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Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

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I get what you mean, but while Mega Man does have that split-second reaction, it's immediately followed with him being completely confused at the city's lack of damage, and having literally no memory of the events that happened between the flash of light (Genesis Wave). It's likely because Mega Man pulled off his Chaos Control perfectly, so everything went back to normal. But since Sonic's was interrupted, it took some time for the memories to be replaced.

Actually, we don't know if NICOLE has any crossover knowledge, or old world memories for that matter. I wouldn't count on her having any knowledge on what's gonna happen.


And also Dr. Light was a little bit confused in the Crossover when we first saw him, so I think these are the beginnings that some characters know that there is another world/universe out there or at least they know something isn't right. I am verry exited about Worlds Unite and the following actions when it's over. 

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And also Dr. Light was a little bit confused in the Crossover when we first saw him, so I think these are the beginnings that some characters know that there is another world/universe out there or at least they know something isn't right. I am very exited about Worlds Unite and the following actions when it's over.

Well, that was more like a side-effect of the Genesis Wave; whenever it was used, it affected people's minds, giving them a sense that something's wrong. Sonic was affected both times, and Silver sensed a disturbance in space-time (likely due to his constant time-travelling). Meanwhile, Dr. Light also sensed a disturbance, but couldn't deduce what it was. The only clue he had was other people on Earth suffering from sudden amnesia. (Actually, were any Robot Masters affected? Mega Man and Proto Man didn't seem to be bothered.)

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 (Actually, were any Robot Masters affected? Mega Man and Proto Man didn't seem to be bothered.)


Affected on the space-time-travel? Nah I don't think so. Mega Man perhaps, because he played an important roll and was in the Super-Genesis-Wave but I wouldn't count Proto Man in it.

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Affected on the space-time-travel? Nah I don't think so. Mega Man perhaps, because he played an important roll and was in the Super-Genesis-Wave but I wouldn't count Proto Man in it.

I meant during the crossover. Neither Mega Man nor Proto Man seemed to question anything, while Dr. Light (and Sonic) noticed something was up. So perhaps the amnesia/confusion side-effect only affected organic beings? The only time Mega Man's memory was affected during the crossover was after Shadow's Chaos Control, I believe.

Anyway, I don't think this really has much to do with Worlds Unite, so I'll leave it at that.

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I meant during the crossover. Neither Mega Man nor Proto Man seemed to question anything, while Dr. Light (and Sonic) noticed something was up. So perhaps the amnesia/confusion side-effect only affected organic beings? The only time Mega Man's memory was affected during the crossover was after Shadow's Chaos Control, I believe.


Oh yeah I forgot that scene! In fact Light knew much from Wily and Eggman and their failed creations. Do we have a date in the two universe where Worlds Collide is setteled or is this still only guessing around?

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Oh yeah I forgot that scene! In fact Light knew much from Wily and Eggman and their failed creations. Do we have a date in the two universe where Worlds Collide is setteled or is this still only guessing around?

Worlds Collide is canon to the Mega Man timeline, and takes place after the events of 'Mega Man 10' (the game, not the issue). This is how Dr. Light knew about Wily's 'former' plans, but he supposedly learned of Eggman's plans through other means (most likely from Rouge). It's a bit more complicated for Sonic's side; it's technically not canon to either the old or new comic continuity, but rather it happens in a sort of 'game continuity' after the events of 'Sonic Generations'. For simplicity's sake, you could say that Sonic's WC continuity is the same as those 'Another Time, Another Place' stories.

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If that's the case then why didn't sonic or any of his friends question how eggman escape the white limbo. What I actually though that dr.wily was going to call eggman by his real name dr.robotnik instead of ivo but its a little weird to hear wily call eggman ivo instead of eggman or robotnik or maybe it just me.

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If that's the case then why didn't sonic or any of his friends question how eggman escape the white limbo. What I actually though that dr.wily was going to call eggman by his real name dr.robotnik instead of ivo but its a little weird to hear wily call eggman ivo instead of eggman or robotnik or maybe it just me.

Perhaps for the same reason they don't question it in 'Lost World'? :P But seriously, their version of Generations didn't necessarily have to end like the game version. It's really not a big deal. As for Wily calling Eggman by his first name, well:

1) Wily calls Dr. Light by his first name. Why not do the same with his new best friend?

2) Before the crossover, 'Ivo' was used to avoid saying Eggman's name in a non-crossover issue. Same with Eggman saying 'Albert' before the crossover, and blaming 'Al' for what happened afterwards. It's also why you can't actually see Sonic or Tails Man in that one 'Dawn of X' issue. Well, aside from Xander drawing later on, but... I've got nothing for that.

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I recognize Espio and.. Kid Icarus...? o_o

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Kinda look like Warhammer 40k Tyranids...


Now there's a crossover I never, never, NEVER wanna see

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Skye... o_o'' I'm scared now.. I don't know who that one Hedgehog looking shadow ( get it? xD) is ;______; though that one shadow looks like normal Knuckles... =-= phew! No Boom's Knuckles...

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Sorry, didn't mean to scare you... wait... You're scared?  You?  WOW!  That MUST be a terrifying thought then! 

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Bad crossovers... ;______; They're much more scary than any killer or little kid combined... 

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Especially bad OFFICIAL crossovers.

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;______; *emo corner* Just.. No Boom Knuckles... o_o'' Not again.. Not the humiliation again... Nope..

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Actually I don't think it is Icarus Kid in the right corner there, but I believe these big creatures are from Monster Hunter, which is also a Capcom game or just...evil Robot Masters from Mega Man X. Who knows, because these Maverick Hunters were beast-like.

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Who are these guys?


Source: IGN




Wow. This just went from being a Sonic (Boom) & Mega Man (X) crossover... to a full-blown CAPCOM & SEGA CROSSOVER?! For some clarification, I believe at least two of these silhouettes are supposed to be NiGHTS and Viewtiful Joe from their respective series. But in all seriousness, this'll probably all be saved for the finale. Still, I'd be lying if I didn't say that this is starting to worry me. I mean, I know all about Sonic, and I know enough about Mega Man and X to let that slide, but... these guys?

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I can't believe it. If this proves true, then we will actually be able to make a "featuring dante and knuckles" joke at the same time.

That and how the heck is this gonna make any senses now.

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Wait wait WAIT! .... Nights is going to be in the crossover?! o_o Wow... Nostalgia trip right there...

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OK I'm confuses how the heck is this suppose to work again.

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I think it could work.. At least it's going to be on heckuva nostalgia trip to some people! xD

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Alex Kidd, Billy Hatcher, Nina (and all characters from Breath of Fire 3) and Viewtiful Joe.

I was joking this morning that I saw Alex Kidd on the first promo image... And you know what? Now I'm a bit afraid of my own jokes. '_'

Anyway, there is also Vyse from Skies of Arcadia.

Edited by Red TF

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Alex Kidd?! O_O Billy Hatcher?! Oh my god this IS Nostalgia trip!!

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Wasn't the reboot meant to bring in NEWER readers.  Who might not have nostaliga?  Poor guys and gals are gonna be confused as to who all these new characters in the comics are.

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