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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"It's perfectly understandable. I shall try my hardest to help you. I promise."

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"Thank's Crowley. I would hug you, but after that epic one you got from Mom I'd guess you'd prefer I didn't!"

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"It's fine. I may as well get used to it. Plus it's interesting to see if it runs in the family."

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Melody gave a smile and the gave Crowley a hug that, while tight, wasn't at the bone crushing level that the earlier one from Mina had been.

"Thanks a million! If there's anything I can do to repay you, please tell me."

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"Heh. you must be getting used to them already if you're hugging back!"


Mina glanced up and saw Crowley and melody embracing. "Well, well," she murmured. "I might be in with a chance after all..."

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"Careful, or you'll loose that ice-cold image of yours!"

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(ooc: Finally back! Sorry for getting you to talk to yourself earlier Locke, I wasn't around for a large section of the day, but could you make it clearer that you followed next time to avoid confusion)

After a while of waiting for Skye and Tikal to finish their "moment", Dylan had sat down, they were blocking the way in so he couldnt go down and hoped they would be done soon

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"I, uh, we better see how Dylan is doing," Skye suggested to Tikal as he entered. "Sorry about that, everyone seems a little... 'occupied' outside."


"So it seems. A real man of mystery ain't you!"

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"No worries, it makes up for last time I guess," Dylan said as he got up and went inside

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"Yes I am. Apparently women seem to like it, if your mother is any indication."

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Skye shuffled his feet. "Yeah. Sorry I was so hard on you there..."


"If I didn't know better, I'd say you disliking affection is just an act to make yourself seem more mysterious."

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"Don't apologise, it was a bad decision," Dylan said. "Now, let's take a look at what the others are doing"

Dylan took them down to the room

"After you"

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"Thank's Dylan. Wow, this is a great set-up you have here."


"You know, you're a lot more pleasant than your Prime Zone counterpart. But there is one thing I've been wanting to ask you. You and Red were trapped in Skye's head right, and you were together. How come I never encountered you when I was trapped in there too?"

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"Looks like we occupied the way more than needed " Said Tikal.


"I hope I'll be able to wait, and won't end up old and ugly .." Said Glen.


"Mina,... thank you."'Said Red weakly before loosing consciousness ....

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"Thank you, I'll have to work out how to recreate this place when we wake up"

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"Yeah, we did Tikal, but everyone else seemed to be busy so it didn't really matter. And if you need any help setting up a complex like this Dylan, just ask.


"Red!" Mina exclaimed, worried. She cradled the unconscious Red in her arms. "Please be okay. I've never seen you have an attack this bad. Not leading to unconsciousness"


"I hate to break it to you, but you already for fill the old category Glen!"

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"Don't be too hard on Shadow. The man has an incredibly stressful job for which he receives no gratitude, and to say he's been through a lot would be a colossal understatement. You might not like him. Few people ever will. But he'd still help you in a time of need.

As for not encountering me, Red and I did not meet as often as you think. I tended to keep to myself the majority of the time. And I was never hired to kill you to begin with."

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" Maybe maling plans ?" Said Tikal.


Red was merely incoscious. It appear that her crisis never got to such a level. Here Locke was

hoping that it would never happen again , as he trie to help mina who was clinging to Red's unconscious body.


"Old maybe, but Instill do have some sucess. If I end up TOO Old , I'll even loose this.." Joked Glen.

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"Nah, I'm sure if this was real, someone had to build it. I'll get it eventually"

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"If you're sure Dylan," Skye replied.


"Oh I do like Shadow, and I know he's had a hard time. It's just funny that someone from Moebius who's an assassin is nicer than him. And... you weren't hired to kill me? And you kept to yourself even in my brother's brain?"


"I dunno what to do," moaned Mina, "I dunno."


"You're not too old yet! Not as long as you keep up with your silly jokes and mannerisms."

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"Right, lets see what the others are doing"

Dylan got the screens to display where the others were

"What's going on?"

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