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Regarding the Comics

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Well this will be my last message, 


I just want to say that you should have people given a notice before a few days before pulling the plug on the comic section, some comics are really hard to come by.

then to suddenly say oh well gonna remove the comic section and people can **** themselfes.


Kinda selfish.

Edited by Skye Prower
Swear word removed

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Sorry to hear you feel that way Mellowgoat.  

Nevertheless, it is not an excuse to swear.

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  On 11/6/2016 at 8:13 PM, Mellowgoat said:

Well this will be my last message, 


I just want to say that you should have people given a notice before a few days before pulling the plug on the comic section, some comics are really hard to come by.

then to suddenly say oh well gonna remove the comic section and people can **** themselfes.


Kinda selfish.

You already had your word. We know, you don't like it. Really, neither do we. But we've made that decision and sticked to it, out of respect for Archie.

If you agree or disagree, that's up to you. Our decision will not change.

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I have commented in the News section, but still, I'll say it here, once again:

Where I live there's no way of getting Sonic comics. Neither Archie, nor Fleetway. When I was a child I dreamed of reading these comics (and someday even drawing them, but that's another story...) and thanks to you, I finally could do so. As silly and cheesy this might sound, you made me fulfill one of my childhood's dreams: to read Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog comic series.

I enjoyed every single visit, every read, I waited every month patiently to the uploads, even though I had never wrote a comment until today. 

For this, all I want to do is express my grattitude. Thank you for all this years of effort and risk, thanks to the admins, the moderators, the scanners... You made this naive Spaniard really happy. And for that, I'll stick to this friggin' awesome site as long as I can.

Thank you so much. 

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Is Comixology available in Spain? Because if so, you may just be able to keep up with the series.

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Thank you very much for your kind words, Chaos!

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Thanks for your continued support ChaosKaiser.  It means a lot to us!

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I understand everything that happened with the comics... but I have only 1 concern...

What about the Sonic Manga?

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I... don't think the site ever had the Sonic Manga. As far as I'm aware, it was only Archie and Fleetway. Am I misremembering?

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Actually we did. It was added a month or two before the comics were removed


We are considering our options regarding the mangas and Fleetway. No promises but we are considering

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  On 11/8/2016 at 2:46 PM, tiny260 said:

I... don't think the site ever had the Sonic Manga. As far as I'm aware, it was only Archie and Fleetway. Am I misremembering?

They added a manga section with a few manga's within the last 2 months, I know because I remember, saw, and read a few, but I never read the rest.

I wonder if those will not come back, I am just curious because none of them ever came outside of Japan I believe and most of them are old, so I wonder if Sonic Scanf consider's them illegal or not (some of the older manga's at least should have their copyright expired).

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  On 11/8/2016 at 2:51 PM, Dylan said:

You mightve missed my reply ;)

Lol It wasn't up when I hit reply and started typing my response... XD

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Good think I downloaded every issue then before getting to Comixology, especially for Fleetway. But now I should definitely make a backup, and I'm still not sure about buying the "Penders" issues until it's finally stated that those issues being sold don't break the "agreement" anymore.

  On 11/6/2016 at 9:45 PM, ChaosKaiser said:

Where I live there's no way of getting Sonic comics. 

Apparently there is no Spanish Comixology, but maybe you can try the European website ?


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Those who really really aren't able to read the old comics, there is a way to do it. It is still possible to read all the comics uploaded until October 31st using The Internet Archive, but it is not possible to download them.


If you are able to use Comixology or use Archie's different alternative, please support the company instead.


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I'm... irritated.  I have no money and would be unable to read the comics otherwise.  

However, I respect your decision and understand why you chose to do it.  I won't remove the site from my bookmarks out of anger, I won't go BLAARGLEFUCKYOU or anything like that.  I won't come here as often, but you have every right to do what you did.

I'm just irritated.  This was a great site to go to when I wanted to catch up to the comics, now I have to find a new place to read them.  Oh well...

Anyway.  You did the honorable thing, and I respect that.

