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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Rouge bandaged up Skye and called for Shadow along with a medical team.

"I highly doubt that 2 Glens will please Ziona" said Crowley as he walked to a chair. "Peace at last."

(OOC Sorry for my lateness. I've been watching Into Darkness with my parents and they're whining about me being on my phone).

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"T-thank's... Auntie Rouge... Could y-you... do o-one more... thing for m-me?"


"Should we warn her to stay away from the hotel for a while then?" Melody asked.

(ooc: No worries Shadow)

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"I don't think it will be necessary. She'll just get to see this first hand, And probably go mad from the fact that she'll have to now handle Two Glen. Then again, this one seems to behave."

She took a look at Crowley. "Crowley are you ok? It's been a while since the last time we had a good talk in peace."

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"I'm fine thank you Red. I'm just adjusting to this life. Even though I'm employed by GUN in our old profession, I'll have much more free time than usual. No need to constantly look over my shoulder. It feels unnatural after all this time."

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"This m-might... sound w-weird but... please d-don't t-tell Dad.... w-what happened t-today... He's too... p-protective of Melody a-and Me... he m-might n-not let u-us.... out of s-sight..."

Skye lay down on the bed, somewhat exhausted after talked. He raised his head again slightly and gave a weak smile.

"One m-more thing... Could I.... h-have one o-of those... caps w-with the GUN l-logo?"


"So much for a breakfast with just the family.... Speaking of family, do you know where Skye is Dad?"

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"My lips are sealed hon" said Rouge as she returned the smile. She then got a cap and put it on Skye's bedside table. "This one should fit."

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"Thanks A-Auntie Rouge." Skye picked up the cap and tried it on, making sure it covered his ears. "Heh heh. P-perfect fit."

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"I suppose. Just don't go crazy on me , ok ? I don't want you to feel bad because of everything happening around."


"Yo , calm down man."

"WHY Is she a moongoose? Of all the thing?"

"Calm down man, and you are supposed to be the one with a girlfriend...."

"Well, Melody,it appear that your brother got with Shadow to the Gun HQ ; make me wonder if Zet is going alright...." SAid Locke

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"You make it sound like being a Mongoose is a bad thing!" contested Melody angrily.

(ooc: I was planning to have Skye pay a visit to Zet, but then this little incident happened!)

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Shadow rushed in and over to Hope, who was still unconscious. "Is she ok? What happened!?" he asked in a very concerned tone.

"She's fine Shadow. So is Skye. That saboteur put a chip in her neck, made her go crazy."said Rouge.

(OOC They're both in the infirmary. It's possible they'd meet).

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"But , A moongoose, And Then the BAtgirl..... what next, a fox?"

"Well..........You see, I was getting to that...."


Glen threw a newspaper at Prime Glen.

"You calm down man! We are on vacation. And NONE OF US are in the mood for putting up with this kind of stupidity, so please... Clam down."

"ok,ok... Sorry about that."

"YOU better."

"Well, it appear that our glen Just made himself a new and colorful friend." Said Locke.

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Crowley looked at prime Glen with disgust. "Batgirl? I should tear out his spine for such a remark," he said to Red.

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Laboratory? I hope you aren't thinking of me as a mad scientist. I wouldn't be that good at it

*Starts putting things that have fallen out into random boxes*

That would still be nice, if you don't mind a mess. Locke will tell you what my basement looked like

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"We... g-got the c-chip o-out Uncle Shadow... D-did you c-catch... the person b-behind it?"


"If he doesn't calm down you'll need to wait behind me Crowley," hissed Melody getting more annoyed at Prime Glen's (unintentional) insults towards her family. Her hand began moving towards some of the cutlery.

(ooc: Good point Shadow. I'll have Skye and Zet meet in a bit, once Skye is back on his feet.)

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"I got her. I might call in Crowley to conduct her interrogation. I'm sure he'd love that."

"Certainly my dear. Ladies first," replied Crowley.

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Prime Glen was obviously under shock. But he wasn't a bad soul Either. "Well excuse me people. It's just... so unexpected. Yet another proof that you should not judge people on their looks and habitude .Then again, I'd like to know: Why the heck is my alternate legionised?"

"believe me. The lot of ya will be better off not knowing it."

"Also, to apologise myself, maybe I should Give you a little something. "

"What are you planning to give the Glenny?" said his girlfriend.

"Well, I'm a singer, And I happen to do yet another Duo with Mina and her bands, the Forget-me-knot. How about I get you a nice place , and VIP Bonus? my treats."

"Different Looks, same personalities. It's funny in a way."


"I think that you'd at least enjoy it's uses as a workshop then?"

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Maybe. It would be nice. And I'll need to set up my computers again. That will take a while. I should probably ask Locke first, though

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"T-that's good." said Skye as he slowly sat up in the bed. "I h-hope she d-didn't sabotage a-anything else."


"Trying to bribe us eh?" asked Melody with a twisted grin, which then fell away. Her eyes began to study the floor. "Actually I'm... not sure... that would be... a good idea."

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"Y-yeah." Skye looked around. "Hope's s-still not a-awake yet? And Uncle Shadow..." Skye turned towards Shadow with a slightly accusatory look, "Why d-didn't y-you t-tell me I w-was stammering?"

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"Hum, why so? You don't like her Singing? That would be a first! she seems to be able to change things with this voice of her!"


"Don't worry, I live there too, So I can grant you permission. Beside, why would he be the only one having fun?"

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"I, er, uh, nothing... like that... I'm just.... a little... nervous about the idea," Melody lied.

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Okay then.

*Grabs a box and heads out the door then comes back a couple seconds later*

Where is the basement?

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"are you sure of that?"

"Hum, be careful About what you might say and how you might act if you want to lie Melody. He might not as good as me when it comes to read people, But he still has it as an innate ability."Said Glen

"You? Good at reading peoples?"

"how do you think I found My way there? And all the trouble I took care of? All the thing I did recently are proof of my capacity of reading people."


"Let me lead you there." And the the went on their way.

Eventually, they got to the basement, which was near Locke's lab.

"Here we are."

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