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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Careful. You don't want to ruin your mystique by admitting that," laughed Mina

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"Bad things kid, very bad things." Said A very bulky Wolf "Right Glen?"

Glen couldn't handle the sight of his old friend."This is understatement Mendez, right?"

"If only. Worse is not even enough to describe everything."

"What about Selmo?" Glen was almost affraid of the answer.

"It's your fault pal, you handle it. You are the one with his blood on your hands."

"Think this is funny for me? It was their fault! they were the one who attacked !"


"Stop it !"

"What the Deal ? Can't handle the truth? Can't handle how much of a failure you are? Really, in a way, selmo is the lucky one. At least he is dead. Pretty sure PTSD would not suit him well anyways..."

"Just stop it...." Said Glen.


"i wouldn't worry about that Mina" Sadi Red."He is a big boy. If someone play hard on him, he'll retaliate."

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"Glen..." said Ziona quietly, tugging on his trouser leg. "Can we go now? That man your talking to is scaring me."

"Alright, this has gone far enough," muttered Skye. He strode between the two, arms outstreched at each of them. Magical enbergy puslated along his hands, in case it become nessiary to reple one ofg them. "Glen, he's not real so just snap out of it and ignore him. And you, you're just a figment of someones imagination, so why don't you, sorry Dad, &"$% off!"

"Uh oh," exclaimed Melody. She turned to Tikal. "Skye sounds like he's about to lose his temper. You might want to vacate the area."


"Heh, that's true," Mina said with a laugh, managing to put a brave face on and making it look like she was feeling better.

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The wolf moved toward Glen,Passing through Skye. "I'm dead glen. I said it myself : Everyone had to die one day. It just happenned sooner Than I ever though....." Glen tried to avoid Mendez's stare

Mendez's voice got a bit softer."Hey,Glen. Are you Listening? it's over for me, it's over for Selmo. not for you. Now, take care of it. You still have to finish what you started , wether you like it or not."

"I know."

"then move out."


"You aren't well cutie. You aren't well at all."

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Shadow had had enough.

"Darn it Glen snap out of it! None of this is real, it's all a dream!"

"Lose my mystique? I should hope not. I'm just glad the legends haven't exceeded reality," said Crowley as he looked over to Glen.

"If that doesn't work knock some sense into him," he called to Shadow.

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"Hey! Passing through people is cheating. Stupid unfair dreamworld," Skye muttered darkly, wondering if Glen could even hear him at this stage.

Ziona gave a little scream of fright as the wolf moved closer,and backed away behind a display. For a moment, Skye felt a small twinge of familiarity with her actions, similar to how he had sometime reacted to his father. Realising there wasn't much he could do to help Glen short of setting him on fire, he moved towards Ziona and tried to comfort her, picking her up and making sure she was facing away from the wolf.

"Shh, it's okay. Just a bad dream, that's all."


"Don't worry Crowley, your secret is safe with me. And you don't need to worry about me Red, I'm fine. Really."

(ooc: Could be wrong, but weren't Shadow, Crowley, Red and Mina still in the forest, not the sweetshop?)

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(ooc: *shrug* it's a dream. Who knows! :P Maybe the sweetshop is now in the forest!)

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(Ooc: Or the forest... WAS THE SWEETSHOP ALL ALONG . plot twist.)

Mendez saw the two kids being affraid ."Darn, Am i that terrible to look at ?"

Glen answered."I guess what you did sooner kinda scared them...."

"I don't blame you for my death. I'm not sure about Selmo. He was my, he was our friend, and now he is gone, just as much as I am.the whole thing got worse before it got any better..... And the most terrible thing? We left you behind to support all the weigh of those actions... " Mendez took another breath."Please Glen, Let's end this. Or else, thing will stay the same, and no one is going to be able to go home...."

"Home?" Asked Glen"But where is home?"

"You'll tell me once you'll be done with the baron man...."

"Yeah, you are probably right."

Glen took upon himself to get up, He was obviously in pain, but that didn't really stopped him. "Alright. I'm going in."

"I knew you had it in you. good luck ."And on these word , Mendez left , disapearing as mysteriously as he came.