Edited by KnightMysterio

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First of all im new to being a member but ive used this site for a long time,and if the people running it read this , just want to say thanks for this site i USE to use it all the time to catch up on all the old comics from issue 1-224 cuz thats all the comics im missing, i started at issue 225 for STH and issue 5 for sonic universe. but i still collect all the new comics that come out every month and im sure everyone who reads comics from here do you think we just read the comics here and don't buy them if so ur wrong. i catch up on sonics history through this site and now you guys have taken away that. and its wrong we still collect comics but we can't get older comics atleast i can't its impossible unless you want to pay like 10$ for 1 comic off ebay. not happening! i was just on comic 45 when you took the page off to read sonic comics you want fans to come back then don't be greedy and keep the comics your self! your not hurting anyone if this is about money then your losing more of it buy not letting people reading your comics for the first time her eto see if they like them and if they do they buy more also i use this site when you previewed sonic U and STH comics when they came out every month since you guys stopped telling us when the relase date is in the books with is VERY annoying i just have to geuss the date now. please put that back in the comics what month day and year the next issues will be coming out please! signed Jeffrey P , Cape Breton NS

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We're sorry you are disappointed about us taking the comics down.  However, saying that everyone who uses this site also bought the comics is certainly not true I have to say.  Also, we make no money off this site, so there is no way removing the comics will gain or lose us money.  

And the comics are still online elsewhere on the web, there are other topics discussing that very issue.

And please don't spam different topics with the same message.  Thank you.

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Gonna be honest, here. Had this had happened much, MUCH earlier.
I would have been extremely ticked off.

However, I had the foresight to download the older Archie titles from here.
AND, I recently found another site that offers similar service that this site once did.

I won't say what that site is called, just in case there are rules against that sort of thing here.
(However, I will say that it's acronym is "R.C.O.")

Now allow me to be clear here. I am all for supporting the comic itself (even If I feel it is "dying")
but, SOME older titles are no longer in print (and, don't even get me started on "Sonic X")

to put it simply: In some cases, BUYING is not an opinion. as there is nowhere to buy certain titles.

In those rare cases, having Comic Scans Online is necessary.
And I remain thankful for sites that provide such a service for the FANS sakes, and not for "The Almighty Dollar."

Indeed. This site WILL suffer due to the Comics Section being removed
(Afterall. for a site called "Sonic SCANF", that kind of thing was expected.)

(I mean..It's like opening a "Toys-R-Us" store, but removing ALL the toys from the shelves!)

I'm not sure if I will visit this site all that often, now.
Like many others, Comics were why I came. and I've never had good experiences in forums

(Particularly SONIC Forums, such as "ASO.")

This is certainly a Dark Day..But one that isn't TOO bad.

At least I have "Site B" to fall back on.

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While I can mostly see your point, a lot more of the comics than you may realize are still available on the Archie Comic App. I've even created a topic discussing which ones are available and in which trades, if you want to check it out:

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  On 11/18/2016 at 8:55 PM, MetroXLR99 said:

(Afterall. for a site called "Sonic SCANF", that kind of thing was expected.)

Kinda ironic, but "SCANF" in name was never related to scans.

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Well, not a big poster but would like to express my appreciation as well.

I came into the Mega Man comics about midway through its run to hiatus. The site really did help me get caught up fast when I started buying the comics but didn't want to freeload off of Ian Flynn and the rest's hard work, but I didn't have the money to look for back issues. Now with the hiatus, I have been slowly getting the past stuff whenever I can in hopes for the future.

So, thank you for that.

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You know, if you want them free, there is still this.

  Reveal hidden contents

Sonicchannel_tails_cg.png MV5BMTMzNzEzMDYxM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTc0

Not gonna give you a direct link, by respects for Archie, but you can easily figure it of yourself. And also because there are adults fan comics, and I'm not responsible for what you'll do there, so you've been warned. The only problem is that they take forever to upload new comics. I think they're always two issues late if not more.

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Just a bit of an update, this isn't the only site effected. According to my friend Zealous fox other sites have the archie Sonic comics taken down. 

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