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Free play mania 1.0

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Younger Skye: *grins even wider* You too big bro. *runs into living room*

Older Skye: I'm gonna have one helluva headache over the next few hours. *smiles* But it'll be worth it. I was never that... upbeat.

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Miles: I think I'll get one too since it seems that a set of new memories are underway, but you'll probably get a bigger load...

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Seviper What!? Gliscor thought I couldn't do it!

SJ: That's no reason to put a plunger on your head....

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Younger Skye: *back in living room* I got it. Let's get back to my bro Fluffy. I'll see you later Shadow.


Older Skye: And I don't think painkillers are gonna help with it. *laughs* I guess the time bands don't protect you if it's your yourself causing changes to your own time.

(ooc: Had another of my 'how can I be cruel to my characters?' ideas that I thought might be fun, though it is perhaps a little too much long term planning for FTPM. Anyway, I though that when Skye visit's Tails in the past, Eggman will detect the temporal anomalies, and put two and two together when he finds out about the sudden appearance of a younger brother for Tails. So he kidnaps Skye to learn about the future, so he can avoid the mistakes his future self might make, and places Skye in a mind probe. however, due to Skye having memories of at least three timelines, Eggman just gets random stuff and assumes he was wrong.

The Trouble comes when, after Skye gets rescued, due to his mind being scrambled up, he believes his cover story of being Tails' brother is true. What do people think?)

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Tails: Now to translate the hash code, and then modify the script.


Miles: Well time will tell. (Bad dad joke)

(Ooc: I had sometime like that in mind involving fighting Eggman, but not the kidnapping part. We can combine them, during a battle Skye gets kidnapped, Eggman sees the two armbands, maybe only the one that is kept for existence and we can say Skye left the other in Tails' house, but it's the modified one that Miles and Older Skye are looking at right now, so Eggman will not be able to decipher it nor break it, so he just concentrates on Skye's memories. Poor Skye, he's been experimented on by the Fanatics and now Eggman, hehehe)

(Ooc2: We just need to know in what chronology this will happen in accordance to going on looking for Fluffy parents, and some players seemed to have left....)

Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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Older Skye: *raises eyebrow at Miles, then chuckles a bit* C'mon Dad, surely you can do better than that!

(ooc: Sound good. We should be able to make those mesh up no probs. And yeah, I was planning on giving Skye one of the souped-up armbands before he went back. And afterwords, we could have Skye slowly managing to control his fear a bit too.)

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Miles: *laughing* I just saw the moment and...

(Ooc: a mind reset. I'm just thinking of why older Skye or Miles will not remember the kidnapping by Eggman since new memories should be coming in...hmm, maybe we should just ignore the idea of them remembering.)

(Ooc2: As for Skye, we can place the ability of better flying with it. He will be a total new Skye, and then we can have him start remembering parts of his old memories, recovering from his amnesia)

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Younger Skye: *waves* i'll see you later Shadow.


Older Skye *grins* And couldn't resist, eh?

(ooc: For Older Skye and Miles it's easy. The time bands slow the effect of remembering the changes. Plus, those changes haven't happened yet! :P . Older Skye won't remember what happened until everyone leaves his time. Miles won't remember until Skye goes to visit Tails. After which it will be to late.

As for Skye, I wasn't intending on giving him a personality shift. Just his memories are jumbled up and fuzzy.)

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Miles: Yup, it's one of those moments. Anyways, did you brought the new armband?

(Ooc: That's it, perfect explanation. XD. And I like the "it will be too late" part. As for Skye, well that's totally up to you, I'll just make Tails react in accordance)

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Older Skye: Yep, here it is. *hands it over*

(ooc: Thanks, I try to come up with good explanations! And I did kinda do the 'personality shift amnesia' in AWPM, and a full on personality shift in TDH. I might makes things slightly different thought... suggestions welcome!)

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Miles: *observes the gadget* How many replicas do you have, I might need another for my little brother, and I'll make the rest for Mina and Melody when I return home.

(Ooc: I don't have many suggestions, just since you said Skye will start losing his fears, probably because he wouldn't know who his parents are and how famous they are, he will feel more confident and you could allow him to be able to fly.)

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Younger Skye; Bless you Fluffy. Are you ready to get back to Tails now?


Older Skye: *smiles at the mention of 'brother'* There's another spare one as well. But just the two I'm afraid. Of course, we could give you a call and ask if you have any spares!

(ooc: Yeah, that was my plan. He'd start off the same, but a lot of what was causing him to be self-conscious would be gone so he'd change, but slowly. The only exception might be about his singing, which he might get past a lot faster/instantly as that's really down to the presence of his mother/sister.)

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Younger Skye: *holds out hand* Right, let's go! Don't want to keep my brother waiting!

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Younger Fluffy: *smiles and holds hand, thinks* I wonder if considering the past of your father as brother is correct...

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Younger Skye: *looks at Fluffy* What's on your mind Fluffy?

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Miles: The spare one should be all I need, I'll make the rest when I get home. Plus, Mina and Melody don't work on machinery that could endanger them and I don't think there's something that could break their bands on their routine.


Tails: The coding, hmm let me rewrite this part and allow for this coordinates which are...*Tails clicks his time watch and places the location of his home and time in the holograph keyboard the watch created, giving him the coordinates*....year 3237 P.X.E. and New Mobotropolis...coordinates 32.899 |^ 2288.7|] .00039....

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Younger Skye: *reaches Tails* Hey bro. How's it going?


Older Skye: Don't forget Melody's a Freedom Fighter. She might need one sooner rather than later. *pauses* And NO, that isn't a hint!

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Tails: Oh, I'm just modifying the files so you can have the coordinates to travel into my present. But I still need to change the energy file regulator to allow more energy input to open the portal, but first I'll need you to open the energy storage.


Miles: Calm down Skye, she will probably never be a freedom fighter nor you, I revealed to Shadow about his future as a dictator and he promised not to do so, and I somewhat trust his word. So maybe there might be a time shift...

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Younger Skye: *sits down and smiles* Sure thing. *pulls out tools. Points at section of band* T-this bit?


Older Skye: *smiles* I think Melody might be disappointed to hear that. But even without Shadow, I doubt everything will be peaceful completely

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Tails: *turns* Yup, that's it, unscrew it and I'll tell you what to do. *turns back to screen* Running files *runs files* Whoops, a small typo *corrects it* There...


Miles: No peace can't be kept without there been a struggle for it...

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Younger Skye: Got it *starts unscrewing* Better fix that typo. Otherwise I could end up arriving before you're born. Then I'd be your Uncle or something!


Older Skye: *nods* There's always something seeking to disrupt it.

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