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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Hi Mom! Hi everyone! I'm back to normal. And I brought you a little present Hope, to say thank you for letting me poke around your lab," said Skye happily.

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"It was no trouble at all, and it's only a small thing. But just make sure Auntie Rouge doesn't try and steal it," said Skye with a smile as he held up the gem amulet.

"Remember how we were talking about prototypes and that I could use my magic to make working scale models. That's what this is for." Skye pulled out his dairy and opened it to a page covered with blueprints.

"You hold the amulet over the plans," Skye explained, "think the word that's embossed on it's edge there, and...." A 3D model popped into existence on top of the page. Skye handed both the model and the amulet to Hope. "Give it a try."

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"So, I take You had a good time with Shadow then? I hope it wasn't too uneventfull for you."

"And it seems you even made a new friend on the way." Said Locke

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"I had a great time Mom. It might have been uneventful, but I got to spend time in a cool hi-tech lab!" Unlike Melody, the lie from Skye was perfectly smooth and believable. Only his ears gave away the fact he was lying, and they were hidden underneath the baseball cap.

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Hope held the amulet over the blueprints and thought the word. Sure enough, a model popped up. "Thanks Skye!"

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"I hope you find it useful," said Skye with an ecstatic grin. "It might vary depending on how strong the ambient magic is at GUN, but it should have enough magical energy to sustain a single model for maybe five hours in a day, give or take. Obviously, more models will drain it quicker. Oh, and to dismiss a model, hold the amulet near it and think the word backwards."

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Hope dismissed both the models. "This'll really help with my work. Thank you so much."

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"No problem at all Hope. And any-time you want a more direct hand, just give me a call."

Skye looked around and saw his sister nearby. "What's up Melody? You're not normally this quiet."

"Oh, Glen is just going to take me to meet M... Mina later."

Skye just stared at his sister, who hurried over to him.

"You're not going to freak-out again are you?" Melody whispered to her brother.

"No, I think I'm passed that. Now it's just normal shock."

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Red whispered something at melody."I know what you feeling right now. But given this mina's situation, your behavior might have chances to be seen as simple shock from being in front of a celebrity.So no matter what happen, you'll be safe, ok?"


"I gotta say, Glendolyn was right. It was quite a morning we had today.... Let's just hope it won't be like that for the rest of the week. I could use some more calm and tranquility." Said Glen.

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"That's what I went for last time," Melody whispered back. "Here's hoping Glen doesn't call me out on it again!"

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"Don't worry. He must have learned his lesson by now."

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"Heh. I hope so. Do'ya think I should actually listen to some of her music before I meet her? Otherwise it might be a little odd."

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Okay, I'll go back to my room at the hotel and see what the others are doing. So, see you

*Teleports back to room at hotel*

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Skye raised his cap slightly, allowing one ear to poke out.

"Did anyone else hear a 'vorp' from Dylan 's room?"

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(ooc: What do you mean a "vorp"?!)

*Goes to door and starts listening to what's going on in the other room*

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"Well, it might depend on you, But don't forget it's supposed to be later that day."


"Well, Dylan finnaly back? That would be great indeed." Said Glen.

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(ooc: That's just the noise I imagined the teleport would make. Correct me if I'm wrong! ;) )

"I'm sure I can get through a greatest hits compilation or something before then. If I can find one. Does this hotel have a music database?" asked Melody.

"If Dylan's back that means everyone's here. Well, except the freaky Zone Cops, but they don't matter."

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(ooc: I never pictured it making any sound. But a "vorp" seems like an interesting idea)

*To self*

Are they talking about me?

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Skye went over to Dylan's door and knocked.

"Hello. Dylan? Are you in there?"

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"Hey! The foxxy one matters to me at least!." Said Glen defensively.

"hum, I think I saw some CDs over there. They ought to be some of mina's . You might be able to listen to them in your room."

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Skye grabbed Dylan by the hand.

"C'mon, there's more people to meet now!"

"Cool!" exclaimed Melody. She grabbed a selection and hurried into her room.

"Yeah, well they're not spying on you," Skye retorted to Glen.

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What? More? How many more? What have I missed now?

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