"anyone coming ?"Asked Glen.


"If only I could be sure of this , sweetie."

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"I'm not scared," replied Skye honestly, "but I think all his talk of death was too much for Ziona."

"Is he gone yet Skye?" Ziona asked.

"Yeah, he's gone, it's just Glen left," replied Skye, raising an eyebrow at the fact Ziona could now remember his name. Ziona opened her eyes and turned round to look at Glen, but still held onto Skye.

"Please don't go and leave me Glen," she pleaded. "It's not gonna be nice there."

"This might be something he has to do Ziona," explained Skye. "But don't worry, everyone else will still be here." Skye looked around for Tikal.

"Tikal," he whispered, "A little help? I'm not good with the comforting thing!"

"I'm not sure if hurting Glen would be the best option Shadow," said Melody. "This is different from both the good dream and when it tries to stop us. I'm not sure what it is, but it might be something Glen needs and wants, but at the same time doesn't want, which is why it's showing up now."


"Of course you can be sure. Why wouldn't I be? C'mon, even if I wasn't, it's not like I'm gonna be resentful of this all my life."

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"well....." Sarted Red.


Glen got up and moved toward zionna. He gace her a hug."I won't be long."

as Glen moved out of the hug, the place changed , slowly turning into another place. It was the entance of the radio tower / hotel of Sansblast city.

The place was completely deserted, bare Glen And the group.

Glen moved toward the door, with his radio speaking alongside him."So you finally came. Welcome Glen."

The dreamscape changed once again, turning into the inside of first floor of the hotel . from afar could be heard a voice ."Sargent, over here !" Gleb Followed the voice , leading him in front of a group of soldier. They were from both the DEL and Sandblast Freedom fighter . "Sargent , this is what is left of the expeditionnary force . we are at your orders."

"Where is he? Where is the Baron?" Asked Glen.

"Where he always was sir; waiting for you upstairs."Simply stated The soldier.

Glen moved with less difficulties, as if ignoring the aching pain from his limbs... He eventually got in the elevator , with the radio speaking again. "You did it Glen. You did the only thing isolation and sandstorm weren't able to do: You destroyed my soldiers."

The elevator stopped , warping the dream as glen got throught the door , allowing for everyone a first place seat for the things that would happen, wether they wanted or not.

"Tell me Glen . just between us , when you saw my work , what did you think?"The voice spoke clearly this time , without the static of the radio to mask it.

"I though it was the work of a madman..... " answered Glen.

"If I went crazy , things would have been way more easier for everyone ." stated the voice... "But it wasn't thecase unfortunaly. I am as sane as you are."

Glen moved around . the place was an Hotel room , in what appeared to be the last floor. Outside , one could see Sandblast city in it's full glory, with the desert on the other side . The town was now a shell of it's former glory.

"Glen, When you'll be done going through the whole appartment , I'll need you upstairs."

Glen worked his way on the last stairs . And for the first time in Years, Finally got to see the Baron . He was Painting. "My

work is finally over Glen , And not a moment sooner , as you just came in."

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"Very well then Melody. It would of course be Glen who wastes valuable time," said a clearly irritated Shadow.

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Um... guys, where have you gone? You all seem to have disappeared" Dylan said through Skye's radio

(ooc: What just happened? I thought it wasn't meant to be THIS deep)

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(ooc: I got mad over writing. I'm so cray when I want.)

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"Dylan? Can you hear us? I'll broadcast a repeating signal for you to lock onto us and tell us where we are now."

"I wouldn't worry too much Shadow. The previous times we've been in dreams, time outside has been much much slower than time inside," Melody said to try and placate Shadow.

"I don't like it here. It all hot and dry and horrible," sobbed Ziona. Skye closed his eyes for a second, and the next moment a cup of water appeared in his hand.

"Here, drink this, you'll feel better," said Skye softly as he offered the cup to Ziona, who took it gratefully. "This is no place for a kid," Skye muttered.

"Um, Skye? You do realise..."

"Yes Melody. I am quite aware who the 'kid' should and should not be in that sentence."


