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Danny Felixe

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Status Updates posted by Danny Felixe

  1. Time to change my avatar to my Christmasy one (don''t worry my Fennekin friends! I'll still be one in the party games for however long!)

  2. Time for bed for me. But before I go,I have one question... How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?;)

  3. Time for a change

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      What do you mean? I've always been in control. No one else. I've always been here like this. Mwahahaha

    2. Thire


      Change is everywhere.

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Oooh. I can see

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  4. Those times when you think there's someone else in the house only to find there's a perfectly natural explanation but you realise you still won't get any sleep

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      There was no burglar <_< Thanks Shinomi

    2. Show next comments  6 more
  5. Those moments when you wake up more tired than you were before you went to sleep and don't recover throughout the day

    1. Guest


      I hate those days

    2. Shinomi-chan


      Yup good days.. >_> not.

    3. Show next comments  6 more
  6. This site is taking AGES to load. My computer must be going slow

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Apparently the site takes a while to load sometimes. The other sites I had up were fine. Don't judge my computer! You've not seen it!

    3. Geoffrey St John

      Geoffrey St John

      Locke and Dylan as a Mod I name you two the Scans Comic relief.

    4. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Not what I intend to be, Geoffrey

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  7. This is the biggest thunderstorm I've ever seen!

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Its still going too. Longest and biggest

    2. Centaur Man

      Centaur Man

      what where? Thunderstorms?

    3. Danny Felixe
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  8. This is my status

    1. Show previous comments  36 more
    2. Glider4


      tonight God is a DJ DUUUH DUUUUH DUUUUH DUUUUH

    3. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      What's up glider? Smoke too much fur?

    4. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Okay... interesting

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  9. This DRAGONLORD is a werehog!

  10. Things are finally starting to look up! Yay!

  11. They say bad luck comes in threes. That is certainly the case with my phone. First trouble with the memory, then trouble with the wifi. The third happened today as I tried to get Sonic Dash for my android phone. I couldn't find it at the store through my phone so I wen't looking for it online. I found it, but it wouldn't download onto my phone. It was then I found out the news. My phone does not upgrade to Android 4.1. I cannot buy games that use Android 4.1

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      TELL ME HOW!!!

    2. BlurryDawgo


      Why doesn't it update?

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Because it has somehow gotten itself out of date after a year. At least for my iPod, it lasted 2 or 3 years before going

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  12. There's a thunderstorm outside! Hooray!

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Sadly, I have work so I can't do any reminiscing, but I did have some

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Sorry Locke, I accidentally deleted your post trying to get rid of your double post

    3. Inuki


      That's nice then. :D

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  13. There was a Christmas party last night for my year group. I didn't go and hearing some of the things that happened and seeing SOME students I think I was right not to go

    1. Spark Falls

      Spark Falls

      thats insane, i cant beleieve that would happen at a school. i bet the school bourd isnt to happy.

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      It wasn't organised by the school but the students on the social committee. Plus it was at an outside venue. I don't even know if the board knows

    3. Show next comments  6 more
  14. The one and only

    1. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      2 hot 2 handle

    2. Shadow



    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Yes, there is nothing like chocolate, At least in my opinion. And popcorn. Now I'm hungry

  15. The magic of science or the science of magic?

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Magic for me since I can do more with it

    2. Shinomi-chan


      The science of magic.

    3. Guest



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  16. The hidden truth

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Geoffrey St John

      Geoffrey St John

      ould say that is most likely considering they saw your Drago joke.

    3. Glider4


      Was tommy turtle mainpulating the events of the plot behind the scenes!?

    4. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      He probably was as well. That's why he won the race against Sonic

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  17. The heartbreak when you buy and try to play Danganronpa Another Episode and it tells you that you can't play the game because something is incompatible

    1. Danny Felixe
    2. Shinomi-chan


      aw man... I'm so sorry ;_; do you know why it isn't working?

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      I think it's my graphic card. The game doesn't support the one I have

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  18. The fire bell went off during my last exam!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      I'm really happy it did turn off because otherwise I couldn't have finished my exam :/

    3. Show next comments  6 more
  19. That moment you're watching a playthrough of a bad game but it's played in the best way and you can't help but laugh

  20. That moment when you're watching a horror game playthrough... but because of its name, your suggestion box is scarier than the game is

  21. That moment when you're outside doing your normal routine and you realise it's started to snow

    1. NeKit


      I already miss Russian snow here in Hangzhou.

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      I like snow but only if there's enough where you can do things in it

    3. The Persepolis Effect
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  22. That moment someone offers free chocolate and everyone sits there thinking "itsa trap!"


  23. Teacher not here in lesson. First half hour: Everyone doing actual work. Second half hour: I start slacking off then look around and realise everyone is just playing a game on their phone. I'm just happy I got through half an hour XD

    1. Shinomi-chan


      xD ha! We had only Swedish this day. Me and my partner did all the work before everyone else and got to go home earlier.

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Lucky you! I wish I could go home early XD

  24. Swapped Sonic out for Sticks on my signature

    1. Inuki


      Darn! Oh well, I'll put the siggy in tomorrow... ;cause imma lazy pup. :3

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Okey dokey Inuki

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