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Free play mania 1.0

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Tails: Cool. *steps back and whispers to Skye* She makes it so easy, right?

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Skye: *whispers back* Yes. And so much quicker.

Nicole: Finished. Who wants to switch it one?

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Seviper: Let's go fine that Nicole, I hear she could build us a house and I;m pretty sure the rabbits don't want us to bum off them

*Starts looking for Nicole*

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Tails: Well you see, Skye here was the one who managed to make it work. I think he should be the one who should do it.

Amadeus: I'm impressed by all this crafting, and more impressed by what Skye did. Don't you think Rosemary?

Rosemary: Of course, Skye was very exceptional in Argentum.

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Skye: *blushes, then starts turning red.* T-thanks e-everyone. *smiles and goes to switch condenser on. Fountain springs into life.* It worked! It worked!

Nicole: *smiles then turns her head* If you'll excuse me, I think someone else is looking for me. *disappeared and reappears next to Seviper.* Hello.

(ooc: And, alas, off to work now.)

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Seviper: Ah!

*SJ and Crunch laugh*

(ooc: 2 in the morning off to bed)

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Nicole: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.

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Seviper: Just caught me off guard, not used to how every thing works around here

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(Ooc: We left the space station in the future and return to Mobius in the present)

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(ooc: Not that much. Tails and Skye designed a fountain and practiced some night flying. Seviper knocked out some guards, was arrested then freed, and now has a pet Chao. And Shadow is taking out DEL Grandmasters.)

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Rosemary: It really worked, thanks boy! But I think we still need to put the garden around it, and I think I don't have the time. I must be on my way to the Council.

Amadeus: Alas, I too must take my leave to the Academy.

Tails: Don't worry, Skye and I will handle things here. *turns to Skye* Right?

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Skye: We're doing gardening?


I've never done that before.


Nicole: I understand. I'm sure you'll get used to it soon.

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Rosemary: It's not that hard, it may even be enjoyable. Well see you in the afternoon, and don't get in any trouble.

Amadeus: You heard your mother. Bye, and be careful in what you do.

Tails: Sure, we'll be careful. Goodbye! *waves*

*Tails' parents wave*

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Skye: Don't worry, we'll behave! *waves* Okay bro, so how do we do this?

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*Parents leave*

Tails: You've never done gardening before?

Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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Skye: Well, uh, once... but after what happened to the rose bush.... *shakes head*

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Tails: Hehe, don't worry I'll help you here. Let me tell you something. When I was...smaller, I tried to help Rotor in his greenhouse garden and ate a fruit from a tree that temporarily increased intelligence, from it I learned how to I stimulate the growth of plants, and then I did some crazy things.... Anyhow, since it was temporal I don't remember any of the calculations I did that day for the rate of growth, but I remember what Sally taught the FF when we planted some trees in the forest when we were smaller and living in Knothole.

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Skye: You with even more intelligence? Wow, that's almost a scary thought! And I never knew the FF had gardening lessons. *laughs*

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Seviper: Yes, well anyway...I wonder I you'll do something for me

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Nicole: Of course. What do you want Seviper?

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Seviper: I was wondering if you would build us a house

*Crunch bites on top of Seviper's head*

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Nicole: *slightly surprised* You're planning on staying here? I thought this was a visit before you returned to your world.

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Seviper: Until that comes, I might as get use to it

*Crunch bites harder*

SEviper: Ouch!

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