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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Thanks Hope," replied Melody as she took her drink. "Aside from dragging Skye away from Tikal for a few hours, what'cha want to do today?"


"Yeah, I guess so. Who'd have thought it?"


"Strange, the system doesn't seem to be really damaged," muttered Miles.

(Occ: And the sad part is, even though Miles might believes what he says, Hope is correct)

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"No problem. And I might investigate this desert region. Ghosts are an interesting phenomenon."


"I know. Do you have much in the way of hobbies?"


"Surely that's a good thing."

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"You do like your g-ghost's, don't you?" said Melody, shivering slightly despite the warm sunny day.


"Well, I tried going for the department basketball team, but unfortunately that was a kinda closed group. Swimming as well. And, well... I did like gardening when I had a garden."


"It save's us work. But it does raise the question of why this place was abandoned if the project worked," replied Miles

(ooc: Because someone blew a hole in the wall and let the were-hogs in! :P )

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"I think I like the way it looks like." Said Tikal. Now to get some real furniture...."


"Well, Now that you are done scaring Zamy, how about we all go eat something? I don't remember us eating a breakfast at all."

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"I guess I do. But I know you don't so I'll pass. I'd rather we spend it together."


"You were certainly active then."


"Clearly something happened here. This place looks a wreck in places."

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"Yep. So, I was thinking that I'd summon the walls coverings so they'd fit perfectly, then, well, we could either go shopping for it, or I could summon it, though that might take a while."


"N-no, I you want to go I'll come," said Melody. "I'll just need to make sure Dad doesn't find out."


"I tried to be. Had to keep in shape. And I don't think I'm scaring her Glen, but breakfast does sound good."


"Yeah. Maybe something happened with the were-hogs that used to live here."

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"No it's fine. On second thought it's best to go when I actually have properly prepared.


"Good point. And no I'm not being scared, but yes I could go for breakfast as well."


"Certainly not a pleasant way to meet your end."

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Melody nodded, trying not to let on just how relieved she was, though with their link that would probably be impossible. "So do you wanna prep today then? Or got other plans?"


"There were some nice looking places at the beach," suggested Ziona, "and we could keep an eye on some of our wards from there."


"Not at all," said Miles, shuddering. "Thankfully the curse seems to have vanished so we don't need to worry about it."

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"No I haven't got any plans in mind. You?"


"Alright then. Sounds like a plan."


"That's good to hear. My bubble is inpregnable but they would still be an unwanted nuisance."

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"Not really I'm afraid," replied Melody with an apologetic smile. "I do want to visit the aquarium, but I also wanna save that for a family trip. Aside from that.... something that I haven't done before. Or we could just relax on the beach."


"I'll just get changed into something more suitable," said Ziona, heading to her room.


"Impregnable?" asked Miles with a cocked eyebrow. "That must come in handy."

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"Something you haven't done before..... I could see if you could come to the UF if you wanted. It's certainly a lot different from here."


Zamy nodded to Ziona.


"It does, no matter if it's physical or magical, nothing can harm me in here."

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"Hey, yeah! That'd be cool," replied Melody.

(ooc: Poor, poor Zamy...)


A few minutes later Ziona appeared in t-shirt and shorts. "All ready?" she asked.


"That's quite impressive. Especially the way int's in such a compact device. How does it work?" asked Miles.

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"Alright then. I'll just have to clear it up with everyone first, get you a permit. And you should probably tell the new Zone Cop as well."


"As I'll ever be. I hope they take cards."


"That's privileged information."

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"Ah yeah. She seems a little less cool about the whole thing that Ziona does. Or that might just be because Ziona is rather occupied with 'other' things," said Melody.


"Guess we'll find out, but so far I haven't had any trouble," replied Ziona.


"Have it your way then," said Miles with a shrug, inwardly cursing.

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"It is her first day and she wasgreeted with shrieks and howls after all. Can you blame her for being a little edgy?"


"Good to know. Lead the way."


Hope went back to her work, content Miles would do the same.

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Melody became suddenly very interested in her glass of lemonade. "Yeah, it wasn't the best of starts for her."


"Sure thing. It's just a few steps from the hotel so we won't need to go far," said Ziona.


Miles glanced after Hope as she left. 'Blocks magic eh?' Miles thought to himself. 'There has to be a way I can use that shield of yours to my advantage'

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"There's still time to put it right though."


Zamy followed Ziona out the door.


Hope continyed looking through her box, setting aside instruments for her planned tests.

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"True. Should I get her an apology card or something?" Melody asked.


"So Zamy," began Ziona as the reached the beach, "is this your first time in the Prime Zone?"


Miles, making sure he wasn't being watched, made some adjustments to the remote link for the portal.

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Glen spent his time Following the girls, Simply looking at Zionna. At least , she wouldn't be bored anymore...


"Onnly the best !"Said Tikal happily.

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"I think that might be a little too much but it's on the right track."


"Yeah it is. Before this I've only read dossiers here and there," said Zamy.

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"Hmm, which one would be best," pondered Skye.


"Actually, I don't think I've even had a chance to say sorry to her yet," Melody realised.


"Same here. I'm guessing from what you've been saying the island isn't exactly living up to your expectations!"

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"Or maybe things calmed down for us?" Said Glen."That would be nice for a change."


"Try to make a list, and we'll choose together."Said Tikal.

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"It's fine, she'll understand."


"Well it's not a total surprise to me actually. I don't mind the island in itself, just the power structure. And the fact it looks to be echidnas or nothing judging by the crowds."

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"Then again, you are living on the last known place with echidna living on it." Said Glen."And if you look closely, you can see some other species, like this dingo over here, or this cat girl there, very cute..."

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