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Status Updates posted by Shadow

  1. My parent just gave me one of the most insane things possible. I can't even express how happy I am at the moment. https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/10171726_604537142953722_5254260769326577627_n.jpg

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe


      You are so lucky! I am so jealous!

    2. Cinescense


      The jealousy Is real.This Is really neat to see.Never knew they made figures that big.

    3. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      So you got it? Happy for you.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  2. Darn hay fever, slowly draining all of my energy away since I don't remember when but It's annoying >:L And I'm allergic to trees too so imagine how I'm sitting behind my computer right now :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      No. I don't think you have problems. I just hope you get better. Hay fever is awful

    3. sweet_lil_Eliza


      We all have problems at any given time, you're cheery! Be cheerful!

    4. HyperMetal50


      My brother and father get that as well. They just have a load of carrots to reverse the effects. Get better soon!

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  3. My new Sonic shirt arrived, and it fits! And I suppose now everybody also knows how I look... OKI http://oi62.tinypic.com/2jdq8pf.jpg

  4. That Smash Direct was just too much for my heart to contain... Elec Man, Mega Man final smash, Mega Lucario.. Dangit, if they had announced a new character I probably would have fainted.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chromatic Terras

      Chromatic Terras

      Please tell me captain falcon was confirmed though

    3. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      I'm sure he'll be in it.

      He was in the last 3 games.

    4. Shadow


      Yeah, I'm almost 100% sure Captain Falcon will be in it. I just hope they finally introduce a newcomer from the series too, like Black Shadow.

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  5. In the news section, I made a news post regarding the Official Sonic Merchandise which gives customers 23% off. Probably you've read this already so let me get straight to the point: I ordered the Sonic Archie T-shirt :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shadow


      There's an eggman one and a Knuckles one too. Heck, there's even Station Square :3 Poor ol' Tails, I would definitely buy a Tails shirt if they made it.

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Station Square? You gotta be kidding me. Tails is more deserving than Station Square. Tails and Knuckles would be the first ones I would buy. Unless there was a Silver or Bean one. THEN I WOULD SPEND ALL MY MONEY ON THEM ALL!!! :D

    4. sweet_lil_Eliza


      lucky. My parents don't acknowledge me buying any 'weird character' clothes -.-

      I do have a chaos emerald I got for a discount tho :3

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  6. The real-life problems are still far from over, but I suppose not posting isn't really a solution. But on that note though, take into consideration that I become hot-headed really fast at the moment. Don't worry, I still <3 u all :'3

    1. Cinescense


      Read the two comments above me and also we love you too Cherry (or shadow,whichever you prefer)

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Cheery is what he's known by (not Cherry)

      As in cheerleader

    3. sweet_lil_Eliza


      Awww, I wish things turn good again and thanks for being around!

      We all love ya too and can tolerate you ^^

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  7. I'm only moderating for a while instead of posting. Lets keep it simple: I need some time for myself to get things straight.

    1. sweet_lil_Eliza


      I'm real sorry for your real world problems, cherry, hope things come out well and hope to see you cheerful soon :3

    2. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      I really hope you mange to beat your problems. Good luck setting things straight.

    3. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      Do what ya gotta do.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  8. New crush 40 song <3
    1. Cinescense


      Always love Crush 40

  9. Just finished the first season of Shakugan no Shana. I'm... far from dissapointed, thought it took me long to get into. I can't wait to watch the other seasons but I might tackle some other animes first.

  10. Finally! Zelda: A link between worlds has arrived <3 It took the post office long enough, I was about to burn their head office down :L

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      If it takes that long for them to deliver, you should've burnt it ;)

    2. Shadow


      Well it took more than 2 weeks for something that could easily fit through the door, so I was really P*ssed :3

  11. I just became more active on the 3ds sooo... yeah, I decided to add literally everyone. But the adding system on the 3ds is pretty.. r*tarded so post your code in this status and I will add you back :D Mine is 3110-4834-1382

    1. Shadow


      The 3DS is a great console, if you get the chance to purchase one, do not hesitate :D

    2. Pearl98


      Mines 3308-5912-2609 :D

    3. Shadow


      I'll add you when I'm home Pearl :D

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  12. The electricity problem is finally solved.. fortunately before I went insane.. But that was halted earlier by illness so meh.

    1. Show previous comments  64 more
    2. Shadow


      Cheery sees everything. For as I am still the ultimate overpowered insane hyper cheerleader with a cool looking red cape. I would advise giving it back if you want to be able to ever eat chocolate again.

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Looks like your plan failed Eliza

    4. Shadow


      Challenging said person usually results into failure.

