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About Pearl98

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  • Birthday 09/15/98

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  • Gender Female
  • Location Rockingham, Western Australia
  • Interests Drawing, playing video games, collecting Sonic and Mega man comics

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  • DeviantArt Pearl98

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  1. Great, either my friends are right about me having an asthma attack after sport today, or I'm allergic to the spray... and i'm pretty sure I don't have asthma... Basically, after sport when we were getting changed, a lot of girls were sprsying deoderant and I was coughing a lot, not being able to breathe and I was wheezing a lot... somethings definitely up, and I'm not sick

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      I would suggest staying as far away as possible of the spraying in the changing rooms then

    2. sweet_lil_Eliza


      Ewww, spray does similar stuff to me.

      I had asthma and the spray did increase it, sometime it can cause temp. Asthma attack
