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Chosen One

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About Chosen One

  • Rank
    Member worth respecting.
  • Birthday 04/15/96

Profile Information

  • Gender Male
  • Location United States
  • Interests Reading Sonic related stories, playing videogames, learning about stuff, gardening, mechanics, sketching, engineering, materials science.

Contact Methods

  • Skype Alegatius
  • Steam Alegatius
  • Twitter https://twitter.com/LordAlegatius

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  1. I want to give an elated "Thank You!" to Skye Prower, Dylan, Inuki the Stormpup, and to Eliza. You guys are awesome and have made this day way better than I anticipated.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shinomi-chan


      Although I was a bit late i still wish you happy Birthday :D

    3. Guest


      Happy birthday! I hope that you have a great day!

    4. Margred


      Happy birthday! :)