"What?" asked Mina

(ooc: Sooooo, I've worked out what cased the split between Mina and Miles. In the original timeline, Mina would probably have tried, fangirl that she is, to find Crowley. Miles would have offered to help, but would have actually been stopping her from locating Crowley. Move on thirty years, and Mina then finds out what Miles has done, probably when she finally meets Crowley and he says something that makes her realise Miles was lying.

Now however, things are slightly different. So now she is carrying that rejected feeling, and then at the thirty years later make when she meets Crowley, Crowley won't remember who she is because of the time travel thing! So, feeling completely shattered she'll take it out on Miles.

So far, that doesn't really impact the past for the kids, but that might change....)

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"I'm well aware of the relative nature of time. It doesn't make things any better in here though," he replied, taking one last swig before the flask was empty. Turning it over, Shadow noticed a small button on the back; pressing it caused the flask to refill.

"I could definitely use one of these in the real world."

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"Hold on, I think I found you." Dylan said. "You are in... oh dear ...a dream version of Sandblast city. Not a very nice place, I'm afraid"

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"Maybe Skye could make you one. It looks like the kinda thing that'd be up his street."

"That's just great, but at least you can see us now. Let us know the moment if something odd happens, cause I suspect it will soon!"

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"Mina, sweetie...." Red didn't really want to finish that sentence.... In a way, she was standing in front of her friend, but in her past form. She could change things. But would it be for the best? She didn't really know.


"Baron." Said Glen.

"Welcome Glen, welcome." said Back the Baron. "It's been a while, right? a very long while since we saw each other...."

"Baron..." Repeated Glen. "Why? why?"

"You know the answers, soldier. you were there , you acted on your own accord. Now come, follow me." The baron made a sign for Glen to follow him behind the giant painting. behind it, a glass door, opening on an open balcony.

"I don't like it, Is this another one of your games? If so, that's really not funny." Said Glen as he walked on the balcony.

Near the end of said Balcony, A chair. facing the remain of an once great city. Someone was sat on it. Glen got closer , in order to have a better look. he was now within touching range of said Chair. he turned it, only to find a decayed body. A decayed body that he knew too much.

"It appeared stories of my survival weren't fouded after all...."

"What? but..How? why?Why are you haunting me?"

"I'm not haunting you, Glen. You are the one hurting you again and again with this story."

"That's not true, I have no regrets!! I tried to help!!!!"

"Maybe, but even the best intentions leads to the worse. You saw it yourself." He kept on."You came here , with strict orders."

"But the situation changed, it trapped us..."

"No , you trapped yourself.... you wanted...The truth is that you wanted to be someone you weren't ."

"THAT'S not true!!!"

"It is, and you know it too well." The baron pulled out a pistol "I will do you a favor. I'm going to end it now."

"No, I can't !!!" Glen was in despair, has he took his father's sidearm.

"I'm going to count until five, then I'll pull the trigger.What is going to happen now depend entirely of you."

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"I will keep a look out," Dylan said before taking a look around

(ooc: I take it, Locke that you don't want Dylan to notice what is happening with Glen and the Baron)

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(ooc: I never said That. You do what you want with your side of the story.)

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"Somehow I don't think having him build a flask that produces infinite whiskey is a good idea," joked Shadow.

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"Tyring to be drunk on the job?" Said Locke?"It is never a good thing..."

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Ziona sat down, trying not to shed any more tears. Skye hovered over her, keeping in contact with Dylan. "Any chance you could send us pictures of an orbital view? I'd like to have a proper look at this place."

Melody burst out laughing. "Probably not, but can you even get drunk Shadow? Come to think of it, can anyone get drunk on dream whisky?"


Mina shot Red a curious look, that then flared up into anger.

"Okay, just WHAT is going on here? You seem to know more than your saying! Hell, you almost seem like a completely different person since we last talked. And why don't you look your proper age?"

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(ooc: I like how, appart from Skye and Zionna, Nobody seems to give a single care about the fact that Glen might end up shooting himself out of despair.)

"It's a dream Mina, Of course the way I would act and look would be different."

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