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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I'd wager you're right. Just hope Glen's stopped being a drama queen so we can move on."

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(ooc: Wether it's shadow or crowley, they are being hypocritical, and asses.)

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(OOC It's hard for me to have any sympathy when I know it's ripped straight from Spec Ops The Line).

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(Ooc: But Shadow doesn't know that. And I don't ripped it of. I gave another outcome.)

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"Oof! Ziona, careful. What's happening?"

"I dunno, I dunno, I dunno. It went dark, I couldn't see, Glen was arguing with someone, there was a shot... What happened Skye, what happened?" Ziona half explained, half screamed. Skye looked around.

"I think it's alright. I can still see Glen standing." Ziona's head whipped around.

"Glen, are you alright?" shouted out Ziona.


"It's a dream Red, it can't be that tiring to look your age... unless.... unless you mean.... nah, you don't mean that.... do you?"

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"What's going on? it seem something terrible came in your mind for a split second."


Glen walked toward Zionna, before falling to his knee yet again. He then did the only thing left in his mind ; he took her in his arms."Yes, yes I'm fine. For the first time in years, I'm fine.Just don't let go now, do you?"


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As Shadow stood thinking, an arm chair appeared behind him and he sat down, still in thought as to what to conjure next.

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"Shadow, you vegetable, stop it, this is getting ridiculous." Said Locke

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"I won't Glen. Just don't do anything scary like that again, pretty please?"


"Why should he?" asked Melody as she cause her tiara to reappear. "If we can do it, why shouldn't we use it. Plus, the practice might come in useful for... later."


"t's just... what you said... it almost only makes sense if... if you really were about 40 or 50 years old..." Mina said haltingly, wearing a twisted smile that seemed to be the result of her mind not sure where to laugh or scream at the idea.

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"This is a dream Locke. I have a very physically active career, so I'm going to take advantage of any reprieve I can get."

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"Physically active." said Locke." That's what Rouge said !!! "


"Don't worry Zionna. it's over. no more killing. No more violence. We can go home." Said Glen.


"My body and mind are both hurt by this implication Mina."

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"Yay! Home! Away from all this dust and sand... No! Waitaminute! I wanna go exploring fist before we go home."

Skye gave a smile, and started walking away from the two. Then stopped and remember the whole 'snapping them out of a dream' thing.




"But I... Sorry I didn't mean.... but it makes sense with what you said... it sounds crazy but..."

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"Do I looks like someone that would travel in time in a machine that looks like a giant phone?" Said Red , Joking.


"Exploring?" Said Glen."No, Zionna.... we can't.There is simply nothing for you to see in a place like this." Glen was aware now that everything was a lie. The baron's claim somehow woke him up. But he couldn't simply throw the truth at Zionna. He'll have to find a solution to get her out of here.


"You were the one insulting Glen Sooner." aid Locke.

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"Well, okay. This place is rather nasty. But what about another Zone. There must be several to look at. Pleeeeeease!"

Skye shook his head slightly. "How do we...?" he asked Glen.


"Dad you're embarrassing me!" muttered Melody.

(ooc: I'm surprised that Shadow isn't worried that Melody might end up fangirling him like Mina fangirl's Crowley)


"Well, no," laughed Mina weakly. "Though Crowley does have the voice for it..."

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"Assuming you can get him to wear your grandfather's clothes." Kept on Red.


"Melody, Please. Stop it. You looks like a fangirl !" Said Locke.


"Zionna.... I have something to tell you... It's important."

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"I'd hardly call her actions 'fangirling' Locke. It's actually quite nice to have some support for once. I don't exactly leave good impressions most of the time"

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"Hello? Is everything alright over there? I thought I heard a shot earlier"

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"Sure Glen, what's that?" asked Ziona with an innocent, adorable smile.

Skye braced himself. "Everything is good here Dylan, no need to worry. Glen was just working... erm... some stress out. We're trying to get Ziona on side, then we'll be ready to pick you up."


"Heh heh," laughed Mina. "I think that look would suit you Crowley!"


"All I said was that you were being embarrassing," replied Melody hotly, then she suddenly shouted "I am NOT acting like my mother!"

"Huh?" Mina's swung round to look at Melody

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"Fine, I'll try to work out exactly where I am, not that it would make much difference seeing as you manage to transport yourself where you want to go"

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In an attempt to minimise the damage Crowley sprung up and took hold of Mina.

"Don't worry about that my dear. It's just a dream after all. Things were bound to be strange. Who knows what qualities your subconscious has projected into this dream child?"

Shadow knelt beside Melody.

"Calm down Melody. Don't worry, you're not acting like your mother, I assure you," he whispered so Mina couldn't hear.

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"nothing." Said locke."Melody is being herself, a bit hotheaded , but nice inside."


"Skye? I don't think Glen was just working some stress." Said Tikal...."Maybe you could ask what's actually happening? since it seem that Glen and Dylan are from the same zone."


"Zionna , I .... care a lot about you, too much for my own good. Every single words coming from my mouth are going to cost me, but well.... None of this is true Zionna. Nothing, exept for the both of us and these strange peoples around us. You aren't a kid anymore, so That's why i'm putting it so bluntly. Just... Don't let me go..."

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"I know that Tikal," Skye whispered back, "but this isn't the time and place to explain the whole thing over a radio. And I'm not sure I want to pry into his personal affairs now that things seem to be settling." Skye opened up his radio Dylan. "Best you work it out, The dreamscape has been on our side so far, but if it turns against us we'll need to find you the old fashioned way."


Ziona just stared at Glen. "No... NO! That's not true. You're lying, just like the other's were. I'm still a kid. Tell me you're lying Glen, please tell me you're lying." She pounded uselessly against his chest. The tears in her eyes made it clear that, on some level at least, she knew that Glen was telling the truth.


"Yeah Crowley, you're right. Just a dream... Though, I am a bit surprised my subconscious made my son a fox. If this was some paradise generator i'd have expected him to be... ahem, heh heh, never mind."

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"Yeah, I guess I could get blocked off from using the dream to get away, my teleporter certainly isn't working, I'll keep an eye out for clues to where this island is"

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Crowley chuckled.

"It is peculiar. Perhaps it stems from you not knowing what I look like. Ah well, no matter."

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