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  13. if it couldn't go worse... I won't have electricity for an entire week and I can only use my mobile in case of emergency. Sooo.. you'll have to do it without me for a while.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Tut Tut! ;-p

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      I'm only online at school during free periods. You shouldn't do that Cheery

    4. Cinescense



    5. Show next comments  6 more
  14. well lady luck sure ain't on my side, electricity isn't working anywhere in the house anymore for an unknown amount of time. give me a break already :/

    1. Cinescense



    2. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      Oh looks like she is now on my side! I don't need it for tomorrow!! But for the next day after it...

    3. sweet_lil_Eliza


      ...best of luck.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  15. Welp friend of mine picked me up so I'm home safely now.. That is one thing of my mind. By the way, thanks for the concern guys :3 But dontcha worry 'bout Cheery :D

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Glad to hear everything's sorted

    2. sweet_lil_Eliza


      Good, my plan worked ;D

    3. Shadow


      What plan? It was one of the first things I did D:

  16. great. just great. I'm stranded in the middle of nowhere with no means of transport or any other way to get home... now that is the question, how do I get home?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sweet_lil_Eliza


      You have internet, contact someone.

    3. Shadow


      I didn't took the wrong bus and if I had, I would just take the bus that goes in the opposite direction. But I didn't have money with me to even pay a bus ticket.

    4. Spark Falls

      Spark Falls

      I hope you are alright and make it back home safely

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  17. Completed Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. I must say, I'm very pleased by the outcome. We're not far into 2014 yet but so far it's my favorite of the year.

    1. NegaMetallix


      Really? That's good to hear. I've seen quite a few reviews for the game, and pretty much all of them say the same thing: the gameplay is a big improvement over the last two, but the story is still... meh at best.

    2. Shadow


      I can see why people complain about the story but honestly, I didn't really have high hopes for the story to begin with so I wasn't dissapointed there. And besides, the story is still better than many other jrpgs, so you won't hear me complaining here :3

    3. NegaMetallix


      Fair enough. I probably won't be getting this game anytime soon (mostly due to a lack of money) but I'll keep it on reserve. The next Square Enix game I'm waiting for is Kingdom Hearts II.5

  18. One mystery after another, my internet is working all of a sudden. I don't know if this will keep up soo... Hai?

    1. Shadow


      And as predicted, it isn't working again :c oh well, I won't keep you guys waiting for too long

    2. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      Hey Cheery!! Don't forget to change "I'm a 17 years old" in your "about me"!! And internet problems are...like that.

    3. Shadow


      You know, there are sooo many places I have to adjust my age because some don't do that automaticly :L But thanks for the reminder :3

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  19. I won't be coming online, for an unknown amount of time (most likely 2 days) due to internet. again.

    1. BlurryDawgo
    2. Shadick1


      see you soon

    3. Cinescense


      That sounds rough,hope to see ya soon.We'll do our best to stay In line

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  20. Does anyone have any experience with the anime Shakugan no Shana? I'm in need of a new anime :3

    1. Shadick1


      its my favorit anime!!

    2. Spark Falls
    3. Chromatic Terras

      Chromatic Terras

      Right now I'm watching Magi, Hunter X Hunter, Nobunaga the Fool, and all the Monogatari series. I've never seen Shakugan no Shana though, I should check it out.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  21. Best friends ever. They challenge me to drink 0,5L of beer without taking a break. C'mon, why does everybody think I like beer that much, because I don't D:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cinescense


      That was beautiful

    3. Spark Falls

      Spark Falls

      Yah it was. But the only type of scholar I ever have had is my dads own drink he made called the Green Marshian and that was just a sip and beer is terrible I only had a sip of that to

    4. Cinescense


      I like how we're all basically talking about our best and worst experiences with drinks

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  22. Despite me not feeling anything adult related, I had a great birthday thanks to all my family, friends and of course you guys! Thank you so much (: !!

    1. Cinescense


      I am late once again but anyways,Happy 2 day late birthday! Hope Valentines day Is eventful for you (I know It won't be for me hehe)

    2. Shadow


      Thankies friends :D

    3. Cinescense


      No problem.Also I probably shouldn't be responding to this message while I'm in my school library hehe

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  23. Wooperdiewoop YAY! Today is the day that I will officially go through life with the title 'Adult'. Easier said, it's my birthday :D!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account


    3. Princess_SallyAcorn


      Wow, it's my cousin's birthday too! Happy birthday :D

    4. Shadow


      Thankies :D!!

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  24. Seems like I won't be able to get the collector's edition of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII because I don't live in or around 'murica. I'm dissapoint.

    1. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      Don't have a psn account in the US? I could always lend you mine.

    2. Shadow


      Nah, even if I had that, I would still need to pay for shipment as I can only order them from the official Square-Enix site. But thanks for the effort anyways

    3. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      well, All I can say is that they lost a sale.

  25. I don't even know what to think anymore... Oh well, TAILS LOOKS AWESOME <3

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      He looks okay in the trailer. But I do like his look in the other picture

    2. The Flash

      The Flash

      yay tails!

    3. Shadick1


      i dont no what to says...its looks...epic and jaust new :)
