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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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*starts thinking to self* Clearly he must be in league with this place to jump to such a over the top defense.

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There's got to be a better way to escape.

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I hope so.

*lowers voice to a whisper*

But I still don't trust him.

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*Looks embarrassed and whispers back*

Oh... you heard? Well, uh, he suddenly appeared in our house acting all strange. I know it wasn't our house, but they way he knew where Dad and I would be. And he's said other things as well. It's just a little... suspicious.

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*Trying to sound confident*

There better be a plan b. No one is going to die trying to leave

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*reaches out to Skye and whispers*

I don't either, if he's not lying, how does he have a supercharged ring if we are trapped in a pocket zone where there's no Master Emerald to emit the chaos energy necessary?

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*whispers back*

He can't have brought it with him. Otherwise we could have used it before now. What do you think he's plotting? And what should we tell Fluffy? She's fixated on him as her father.

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Oh, the girl. Hmm, most conveniently could be for her to ask 'Locke' a question only her real father could answer.

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I think she knows Locke is not her real father, just a stand-in.... although, you can't really tell with her.

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*jumps in Skye's and dad conversation *

Locke is not my real daddie?

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W-w-well, I-I-I... uh... e-er.... I'm s-sorry F-fuffy, b-but he's n-not.

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Fluffy looked astonished for a second, then said,"so, a rabbit cannot be a echidna's daughter. Well... don't tell it to daddie or he will be hurt. But how did you know?"

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W-well, a Rabbit c-could be an Echidna's d-daughter, but only i-if the M-mom was a R-rabbit. You have to look l-like one o-of y-your parents.

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"But my mummy is lara-le...and... I want to know about my real mum."

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Once we get out of this place, we'll find her. Promise.

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What are you all talking about?

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*looks a bit awkward at the hug*

I... uh... n-no problem. Oh, Dylan, er... just g-going to help Fluffy f-find her M-mom when we escape.

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"Where is dadd- errr.... Lo- errr... Daddie." Fluffy said after leaving Skye.

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Oh. Doesn't she know where she is?

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N-no, she doesn't. And he was s-standing just there Fluffly.

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