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Chosen One

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About Chosen One

  • Rank
    Member worth respecting.
  • Birthday 04/15/96

Profile Information

  • Gender Male
  • Location United States
  • Interests Reading Sonic related stories, playing videogames, learning about stuff, gardening, mechanics, sketching, engineering, materials science.

Contact Methods

  • Skype Alegatius
  • Steam Alegatius
  • Twitter https://twitter.com/LordAlegatius

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About Me

The first time I was introduced to the Sonic world was through the Sega Genesis console by playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Sonic Pinball. At that time I didn't understand the story line, for I had no knowledge of the English language and about the comics, yet I still liked playing them. At that time I was about 7 years old, and as years passed by I lost contact with the Sonic world. Eight years later I came across the Sonic X anime and started wondering about the origin of Sonic and his world, and around March of 2013 I came across this forum.




It's time for me to say more!

I've been here for more than a year and have meet awesome people who I consider very close friends, and amonsgt them is so one who is very special to me.


Skye Prower: Well, as most people know, he is very active here. He, alongside Geoffrey introduced, me to Rping and has become a close friend to me, more like a brother, tho he will be my son and clumsy in what he does *giggles*. Just don't change Skye!


Dylan: Yup, another good friend and active member. Didn't talk much to him at first, but currently he has also become a great friend. Rping is our profession alongside many and having random ideas is part of the deal. Keep it up Dragonlord!


Inuki: Storm pup! Daughter of the Storm God....full of randomness and fun! Hehe, you have been a great friend, always putting a laugh in everyone with the random comic relief you make in the rping. Hope you keep it up and are able to achieve your goals.


Eliza: Christmas Angel! Hehe, despite the ups and down there is so much we have enjoyed. It's fun to RP with you and the rest of the "gang" and I'm sure there will be more of those days. Keep up the optimism and never give up.


Geoffrey: The first person who I had a PM with in the Internet. He introduced me to RPing and with Skye helped me become more active in the forum. I've not been able to chat with you in a long time. You became a great friend and the first friend here in the forum. Thanks for introducing me to this world of writing.


NMS: You are a good friend, random at times and very active here. We haven't been able to talk much, but I know you are a friendly fella and want to make good friends. For that reason, I consider you a friend and hope you think likewise.


Seviper: Randomness guy here in the forum. We never had a PM but I can tell you are awesome at being random, making each tread you are in more funny and fun. Keep it up Poison Master.
