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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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Younger Fluffy: What'd by your favorite thing we've build, eh?

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Younger Skye. I don't know. We haven't built it yet!

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Younger Fluffy: still... We made my wish *looks around the factory* what is yours?

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Younger Skye: M-my wish...? *thinks* I... I don't know...

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Younger Fluffy: something? I mean, what do you like and want the most?

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Younger Skye: *looks down* I never really thought about it

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Younger Fluffy: hmm.. what's the first thing that comes to your mind when I said 'something you really like?'

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Younger Skye: *looks up at Fluffy. Blushes* I... think you mean besides that...

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Younger Skye: *turns red* I'm looking at her.

(ooc: I'm drowning in the syrupeness!)

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(ooc: LOL sorry XD)

Younger Fluffy: *blushes then pushes* aww, mr cheesy, you know you already have me! Something else now.

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Younger Skye: *giggles turning red* Well, there was space stuff...

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Younger Fluffy: Holy molly, Skye, you're red again! And so, I guess you get what you wanted!

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Tails: Yup, everything is set, the screen is confirming that. Time to reinitialize the flow of energy on the new receptors.


Miles: Sure, it hard to do stuff with only one hand.

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Younger Skye: *to Fluffy* I think we both did *To Tails* Great. Let's hope it works. *comes round to watch screen*


Older Skye: Okay, let me... *takes screwdriver and starts unscrewing*

(ooc: Hmm, maybe Miles should get a little blast of new memories when the band comes off. Just not enough to know about the bad thing that's gonna happen.)

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(Ooc: Hehe, why not?)

Tails: Initializing flow of energy. *types codes, and a sound of electrical current is heard from the bands that starts stabilizing until the sound banishes* That's it, I think. Let me double check the Exception class. *opens the file and runs it* Yeah, everything seems to be online.


Miles: The new bands require a code to remove them, since just pressing the sides would be a liability when wearing it.

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Younger Skye: Great. So I'm all set to time travel then?


Older Skye: Thats good. Other wise they could pop off at the worst times. *finishes undoing the screws* there, it should come off now.

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Tails: Both of you are, but we first have to return to your time period and then ask your dad if he would let you.


Miles: *starts removing band* It seems like it worked, I'm not dissap....*sudden rush of memories flow into the mind of Miles, making him have a strong headache on the process* *holds hand to head* I don't remember hurting this much when the first time change happened, and it seems to be only a fraction of the memories underway. It's a good thing, otherwise the pain would be unsupportable.

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Younger Skye: I'm sure my Dad will! *winks*


Older Skye: Are you alright Dad? hmm, maybe it hurts more because the memories are happening at the same time.

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Tails: *laugh a bit* Yeah. I will, I mean, he will. *winks back*


Miles: Yeah I'm alright, it seems as if a whole episode of my life had been altered, and somehow you where involved. Have you receive any memories so far?

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Younger Skye: *laughs* This is getting a little confusing!


Older Skye: *shakes head* None at all yet, expect for the occasional feeling or flash. By the sound of things whatever the younger us are planning seems to happen.

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Tails: Yeah, it is. *laugh as bit* Hmm, shall we start packing up?


Miles: Well we're still in existence, so there was probably nothing bad during whatever they are planning.

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Younger Skye: Yeah, lets. I can't wait to visit you!


Older Skye: If it was that bad, I'm pretty sure you'd have recalled something like that first.

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Tails: Okay! But first let's put the cover back in place while I save and exit all these program systems and files.


Miles: They'll probably come in time, I hope.

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