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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: I'm sure it won't happen, but you can see how it 'could', if that makes sense.... actually, I have worked out how 30 years later would could come to pass in this game, but it would mean killing off at least three characters.

But yeah, what info did get passed on?)

"No sense in wasting time then," said Skye as he set off, the world just beginning to change on the edge of peoples visions..


Mina gave a thoughful sigh as she set off after Skye. "You know Red, I suppose I would want a family someday."

(ooc: I'm assuming when Mina say's this she doesn't know Red can't have kids, otherwise she'd have said something else.)


"Heh, that sounds like the plot of several films I used to watch.... well, when I was this age!" Ziona said with a smile as she also followed Skye out of the hotel.

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Hope wandered up to Melody, looking at Shadow up ahead.

"What just happened? He seemed to be fine when he was talking to you a few minutes ago," she asked.

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"He got into an argument with Dad about his bosses. Something about GUN doing an info swap. I kinda backed away when things got heated so don't know the details. I think maybe you should talk to him, you do have a knack for cheering him up"

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"I see. I suppose I should have a chat with him. Hopefully I won't be too long," she replied as she managed to catch up to Shadow.

"Shadow, are you Ok?"

"Not particularly. Supposedly a while back GUN gave information regarding the Ark, and me, that they killed Maria and the rest of those researchers for. And they give to the Darned brotherhood of all people. And then of course Locke compared Maria to Tikal, for what reason I don't know," he replied

"I knew that colonel who ordered the raid was a disgrace, so it honestly doesn't surprise me. But he's long dead thankfully, and GUN's changed since then. It certainly wouldn't have been Tower or anyone currently at GUN who gave the information. Though I'll be honest it doesn't make much sense that they'd give it in the first place. I was sure GUN never made contact with the Mobians until recently. As for Locke's ill advised comparison, I'm with you."

"Thanks Hope, I see your point. At least it wasn't the current administration who gave it over."

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Skye kept going as the world changed around him and settled down.

"Dylan? Are you there," he asked, looking around.

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"Yeah, still here," Dylan said

(ooc: But I'll be gone for a while)

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"Uh," said Skye looking around. "I'd hoped to arrive where you were, but I'm not sure if it worked this time."

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Hope gave him a smile and went back to Melody.

"It's mostly cleared up, though Locke's still in the firing line. He compared Maria and Tikal. Perhaps he forgot the key distinction that one died saving her friend, and the other is currently walking around with his adoptive son, very much alive." She then gave off a sigh.

"I think his anger is starting to rub off on me. Am I gonna be like him when I'm 30?" she pondered aloud.

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"If I ever return to my home time I'll pop in and have a look will I?" suggested Melody as she gave Hope a playful nudge. "But I wouldn't worry about it. I don't think you're the type to ever get grouchy. Besides, I agree with the compassion being bad, only I'm still not sure about Tikal being alive. I have a suspicion my brother is actually dating a ghost. Which would be about par for the course for him."

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Hope laughed. "Yeah you're right. Well at least he's settling here nicely. Dating a ghost is pretty weird, but at least he's actually dating."

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"I still can't believe he's dating at all. I can't help but think of him as my little baby brother who thinks of nothing outside a laboratory."

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"It is very sudden. They haven't even known each other for a day. But as long as he's happy. I can only imagine what it must be like for you."

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(Ooc: And I'm back. I litteraly slept after getting home... Talk about one hell of a day...)

"Meh, making it happenning in real life would be funny ." Said an amused Glen.


"Why not ?" Said Red."It all depend of your plan in the future.mina ."


(Ooc: You people do realise that Tikal is dead. She took a freaking spear in the her belly , and the only reason she became a ghost is because of the Master emerald , and her connection with the chao. On another note, what did they give ? It's simple ; The actual knowledge of harnessing the power of the chao emerald for something else than simply Powering a city hidden under a rock. It probably got in the head of somes .....And about the killing in the ark, It was because of nothing but Paranoia .)

"I'm was too young to interfere with all of this , Shadow. Don't simply blame me for someone else mistake , As I reckon that one day, this will bit us in the backside ..."

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"Oh," Dylan said confused. "There are two possible reasons I can think of. One, for some reason the dream is blocking you all from finding me, or two, you are here, but you are above me on the island itself. Where does it look like you are?"

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"It looks like an island. I just hope it's the right one," replied Skye "Maybe because you didn't want us all piling into your living room the dream dropped us nearby."


"I'll get back to you on that Hope!" said Melody. "I'm still not sure yet. But quite frankly I find it utterly weird that there so close so quickly. It'd have said there was something else involved here."


"The future? Well, I've never really thought about it before."


"Heh, that would be hilarious!"

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"Hold on," Dylan said. "Look out for me, it isn't a huge island."

Dylan then went back up to the rest of the island and went to the hammock he had woken up earlier in. Then he made himself comfortable while he waited for the others to join him

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"Even if you can'f be part of it, You could always create some sort of kids' club or something for the children of Zone's cops. They get to understand how it works sooner, and they have they mind of everyday's life for a while." Said Glen.


"Maybe it's a little too soon I suppose." Said Red , thinking .


"So , dylan wanted to be on an island . He has a very good taste !" Said Tikal.

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"I think you're right Melody. Maybe it's magic? Some strange voodoo echidna stuff? I don't know what they can do. Or maybe Skye's just really... clingy or something. I'm not one to believe in love at first sight and all that nonsense," said Hope.

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Skye began wandering the island, and soon found Dylan in the hammock. "Looks like you're making the best of this too!"


"Skye's definitely clingy, you've seen how he acts with her. But I'd guess there some of that, how'd ya put it, strange voodoo echidna stuff on top of that."


"Yeah, we've still got all our lives ahead of us to do what we want first."


"Now would that be helping kids or brainwashing them I wonder," pondered Ziona

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(Ooc: Since I wasn't bashed On the head yet, I take everyone is cool with that idea of mine?)

"Depend of what you are planning to tell and do with them." Said Glen."But with you, I doubt it woukd be brainwashing, You are above that."


"Indeed, indeed." Said Red. It was heartbreaking to know what she did know.


"Shadow, I know We aren't exactly like two friends, but if you want , I can help you with this leaking problem... I'm feeling partly responsible , and you deserve more than just lies for the rest of your life." Said Locke.


"He is really well Installed ." Joked Tikal.

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(OOC What idea?)

"Well at least you aren't clingy. Or maybe you're just hiding it, waiting until my back is turned. Then there'll be no escape. Everywhere you go I'll be dragged along as your hostage-friend," joked Hope

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"Sure I am," Dylan said without even looking up. "Even if it is all fake, it's a nice place. A bit too perfect perhaps, but still nice"

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