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Posts posted by ChaosKaiser

  1. Am I the only one that finds this situation strange? I mean, wouldn't be the logical thing to announce that the comic could be cancelled, instead of saying nothing at all?

    I don't know the editorial situation of Archie, but in these cases, the least you can do is say something to your readers, to calm them or prepare them for the worst. 

  2. Awwww, I love those yokai techers! Your style definately fits them, it's like their personalities could blend perfectly with the way you drew them...

    I know it sound weird... what I want to say is, no matter what day it is, Shinomi is always creating something worth seeing. And she makes those creations far more awesome each day

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  3. As I've read, there are only 7 possible animals to make: wolf, dog, rabbit, cat, bear, bird and hedgehog. And, as far as I've seen, there are not many customizable features as I would like. It seems pretty limited, but I'm fine with it. It might avoid the over-the-top cringey fan-characters...

    On the other hand, I've already seen a lot of hate from different sites talking about this being cringey, or too limited, or just stupid! I mean, C'MON, can we all be a little happy with this? Just once??

    Now I understand why many people despise our fanbase...

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  4. Amy looked at the Emerald and the opened box. Then she turned to G, saddened by the scene that has just taken place.

    "This place... must have been very important to you..." The hedgehog said, looking down, like she was almost ashamed. "I mean, it's not just that you knew the people from here, but also, you brought what might be the most powerful artifact you've seen..." 

    Then Amy took the Emerald, put it back into the box, closed it and gave it to G.

    "Now get up, and make your young friends AND your father proud" she said, while giving her hand to G, this time, looking at him with an expression of determination and hope.

    "You wanted respect. Here you have mine."

  5.  One of my dreams was (and still is) to draw the official Sonic comics, but if they get cancelled, here you have an amateur comic artist/writer to assist! We don't need to have the same opinions or think exactly the same about the franchise. What we need is the real super-power of teamwork. Or just simply a good organization, as others fan-projects such a Mobius Legends or the Sonic The Comic Online have achieved.

    About the cancellation, I hope it ends up being nothing but a small problem...

  6. "Let's show this bot the real super-power OF HAMMER-WORK!" Amy said to Boulder.

    "Huh...that reminded me of something Sonic would say..." The hedgehog thought before smashing the piromaniac mechanical colossus they've faced.

  7. Okay, I've seen the trailer of Sonic Forces and, to be honest, I liked it BUT it seemed too similar to Generations and, as @Skye Prower said, "on rails" (which can be due to the skill of the player, of course).

    I think we need to wait a little more and see what else Sega has to show, so that we can undestand what's new with Sonic Forces, because right now it definately feels like a Generations 2. Which is great... but not original.

    Also, which "Holiday" do you think is Sega refering to? Easter? Summer?? Friggin' CHRISTMAS?!

  8. "I. Hate. This. Robot! It's like it could predict my moves!" Amy said, before heading to G's position.

    "You'd better have a plan to stop that thing before all the orphanage goes down..." the pink hedgehog said to G, growling.
