What is it that everyone here seems to know except me?"


"You can ask him when we wake up."

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"But she could blow up as fast as she run..." Whispered Tikal .


"Knowing myself , going in directly in the morning might lead to a quite ..... interesting situation." Said Glen.


"I'm affraid I have to respect her silence ...." Said Locke , Sadly ."If she could, believe me , she would have told you long ago..."

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"True, but you normally get a few warning signs first."


"Yeah, you're right," Melody replied and walked over to Crowley. "What's wrong?"


"Why do I suddenly feel as if all of you are holding me over the edge of a cliff?" Mina hissed in response.


Ziona rolled her eyes. "I didn't mean first thing Glen. That'd be rude."

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"Believe me." Said Locke."When I say that absolutly everyone here are on this edge with you."


"Hum , we hope so." Said Tikal.


"But I'd love to play a prank on him, especially if he still use his girlfriend's panties as a hat ." Said Glen.

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Crowley looked to Melody.

"It seems Red has made Mina very suspicious, and both her and Locke are doing a poor job of throwing her off."

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"Don't worry Tikal. If she does snap, it'll be at me. No one could ever yell at you."


"She... uh oh... I can't be to bad yet though, I don't have one of those headaches yet."


"More like, if I go, I take everyone with me, isn't it?"


Ziona looked disgusted. "How could you say such things on front of a child," she chastised him.

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" You must be as childish as I'm an adult. oh wait..." Said Glen." Well, excuse me then, MOM."


"It's not that far from the truth unfortunaly...." Said Locke."But no matter what his her choice , I'll respect it."


"That's very kind from you ." Said Tikal.

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"You mean I don't say kind things to you enough?" kidded Skye.


Mina shook her head. "This doesn't make any sense."


"Well didn't you Mom ever tell you and your duplicate how to wear cloths properly?"

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