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Everything posted by Thire

  1. Last to post wins v3.0

    Now I must decide what Pokèmon to be...
  2. Last to post wins v3.0

    Perhaps there is a legendary Pokemon out there on another continent that is Shinomi-Chan?
  3. Last to post wins v3.0

    I will never un-see that... Fortunately, it's hilarious!
  4. Archie App No New Sonic Comics

    Fans that actually know what they're doing! Not like some other fan stuff I've seen...
  5. Archie App No New Sonic Comics

    I can assist!
  6. Off-Topic Thread

    Maybe there was an update on the website that changed it? I only have an iPod touch 5 so I have no experience in tablets. When was the last time you restarted your device? That sometimes fixes problems, but not all of them.
  7. I'm a little late, but happy Easter!

    1. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Happy (belated) Easter too!

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Happy late easter

    3. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      Happy Easter of yesterday

  8. Name a cartoon or anime character

    Ahem *puts on best accent* Vinny from Atlantis. "Oh you know, fuses, wicks, glue. And uh paper clips, big ones."
  9. Nothing like recreating characters in Soul Calibur!

  10. Last to post wins v3.0

    Barking dogs!
  11. General Art Thread

    Me like!
  12. Off-Topic Thread

    I like seeing drawings, they're so cool to look at and makes me want to be able to draw myself!  
  13. Ah, roller rinks, what fun you can have at them.

    Exception being when your younger brother take your roller blades and claims that they belong to him. 

    You're then forced to use roller skates, something you've never used/fall with all the time. I needed to rant.

  14. Give the Person Above you a New Name

    Seviper the Sandvich Bro
  15. The Final Fantasy Discussion

    It's a been quite awhile since someone posted here O_O. Anyhow, Final Fantasy XIV is FREE TO PLAY up to Level 35 on PS4 and PC! Anyone who has done the 14 day trial before can come back with their same characters!
  16. Last to post wins v3.0

    Just another day in Tokyo!
  17. Strange Dreams

    Not really sure if I remember it, but about the time I got back into Sonic (2012-ish), I had a reoccurring dream for a while.  I find myself walking downtown, and there's a festival of sorts going on. I find at one of the vendors shoes that look exactly like Sonic's. I couldn't resist getting them when the vendor says "You want to be like him, don't you?". And I mean, who wouldn't want to be fast like Sonic? It'd sure step up my game at Track and Field, that's for sure.  But anyway, when I purchase them, the vendor says to me "Put them on, get a feel for it, then meet me here later..." As soon as I slip them on... It ends. Every. Single. Time. I am curious about the ending though. Oh well, se la vie.
  18. Yes, Christmas. They said it was to be released in Q4 of 2017. And I agree, Generations was great, but I want to see a new game.
  19. C7Ez8A7U8AA4ZxZ.jpgProject Sonic 2017 has a name; Sonic Forces! Modern gameplay to come tomorrow... Or so. Can't wait to see it, but for now here's some concept art.


  20. Ban the above poster

    Banned because wait, you've been on fire since March 7?!
  21. Last to post wins v3.0

    MUSIC!! That I can do!
  22. Sonic Cataclysm: A Necromunda Fangame

    It can have separate channels for both text and voice chat within a group. As for the game... Er... I'd still like a go sometime.  
  23. Sonic Cataclysm: A Necromunda Fangame

    I like how things are shaping up, Skye! I can make a chat/voice chat on Discord just for this if you want.
  24. Fan Characters (Wanna see what ya made!)

    You guys are making me wish I could draw! But seriously, all of you have amazing talent in drawing, can't wait to see what'cha make next!
  25. Interesting, sounds like fun, Skye! I'd like to preorder the collectors edition of this game!
