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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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That we will Fluffy, that we will.

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I've no idea. But Dad had this teleporter on him, I could rig up some way to track that.... maybe

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And Locke. And Fluffy. So just Tails now. I wonder where he disappeared to

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Oh joy. The weird one, and the one who goes around touching other people's property. And I'm not sure.

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*starts rummaging around a pile of junk*

Are you sure there's now way to leave this Zone Shadow?

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*starts plugging random items together*

There must be some way you haven't tried yet.

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How long have you been here exactly Shadow?

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Wow. Thats quite a long time to be stuck in this place. We haven't been here that long. Have we?

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I don't know. I've completely lost track of time. It might have been years.

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It's not a competition Shadow.

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*Tails opens his eyes*

W-what the...where I'm I?

*checks MPS*

But how? I was right outside my house. Hmm...

*observes teleporter and places coordinates*

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*finished attacking junk together*

Okay, I think this will track down the teleporter. Maybe once we're together we can work out a way to escape Shadow,

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*appears in workshop*

Rotor? Hmm. He's not here....I need to figure out what this thing is. Wait...Skye!

*runs out thru the doors*

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*twiddles dials*

Hold on, I'm picking up something. And it is moving...

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Fluffy stood there, listening to scientific talk, "ohh, where is tails uncle?"

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What does Tails' uncle have to do with this, Fluffy?

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