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So why don't we find a way to make it come true?

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Ummm. how?

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I dunno. But there HAS to be a way.

Chaos energy can do anything after all!

You think that could work?

Yeah, I think so.

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Ummm... I guess... That could do the trick.

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At the very least...

...its worth a try


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Yeah... I guess so. Though I feel something's gonna be off.

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Why should it be off?

If something does go wrong we could fix it.

But if you don't want to try you don't have to.

It's your choice.

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Nah. What's a little adventure without some thrill? Bring it on! XD

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Uh yeah. I meant. Yes. Let's do it. xD

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Wait. So ummm. Who are we gonna contact for the chaos energy thingy?

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(RP alert)

Heh, yeah, I'd do anything to make Inuki happy :3

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(I was wonder when someone would flay that up... erm..)

Well uh..

Not off the top of our heads.

But I'm sure we can find one if we look.

Dad and his friends always seemed to!

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We'll find one. Just takes time

(Poor Venus Fly Trap. It's bad for it's health

And sorry Centaur man, we seem to be somewhat turning this into an rp...

Oh, and apparently some light rping is okay. But it must be LIGHT rping. Let's not make this serious or Cheery will troll us)

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That poor poor venus fly trap.

He didn't deserve that!

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And sorry Centaur man, we seem to be somewhat turning this into an rp...

Oh, and apparently some light rping is okay. But it must be LIGHT rping. Let's not make this serious or Cheery will troll us)

...Uh what? an RP? Sorry I wasnÄt online for the rest of the day because there was a lot of stuff to do, so what is going on?

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Um, were trying to find a Chaos Emerald.

So Inuki can be seen and therefor petted by everyone.

Oh, and the internet glitched.

So there is now two of me!



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Basically, what Skye said

We've made this a temporary role play... somehow

It shouldn't last forever

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Wait... you mean....

...one of us is going to disappear?

*both Skye grab tails*

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