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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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(ooc: I like that idea. I guess he'd start teaching Skye how to fly and maintain it once he thinks his skills are good enough, then give him the keys for a birthday git or something)

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(Ooc: And since Miles seems to be too 'occupied', well, Tails could teach him, and then Miles will give it to him....Skye could be the only exception to Tails' Tornado)

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(ooc: Well, given the whole 'little bro' thing that's coming about that does make sense)

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(Ooc: Yup, that was the intension, but I might still put a bit of Tails' attitude in matters to the Tornado)

Tails: Yep, it my pride and joy, but you're my little brother, aren't ya? So I can make an exception on you, plus who is going to take care of it in the future?

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(ooc: makes sense.)

Younger Skye: *grins a little nervously* Thanks big bro. I promise I'll take good care of her.

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Tails: I know you will...

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Younger Skye: *grins giddily at Tails confidence in him*

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SJ: We got lost the others minutes ago, how can you know where they're at?

Seviper: I'll sniff them out

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*Tails smiles back at Skye, then continues observing the holo-screen*

Tails: The screen will signal when you unplug the current cables and when the new ones have been integrated.

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Younger Skye: Got it. *starts connecting the new cables, taking it slow but not making any mistakes.*

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*observes Skye and Fluffy, hoping they don't notice*


Miles: Maybe I should install this on me *referring to the new time armband*

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Younger Skye: *still not looking up* Am I doing it right Tails?


Older Skye: Good idea. But don't deactivate the old one till the new one if fully up and working.

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Tails: You're doing just fine.


Miles: Of course. *Presses the parallel sides of the time-band, which makes the device expand in in size* Looks like I kept this function on this one *Miles removes his glove and slides his hand and arm inside the band, pressing the sides of the band to return back to its original volume*

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Younger Skye: *grins again* Thank's bro!


older Skye: It works better than a clasp.

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Miles: Yeah, if I read the blueprints right then it should auto initialize in about now *new band makes a fast high pitch sound that starts banishing* It should be set. Now with the old one. *Miles reaches for his pocket in his belt and takes out a unique screwdriver and starts unscrewing* This is the reason why I modified the structure on the new one, since it's hard to remove the old one.

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Younger Skye: There, finished. I think.


Older Skye: Would it be easier if I did that?

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SJ: I don't think that's the way

Seviper: Probably right

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Younger Fluffy: *to Tails* We're done with this band.

Older Fluffy: *goes to Seviper* searching for someone?

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Younger Skye: See Fully. You're not stupid at all. You managed to do all that easily!

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Younger Fluffy: *looks down, blushing* well, my elder self helped me and *hugs Skye* and I loved it, promise me you'll teach me all this!

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Younger Skye: *smiles warmly* Of course I will. I'd love to. I'm so glad you like this as well. *looks around* You know, I'm beginning to think it wasn't me who made this factory! *winks at Fluffy*

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Younger Fluffy: *smiles back* Wouldn't it be great, another thing for both of us to do together! And hehe, yeah. Maybe we made it together *blushes at the wink*

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Younger Skye: *smiles* I'm sure we've built a lot of stuff together.

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Younger Fluffy: *blushes and bit and giggles a bit at the comment*

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Younger Skye: *breaks into giggles as well*

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